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Moonlight meanderer

Secret Santa 2019 Sign-Ups! (Part 2)

kawaiidaigakusei at Dec. 2, 2019, midnight

Did you know that the last day to sign up for this year’s Secret Santa is Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 11:59 PM? That means this is the final week to decide if you want to join one of Drunk Duck’s longest running community projects and best “pay-it-forward” community projects!

For those that have signed up, assignments go out next Sunday, December 8th, so keep an eye on your mailbox for the official role out to happen.

Big shoutout to usedbooks and THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping this tradition running and alive!!

Usedbook writes:

Anyone up for Secret Santa? For anyone new to the neighborhood, this is an annual DD tradition, although no one is actually in charge, so some random person takes the reign before it gets too late to pull off. Mid-November is starting to push it, so I randomly volunteer because I am desperate for things to do between work seasons, and I Secret Santa is super easy to run. (Also, I copy-pasted most of this from last year, which makes it even easier.)


How Secret Santa works:

~Reply to this thread with your gift request before the end of sign-up deadline.
~When sign-ups close, everyone is assigned a secret random assignment via PQ.
~You will have until Christmas (at least a few weeks lead time) to complete your assigned gift and present it on a gift thread (to be posted later).
~Any gifts not completed by the deadline will be reassigned to a volunteer on the DWC (dead weight committee).

~If you need more time, you will need to contact the organizer (me, I guess) before the deadline or be labeled as “deadweight” and have your assignment reassigned. (Deadweight will not be permitted to participate next year.)



Sign-ups: Now to December 7th
Assignments: December 8th
Gift Deadline: December 25th

DWC Assigned: December 26th
DWC Deadline: January 1st


To participate, reply on the forums with your request (can be as specific or vague as you want). If asking for art of a particular character, links to good reference art/pages are helpful.

Also please let usedbooks know if You are interested in being part of the DWC. We had no deadweight last year, btw, so no one is banned. (We habe a pretty good record for no DW, so yay, DDers!)

Sign up for Secret Santa on the forums here:

Or send a PQ to usedbooks here:

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Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei. Email me at kawaiidaigakusei(at)gmail(dot)com.


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Moonlight meanderer

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