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Moonlight meanderer

A small newspost but a good one!

skoolmunkee at Dec. 19, 2010, 11:56 a.m.

On Monday, Jix by Sameth reaches 550 pages! He's also doing a Christmas special - so check it out!

Everybody go on and read this interview, it's hilarious!
Pieguy259 interviews Nergal of Why Does Everyone Hate My Guts!

Pieguy259: But seriously, folks. Tell me a bit about yourself. Who are you? What are you doing in my house? And what, besides the clockwork, makes you tick?

Nergal: The answer to all three is cheesecake. You really shouldn't leave any by your window. You should probably install some better security too. I also like comics. They make my world go 'round. Especially if they involve cheesecake. I'm not a giant fat guy if that's your next question…*ahem*

Pieguy259: My next five, actually. Damn. Erm… *flips through pages* When I looked at your profile page for the first time, I was boggled by your huge rack.

Nergal: What? I took that picture down!

Pieguy259: …Of comics! Your rack of comics.
While you're there, why not check out and comment on some of the other interviews, too?


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Moonlight meanderer

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