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Moonlight meanderer

DD’s Twitter Account is Back!

Tantz_Aerine at Oct. 21, 2017, midnight

image by Sam Spratt

As Ozoneocean mentioned in his post yesterday he went above and beyond and he re-animated DD’s twitter at the perfect time for all the zombie jokes ever!

I will be handling the account, and keep it alive- but the idea is for it to be more than that! So today’s newspost is about what I’m intending to do and ask for your ideas and suggestions as well in order to make DD’s twitter a fun one as well as a useful one for all webcomic creators here.

1. first off, I invite you all to follow @drunkduck and of course we will be following back all our members. So please post here or in the FB thread I’ve made or DM me at twitter that you’re a DDer so I can add you.

2. When you tweet about your comic’s update, don’t forget to tag DD so that your update post will be retweeted to DD’s followers.

3. Everything new and all features, updates, milestones and the like will also be tweeted out by DD account so PQ me with your stuff and I’ll tweet about them with a link to your comic!

4. I’m thinking of doing some activity days with hashtags, so what would you like? Some q &a’s? Maybe some games? Events that might happen only for an hour or two, or for the entire day? What would you like?

Let’s brainstorm!


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Moonlight meanderer

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