Anthology Deadline Extension and Discord Updates
Ozoneocean at Nov. 29, 2020, midnight
HEAR YE, HEAR YE….Anthology Deadline Extension and Discord Updates
Hey all!
Your friendly neighborhood Pit-Face here! This is an announcement for those that are working on the Anthology project (short story submissions, one off illustrations, cover submissions):
The new due date for all work is on Feb. 1st, 2021.
Continue to work at a steady pace but don’t stress too much and enjoy your holidays.
Secondly, the best place to receive updates about the project is the Discord server, since that’s there the project started. You can link to the server, here:
So if you’re not there yet and you’re working on the Anthology, please try to migrate there at some point. It’s pretty fly, over there on that Discord.
That’s it!
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Login or RegisterBanes at
glad to have the extension - I wasn't going to make it otherwise. My seventh version of a horror story just might be the one!
Banes at
PitFace, i don't know how else to say it - you NEED to EAT!
IronHorseComics at
I love that image, it's just perfect for this article.