Character design needs careful planning on all levels: from the character's psyche and personality to their body type, mannerisms, hair, and of course, outfits.
Like in real life, what a character wears is a reflection of their personality and their general situation.
There's a reason why Jessica Rabbit's sparkly dress …
The dream of money has to show up in fiction, at least to some degree - it's a very human driver/motivator.
Last week i talked about characters who are motivated by money. Here are some more thoughts on money and some of the different ways it's handled in different fictions. …
Emily Thompson is a college student, but also a super hero with incredible powers! We get to see what she can do in the awesome prologue to "Goldstar Of Wishes and Miracles" as she competes in a battle royal for her very life on a strange alien planet against a …
I wanted to do an easy and fun one this week and just chat about our fave superhero movies, starting with our firsts! For me and Banes it was Superman with Christopher …
Sender: Sleeping_Gorilla Subject: Summer Games Event
I hope that I am not bothering you. We're doing a Summer Event, artists draw their characters playing volleyball, then all the entries are put into a group picture. We have 18 slots, and only …
Til’ sunset we make A scene to set a void ablaze. Unemployed power on the aftertaste. Til’ sunset we take The primal cant to ring about. Alibied beuty for ears aloud. Til’ sunset we shake For hundreds of days of darkness sake. Shake and shake til’ …
It's common knowledge that a solid origin story will make a character. It'll often also make the story being told. Origin stories can be and often are the foundation for characters and plotlines, since motivations, plot points, and even stakes are set in them.
Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.
This week we will be checking out a panel from the webcomic Android Blues by the user …
*note to self: come up with better title before upload time. don't look like a FOOL again!
First, remember to vote in the Drunk Duck Awards! There's only a week and a bit remaining before the voting booth is closed. Remember, you can vote for the …
Matt is a gurney pusher, and has seen quite a few characters since the first day on the job. Experience an illustrated diary showcasing meeting people looking to be saved in a psych ward; witnessing the saggy, baggy skin of a former adult film actress; and the queasy, hair-raising side …
A and B stories… And C, and D etc. It seems that it's more popular than ever to have stories with multiple concurrent threads. This is when you have a main story …
I’m pretty busy this week so I thought I’d just try out this idea I have for a new series of articles that I’ve chosen to name Poetry Time, where I will be sharing a poem I’ve written and see if it is to anyone's liking. Your opinions and suggestions …
Ok so it's not Halloween and horror stories may not be what you expect in the middle of summer (Midsommar?) but perhaps it's the horror you need in place of the horror that may or may not be surrounding us in real life.