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Moonlight meanderer

Thursday news!

skoolmunkee at April 23, 2009, 2:39 a.m.

The Chronicles of Wyrden by Doctor Shadow and Gill hit 150 pages today!

Also today, ghostrunner's Grin n Spirit has reached 450!

Kohdok's for Your Eyes Only turned 2 years old yesterday! "It's almost 400 pages and over 800,000 pageviews! Ha!"

Comicdeoxyribonucleicacid, which is about sexy naked lesbians living in a world that doesn't understand them, has hit 75 pages.

Lastly, Black Kitty and I were guests on last week's Webcomic Beacon podcast and we talk about Drunk Duck and stuff, until I am killed by the axe murderer who came to my door- then it is just Black Kitty. :]


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Moonlight meanderer

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