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Moonlight meanderer

Server move 2nd try, this weekend

skoolmunkee at Dec. 15, 2009, 11:25 a.m.

OK, it looks like they are going to give the server move a second try over the coming weekend. This should give you time to prepare! The move has to be done, and we think the weekend is the least busy time of the week, especially with the holidays coming up.

It's likely that the site will be 'frozen' again, and if people do manage to make any changes (like with comic pages uploaded in advance), those changes will disappear once the server move is complete.

Edit: I'm told that the site will be frozen again around 9pm PST (midnight EST, 5am GMT) on FRIDAY, and the server move should be done Monday morning by 8am PST (11am EST, 4pm GMT).


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Moonlight meanderer

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