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Moonlight meanderer

Ciabatta is delicious

skoolmunkee at May 5, 2008, 6:03 a.m.

Did you know that the Drunk Duck Anthology (Volume 3) is now for sale? Well it is, and everything in it has been contributed by DD members! Visit the link to purchase it- and enter the code "drunkard" to get 25% off!

Aussie_kid's Golden Gamers has reached its 500th page! What would that translate too in anniversary terms I wonder? If 25 is silver and 50 is gold… 500 must be something pretty awesome.

God of Destruction has hit 125 pages! Congrats!

Creephunter by Mike Wood and Barry Linck will reach its 25th page on Tuesday! Woo!

royduncan100's The Villain Next Door has reached 25 pages, and is also starting book #2!

Turning 100 is Temple of a Thousand Tears by trevoramueller!

After the death of most of their party, the swordsman leads an attack on the Holy Order of Abraham and only to find that they have walked into a trap. Now, as Shiri battles the evil Cardinal Milikin to the death, the swordsman faces off against the man he's been searching over 2 years to find: the man who killed his family!


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Moonlight meanderer

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