New collaborative project, Funday Morning milestone, and Abt_Nihil's big print news!
skoolmunkee at Feb. 20, 2011, 5:59 a.m.
Genejoke has a community project announcement!
I have started a new project which i hope will become something of a community effort.
Lite Bites
It is a short story collection and I'm after contributers, be they writers or artists and of any level of ability. There are no genre restrictions, age rating has been set at mature so anything below that is fine naturally.
Gunwallace has submitted some scripts ranging from six pages upwards and I have a few in the works.
If there are any people wanting to make comics but are struggling to get started then we are happy for them to use this as a stepping stone and we will help wherever possible.
Or maybe some creators just want to branch out a bit and try something different. deadlines are not an issue, just keep us in the loop from time to time. Stories will only be uploaded when completed. Links to contributers other works will be put on the comic page so if it gains enough interest it could be a good form of promotion and making contacts for future collaborations.
As mentioned we're after writers and artists, we do have a fair number of scripts but more wouldn't hurt.
The first story wraps up tomorrow and another by Gunwallce and skreem starts on the 21st.

Braddiller's Funday Morning reached 75 updates a few weeks ago! (But he was on vacation so we are announcing it now)
Big big print news!
The "ultimate collection" of signifikat (a sexy/surreal/philosophical sci-fi comic which ran from 2007 to 2010, was featured on dd in 2008 and a "best philosophical comic" runner-up in the dd awards 2010) is now in print! It features all six chapters and prologues from the webcomic in a retouched and relettered version on 150 pages. An additional 50 pages features bonus comics, pin-ups (by dd-award winner alejkhan, JustNoPoint, Ran Brown, Zambi and many more), sketches, two in-depth interviews conducted by alejkhan and commentary pages by myself. That's 200 pages for a mere 12$! (A special introductory price which might go up a few bucks soon.) More info can be found here.
Also, I added Holon #1 (a flip-book also featuring a Tales from the Intergalactic Railway short story) and A.D. 1997 Vol. 2 #1 to my indyplanet store. Here are the covers & links:![]()
Don't forget to combine orders with Shades Vol. 1 and save shipping cost ;-)
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