Lots of community stuff going on right now - get involved!
skoolmunkee at June 15, 2011, 11:14 a.m.
The Summer Art Exchange is ON! Niccea is running a summertime "secret santa" project where folks sign up and do a bit of fan art for someone- and get a bit of fan art in return! Lots of people are already on board- but the signups deadline is June 17th so hurry and sign up!
JustNoPoint is starting up the machinery for the 2011 Drunk Duck Awards! He's started off discussion about the categories- surely YOU have some input??
I just wanna share that VegaX has dug up the old Duck and Quail comics people made years ago and has started reposting them! If you're interested in a bit of DD history, check them out!
And don't forget, you can send in your tryout recordngs for the DD Radio Play being run by ayesinback! There's great entries so far- people are having a lot of fun with this. You can get involved too!
Yesterday, Project GTH by Asbin hit a big 400 pages!
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