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Moonlight meanderer

Panel By Panel: Patchwork and Lace (Two Beats and No Gutters)

hpkomic at Aug. 26, 2022, 10:47 a.m.
tags: analysis, comic, itsasooz, panel by panel, patchwork and lace

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

Hello everyone, it's been a couple of weeks, so it is time for a new Panel By Panel. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. This week we will turn our attention to the webcomic Patchwork and Lace, by itsasooz. We're going to be looking at the latest update, which is Book 2, Page 239.

I am posting the whole page, but I want to focus on the last panel below… or is it two panels? That is what we're talking about today.

Part of the fun of this sort of analysis of comics on The Duck is it gives me a chance to learn new things and explore the craft. I have been making comics for a long time, but I am not an expert. So if you can chime in the comments with your knowledge, that would be wonderful.

In that regard, I am not sure what to call what is going on in the last panel, but I certainly like it. As you've seen in the title of this article, I see it as two beats with no gutters, and I think we can all see how that works. Typically when we think about comics and panels, we tend to incision gutters, much like the one seen on the top 2/3s of this page of Patchwork and Lace.

However, in the final pair of panels (yes, I consider it to be two panels), we see no gutters dividing the clear change in staging and "camera," for lack of a better term. What we have is, in a sense, an inset panel that depicts a closeup of our two characters and the second shot that pulls away from the intimate scene. Again, two distinct emotional beats here, two panels, but without the hallmark that is the futter that divides them up as we may be used to from time to time.

I am sure there is some sort of obscure term for this exact thing we are seeing, pulled directly from the notes of Jack Kirby somewhere, but I cannot recall the term for my life. What about you? What would you call this?

It goes without saying this setup is very effective, and I think that itsasooz did a fantastic job with this moment, especially in the context of the larger page. Many interesting shots show the scene's intimacy, such as the position of feet depicting their coming closer at the moment.

Excellent work. But as for you readers, have you done anything similar to what is depicted in the final third of this week's page? Share your examples in the comments!

Lastly, be sure to check out Patchwork and Lace!


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