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Moonlight meanderer


kawaiidaigakusei at March 23, 2022, midnight
tags: caveston, Caveston, COMIC, FEATURED, T

“Breaking news,” a voice under the radio static announces, “two children went missing this early evening after leaving the main square. Parents are advised to keep their children at home until more information is available.” The radio signal fades before returning back to the normal schedule. The night before Alan’s birthday also means the one year anniversary since a mysterious disappearance on Halloween, as well as the perfect opportunity to sneak out the back window to meet up with trusted friend, Gritty. The two walk around the dreary sidewalks at night while dark shadows and flashing eyes sneak up behind them. A very sinister visitor is waiting and lurking, as a terrified voice blares, “DON’T COVER YOUR EARS!

The art is fully drawn and painted digitally. The colors are vivid and bright with great attention to background details. Professional lettering and text bubbles.

Sneak out without getting caught and read Caveston by caveston, rated T!



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Moonlight meanderer

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