Okay guys! I hope you have your special EXCITEMENT PANTS on...
skoolmunkee at Oct. 1, 2010, 12:13 p.m.
…because today's news is PRETTY EXCITING!
I wear my excitement pants every day.
Mafia XXXV: Babes, Booze, and Bullets is taking signups! Looks like a good ol' prohibition-style gangster fun time! You know the drill - SO SIGN UP ALREADY!
CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS by shaneronzio hits 1400 pages today! 1400 pages! IS THAT NOT AWESOME?!
On Sunday, MageeJabberwock's Daryl and Susie reaches 200 pages!
–> Keep it PG-13 level. Comic strips are allowed. If you submit something that
has adult content, your fanart may not be displayed in its original form. Fanart
with adult content will be edited as I see fit (i.e. blurring out private parts)
when it gets posted. However, that DOES NOT disqualify you from winning
the prize.
–> If you cannot draw, written fanfiction is allowed.
–> You must submit the following by email (click âcontactâ) or pm:
a) Your fanart (or fanfiction).
b) Banner AND link for your comic / blog / website. (728x90) If you
cannot draw or design a banner, a text link will be done instead.
–> Submission deadline: October 31, 2010
–> The winner will receive a month of leaderboard advertising at the top of this
comic right underneath the disclaimer. This comic has 300+ regular subscribers
and often enters the top 10 of drunkduck.com. This is a good way to advertise
your comic / blog / website.
–> All contestants will have their work displayed one page update at a time
together with a link to your comic / blog / website.

Deadfingers by Peipei has reached 550 pages and counting! WE LOVE YOU PEIPEI *flail*

Today, Friday October 1st, Pegwarmers by Sameth sees its 150th comic!. He doesn't know if he's doing anything special for it or not! HE HAD BETTER DECIDE SOON!

I illustrate a small comic known as 'I got it in my mouth'. I haven't got a whole lot going for me except perfect grammar, varied vernacular, and a plethora of dick jokes. I barely fall under the criterion for a featured comic (not being adult rated seems to be a boon). However I'm just about to pass 200 comics and request a tiny mention in a future news post.YOU WANT IT YOU GOT IT!!?! !

JazylH's recently-featured The Beast Legion has crossed the 50 page mark! (And JazylH announces it's now 60th in the overall comic rating!) Not bad! NOT BAD?! IT'S GREAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU OKAY I'M SORRY STOP STOP HURTING ME

I just ordered a number of copies of my book, and I figured I would have to do something fun and give a copy away. So, I thought a fan art contest would be fun. (Because I love fan art, and everyone loves prizes and self-promotion. :) )WHAT UP USEDBOOKS I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND I'M ANNOUNCIN THIS
~Let's go with a "friendship" theme.
~Entries must contain at least two Used Books characters. (They don't have to be central characters or good guys.)
~Keep it plausibly canonical. (It's okay to be hypothetical with relationships and what-ifs.)
~Bonus points for recognizable UB settings (or scenes/scenarios)!
~The rating must be UB appropriate. T+ please! (Basically anything that would pass in a PG13 movie or primetime network TV.) I have to be able to post it.
November 6th
A copy of Used Books: Execution ($15 value)
Either upload somewhere and PQ me with the link or email usedbooks@comic.com
All entries will be posted on my main comic with a link to the entrant's own project(s) and will later be moved to my fan art archive, so you'll have some promotion among the regular UB readers. Entries also will be printed in my next book with credit to their creators.
Entries will be judged by my panel of die-hard UB fans – specifically my sister and my friends Gael and Bethany.
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