Lo-Fi Chill Beats for Creativity
kawaiidaigakusei at March 8, 2021, midnight
Low-Fidelity (Lo-Fi) Chill-bop Music has played a crucial role over the last year in my ability to calm down and feel at ease. Originally used as background music while doing homework or as a sleep aid, Lo-Fi music has been around for a while. The idea is that it layers multiple sounds that have a lower frequency (imagine the sound a record covered in a lot of dust makes when being played for the first time in decades). Some tracks play older songs from a different era, some songs are layered with nature sounds. The two sounds harmonize and create a sound sensation that is both relaxing or uplifting during difficult days.
There are Lo-Fi music station available on most streaming services, but the most interesting ones are being made and streamed live on various platforms by independent and anonymous audiophiles. Some tracks are accompanied by a tranquil image that can transport the listener to a far away place.
More recently, I have been experimenting with layering my own music mixes to create a perfectly curated Lo-Fi experience. First, I start playing the sound of rain on one computer and then across the room, I play an old familiar song nostalgic to my own memories, then I insert the dialogue from a podcast layered on top of the other two. The sound experience gives me the feeling of actively being present while listening to a conversation.
I highly recommend having some Lo-Fi chill beats playing in the background while drawing. It is a great way to destress after a really long day and is sure to inspire creative thinking.
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@Andreas_Helixfinger, it sure is!
Andreas_Helixfinger at
Lo-Fi is life^^