Yeah, I'm posting the news. You gotta problem with that? :P
SpANG at Oct. 20, 2007, 11:31 a.m.
A new creator interview is up! The lovely skoolmunkee has interviewed Inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu for you reading pleasure!
What are the pros and cons of doing a comic that runs as long as yours has?To read the rest of the interview, CLICK HERE
Well, the pro is that I can get more hits from one guy reading through the archives than some people can get from all their readers checking their front page in a day, the downside is that you tend to improve so much by the end that the old ones become downright embarrassing. Also, some people just don't want to take the time to read 1300 comics, so I lose some potential readers from it.
And now, some milestones and promotions…
Seelinkrun11 says that Mystery World has reached 25 pages. Great job!
On Oct. 22 Hyperactive Comics turns 1 year old!!! To celebrate, there will be daily updates starting on Oct. 20, the BIG announcement of the Image Comic star who will be joining the cast (Here's a hint: He's patriotic but not necessarily from America!) and the conclusion of the "Who killed Engine Boy" storyline!
Fuzzyrobot's Yamete Kudasai has hit 100 pages, and in honor of that, there is a 100-panel special mini-story going on… it will carry on until the 31st, updated every day, so check it out!
The Random Archives of TJ hit the 100 mark recently. therealtj tells us that this shows that the comic is is not dead, but very alive, and very well. Yay!
Starting Monday, October 22, Skippy: The Happy Go Lucky Neighbor will be doing HALLOWEEN THEMED STRIPS! Not only that, but Joe Vegas is assuring us that something VERY SPECIAL is planned for their #25 strip posting This coming Friday, October 26!
The amazing Purgatory has reached 150 pages! Wow! Great job, thip!
After alot of work and sweat and tears…Dumok and ArteestX (the creator of the web comic Xolta ) present the First issue of "A Call to Destiny: A Gathering Storm" Now being sold on ArteestX MASTERFULLY rendered this comic and did a KICK ass Job Doing it. Along with My colors and Story, This promises to be a very awesome collaboration. The Printed Comic is available for $10.96 (USD) while the Down loadable version is available for $3.95 (USD). Spread the word and Pick up a Copy today.…Xolta and A Call to Destiny are rated A (Adult) so, here are links to the creators Dumok and ArteestX
eyesoftheblackk's Barely Dead is going up for one last final time on this site. Though it kept going and constantly changed from site to site, its finally back to its original home on the Duck! Also…
I am holding two contests. For the times I am out of ideas or don't have script for episodes, I will be taking any fan stories provided they can make over 10 pages. Anyway my other, more important contest, every person who gets me to 50 comments (every 50 i.e. 50, 100, 150) will get a special character as one of Evory's victims.Peipei tells us that The Faction has reached 250 pages! GREAT JOB!!!
Phantom Penguin's Politics: The Tanker's Way is hitting number 100 Monday! WAY to go, PP!
Estatic Gods by Kali D is also hitting 100 come Saturday. Fantastic, then!
Remember guys, skoolmunkee is away for a while you submit your news pieces to SpANG, Black Kitty, Ronson, or ozoneocean!
Alright. Let's be careful out there.
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