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Moonlight meanderer

Naming your Child (and by child I mean comic)

Emma_Clare at July 13, 2018, midnight
tags: creation, DrunkDuck, narrative, stories, webcomic

You’ve got your story, your drawn your buffers and you are ready to set your child free and loose in the world. But wait? What name do you put on it’s tag so people know who it ultimately belongs to? Naming a work can be incredibly frustrating and, dare I say, stressful! So here are some helpful tips to help you find the perfect name for your story!

1. Consider your genre and themes
Your chosen genre and theme form the backbone of your story. They often work together to form the overall message and set of expectations that your audience can walk away with. When naming your comic, take these into consideration as people do judge a book by its cover.

2. What’s perspective are you writing your story in?
Is your story from the first or third perspective? Does it have a central protagonist or is it from a larger cast? You might want to name your comic after the main protagonist of the story if it follows just one character. Alternatively, if you have a bigger cast, you can name it after the city, region or even star system!

3. Often times “less is more”!
Think of all your favourite series and begin to pay attention to the length of their titles. Often times they are no more than two or three words long! Try and encapsulate your story in as fewer words as you can.

4. If all else fails… use a random name generator
In the event you are completely and utterly stuck for a name, take a gamble on the random name generators out there and see what they come up with. Sometimes throwing spaghetti to the wall to see what sticks can produce interesting results.

How did you name your webcomic? Did you have a particular process you followed? Let us know in the comments below! And join us on Sunday evening for our Quackchat at 5:30PM(EST).


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