The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too
skoolmunkee at Oct. 29, 2010, 8:35 a.m.
Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is, to start your Friday off right!
Okay! So first up, we've got lba trying to rally the community to help him with a book idea he'd like to work on (and you can participate/contribute too!) I'm not sure how best to describe it, so I'll just quote a little bit from the thread he made, which you can read to find out everything:
I am putting together The Catalogue of Awesome. And I need your beautiful big brains to help.Surely everyone can think of something awesome, true or not!
What Iâm looking for:
- Images of utmost awesomeness
- Ideas for images of awesome
- Badassery!
- Manliness!

smkinoshita is pretty sure that Super Temps reaches 300 pages this week! He's not counting filler, so I guess that might confuse the total count a bit. But he's sure he'll have 300 pages by Halloween! (He also has a special Halloween pic up currently!)

Are you missing those fancy soaps from your bathroom? If so, ifelldownthestairs may have eaten them. His secret slipped out as he was telling me that I Fell Down the Stairs has reached 750 strips (musta been because his insides were so slippery)

Planet Chaser by ZeroGee has hit 175 pages! Planet chasing sounds like a hard job, planets are moving pretty fast you know. And you can't get too close, because then you'd be falling.

And at 250 pages is Dead Men by Shivie! She called it a 'milerock' which I think is a more solid version of a milestone, and indeed 250 is a pretty good number. Can numbers be characterised?

DarkGesen's Gesen has surpassed 250 pages this week! I ummmmm can't think of anything clever to say right now, I need coffee.

MAG-ISA by kyupol is at 400 pages! Man there's a lot of nice big numbers in this newspost. :] It makes me happy.

In his continuing trend of odd descriptions for his comics, Aleks55 tells me that Important Business has reached 500 "sexy" pages! So what YOU doin' tonight?
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