QUACKCAST Episode 78 - MoniqueM, art expert part 2
Ozoneocean at May 22, 2012, midnight
This is the second and final part of our interview with our art expert Monique MacNaughton (AKA Coydog), Canadian comic artist extraordinaire! Here I interrogate her thoroughly, ferreting out every artistic secret, tip, trick, and tadpole that she keeps up the voluminous sleeves of her artist's smock or under her artist beret! This is a loooooong, loooooooong interview, and I apologise for being such a dreadful bore, but Monique and even Banes have a lot of interesting and useful things to say! So if you can tune out the dreadful Aussie, this is actually a very useful and entirely bearable Quackcast!
Topics and Show Notes:
Featured comics:
Augustos - http://www.drunkduck.com/Augustos/
Mega Maiden and the Chop Chop Princess - http://www.drunkduck.com/Mega_Maiden_and_the_Chop_Chop_Princess/
The Wilcox Law 1 Daddy's Girl - http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Wilcox_Law_1_Daddys_Girl/
We cover in Part 2:
- Quick intro of Monique MacNaughton and her great comics
- Figure drawing (expressions, hair, scale, clothes, repetition)
- Landscapes (Backgrounds, research sources)
- Collaboration (How, long term, pluses and minuses)
- General techniques (tips, panel layouts, schedules, output, money)
Comics and links of interest:
The Continentals
- http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Continentals/
- http://www.drunkduck.com/GAAK/
Arrowflight Chronicles
- http://www.drunkduck.com/Arrowflight_Chronicles/
Eastalnd Tales
- http://www.drunkduck.com/Eastland_Tales/
UNA Fronteirs
- http://www.graphicsmash.com/comics/unafrontiers.php
Burne Hogarth
- http://astore.amazon.com/burnehogarth-20/detail/0823015521
(book on Dynamic Anatomy)
Monique MacNaughton, guest, expert artist.
- http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Coydog_Experience
Banes, our co-host and editor amazing.
- http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Banes/
Gullas, QC theme.
- http://www.drunkduck.com/user/gullas/
Gullas, QC theme.
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