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Moonlight meanderer


Banes at Jan. 25, 2018, midnight
tags: banes, fandom, thursday

In a world of adapted comic book characters and stories, reborn old franchises, and endless brand-excavation of old TV shows, toys, and video games, our entertainment culture is something different than we've previously seen.

"I.P.'s" are dug up repurposed endlessly, in order to try and make a profit off of 'brand recognition'. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. And it's often a mixed bag.

As a break from watching politics and the dysfunctional state our world sometimes seems to be in, I've sometimes switched over to looking at info on big modern movies and genre entertainment. Figured that would contain less vitriol and lunacy…

…er…not quite the case!

Whether it's a real reflection of fan response, or a very vocal minority, there is MASSIVE disagreement about mainstream fiction, especially when it's a sequel, remake, reboot, or adaptation. Star Wars and Star Trek both have new releases (The Last Jedi and Star Trek Discovery) that are much-debated online. I found this stuff when looking for reviews - it's quite…lively, I guess you could say (particularly the Star Wars stuff).

On the one hand, if things are going to be redone for newer audiences, they HAVE to change in some way. Decisions have to be made on how to update these properties. What would be the point of doing the exact same thing again?

But fans have had decades to grow attached to some of these "properties". They're not just "I.P.'s" or "brands" to these people; they're something that matters to them emotionally and nostalgically.

And that's WHY the brand is worth something to begin with!

It's probably a good idea to start off with some respect for those fandoms when unearthing these old treasures. They will often be the core audience, right? Otherwise, what's the point of revisiting the thing in the first place?

Are there any "fandoms" you're a part of, especially ones that have been "redone" after the version you loved? What did you think of the results?

Have a fine Thursday!

yer biggest fan,



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Moonlight meanderer

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