This newspost is delicious but it is filling!
skoolmunkee at Nov. 22, 2009, 10:46 a.m.
A new DD member interview! This one is conducted by ifelldownthestairs, a champion of a man, who always is happy to help out around the house and fill in for folks when slack needs to be picked up (as was the case here, as taradaga's original partner vamoosed). Also he always comes up with great questions! Anyway, ifelldownthestairs interviews taradaga of Good Taste - and I must say she gets props from me for mentioning two of my favorite comics. :] Ni hao ma, taradaga?
1. I read in Good Taste's about section that you live in China. How is it there? Was learning the language as daunting as they say? Also, any particular reason why China?Don't forget we have three interviews posted last week just waiting to be read and commented on!
I actually moved back home to Canada in July, so I suppose I have to update my about section! I really loved China a lot and would recommend it to anyone. The people are, for the most part, super friendly, and the country is amazing. A lot of beautiful things to see.
The language is also very beautiful but I didn't learn as much of it as I wanted. This was partly because of the priorities I had when moving there, which was living on my own in another country, and working on my creative projects. I learned enough to get by, but I also cheated a lot because one of my best friends there was fluent in the language. I think I know more than I think I do, though.
I moved to China as a foreign teacher, teaching children. China was recommended to me as a good place to go when you are just starting out as a foreign teacher. That, and I'm a huge fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. (Ridiculous though it sounds!)
JustNoPoint interviews gullas of Bobby the Fetus!
Evil_Hare interviews Chernobog of Arachnid Goddess!
Chernobog interviews Evil_Hare of Jake the Evil Hare!
Speaking of interviews, JustNoPoint is looking for people who want to get involved with a new interview project. Essentially, this group of people would be organized around the idea of interviewing those people whose comics get featured. The more (reliable!) people, the less often everyone does one- so 4 people would get to do one every other week. These would be shorter than the current DD member interviews (5-10 questions), will give the featured comics a little more spotlight, and get the interviews some positive community attention! (But you still don't get to find out who's going to be featured ahead of time.)

And the related tangent (of community projects) is Drunk Duck Secret Santa 2009! Organized by BlkKnight, you've got til December 4th to sign yourself up to participate in the giving-and-receiving tradition of fanart. :] This is always good fun (deadbeats from previous years not allowed!) and is a lovely way to to show somebody that even if you didn't know them before, you still care!

dueeast is announcing a contest!
I've decided to have a contest to determine the cover for Mighty Dreadful Multi-Colored Shapeshifting Warriors, Season 2! By now, the comic is far enough along that, once you read this single issue (19 pages so far), you will know the story and all the characters.
Requirements are at this page! (including the email address to send submissions)
Deadline is Sunday December 13th and I will announce the winner that week.

Today, All Saints by Dave7 and JSCervini hits the 75 page mark!

Prototype announces that the "dirty" comic Busty Solar has reached 100 pages! "That is 100 pages of bad jokes and potentially naughty stuff." Sounds like a party. :]

Kemono Densetsu by Inoshishi has reached a nice round 100 pages!

At 200 pages is Brogan's Arctic Blast!
Oh, and I put some of the older storylines into video format on YouTube as well just to try something different with the strip.

kyupol's MAG-ISA is at 300 pages!

On Friday, grin-n-spirit by ghostrunner reached a big ol' 600 pages!
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