The battles commence, a true patriot will support the fighters! (And some milestones too)
skoolmunkee at Oct. 26, 2009, 1:45 a.m.
Do you like sketch battles? Ones where your fellow community members have volunteered themselves to duke it out for your entertainment, gratification, and praise? If you don't, you're a dirty communist! So if you'd like to show your fear-induced sketchbattle patriotism, head on over to The Pen is Mightier, a community project run by JayFantastico, which sees its first round this week and will need some voting! Voting like red commies don't do!
Our collective battles on "The Pen is Mightier" will start on the 26th and we'd like it if we can drum up some business for people to go vote for the best battles on the 26th. The battles will be m-w-f every week until the round robin is done and then it'll be head to head for the two top voted for comickers. All of us at TPiM would appreciate it if they can get some recognition for their efforts. Plus, if this is a success we'll be doing more of them with new creators every series.

On Wednesday October 28, ZAKtheGeek's Pyro Icon reaches page 400! 400 is a lot. :]

Shades has just passed 200 pages! And, speaking of centuries, the latest page is looking in on the 16th, so expect lots of swords, men in armour and burnings at the stake. Long live good Queen Bess!
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