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Moonlight meanderer

Monday's news!

skoolmunkee at March 16, 2009, 2:52 a.m.

More round 6 Interviews today GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!
Round 6: kitty17 interviews Crocty of Frank and Vinny! GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL

Mafia 4 needs YOU! Games 1, 2, and 3 were all great successes- but the Mafia won round 3! Are you townies gonna let them get away with that? Stand up for your town (and possibly also get a special role and/or killed) in the next round!

usedbooks has two announcements!
Today, Geotology is 25 pages long!
On Tuesday, Used Books will have a massive 700 pages!

After "like a billion years of hiatus," I Fell Down the Stairs will reached 400 pages tomorrow!

Tomorrow, alejkhan's Lola will reach 400 pages! "Instead of the fake 400 pages I thought it had reached when I counted from 359 to 400, because I apparently forgot how to count." Well, we all make mistakes.

Some random notes about the forums:
If you are posting in the forums, please make sure that you are following any forum rules. If a subforum has rules, it will be in a red stickied thread at the top. General all-around forum rules are found in the General Discussion subforum! We don't get too crazy about the rules, but it does get noticible when they're not followed often enough.

If you have a complaint about another forum poster, maybe you should talk to them about it, rather than just complain about them in another thread which they may not even see? :]

Same rules apply: No spam, no pointless spam replies like 'I'm hungry' in a thread about art stuff, no necroposting unless you've got something really great to say about the subject, no baiting other users or being excessively antagonistic, stick to one of your user accounts on the forums. We can and do forum ban people if they can't behave themselves on the forums.

If anyone saw my 'any mods or admins around, please help clean up the bugs forum' newspost- please note that was NOT a reflection on the other mods or admins! We just had 7 pages of botspam pop up and as I had to run to a meeting, I didn't have time to delete it all myself - nor did I have time to send 10 individual PQs. Our mods and admins do a great job, I was just trying to catch the attention of whichever one signed on next. :]


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Moonlight meanderer

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