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Moonlight meanderer

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A newspost so big you won't want dinner

skoolmunkee at Nov. 3, 2006, 1:36 a.m.

Hey everyone! Just a freindly reminder, here. Please always try to be constructive and diplomatic with your comments. Drunk Duck is about community, and being hostile towards others totally flies in the face of that.

That being said, a new rule about comments is going into effect as of now. …

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Just a few little announcements

skoolmunkee at Oct. 26, 2006, 12:32 a.m.

Firstly, insanelysane's To Be Loved is beginning chapter 3, and is now in color! (Sorry I'm a little bit late with this announcement!) :)

Secondly, The mediocre one (that's his name not his description) would like to start a new community project called RPGination, which is a round-robin story …

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Volte6 at Oct. 11, 2006, 5:42 p.m.

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know that we have some nice improvements coming to DrunkDuck soon… expect them in a couple of weeks. Nothing HUGE, but we've been listening to your responses and have some planned adjustments we hope will make a lot of people happy!

Also, Cowboys and Aliens …

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Homepage help!

skoolmunkee at Oct. 6, 2006, 1 p.m.

Good news everyone!

I've spent some time poking at the homepage and now I have a few (very ugly) help documents up, for people who want to know more about the homepage before they go messing about with it.

You can read it here.

Two notable things:

1. You can …

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Volte6 at Oct. 5, 2006, 9:38 a.m.

Hey everyone, The Gigcast today contains an interview with your truly… check it out!

They asked a lot of questions about the new and future changes!

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Drunk Duck 2.0: The Upgrade

Volte6 at Sept. 27, 2006, 3:05 p.m.

It's here! The biggest one-shot upgrade to DrunkDuck, ever.

I'm going to cover some high points in this post, but for details on all the upgrades go to the news page - oh yea, we now have a news page!

Editorial Feature: This cycles through 5-featured comics pulled from the …

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A quick Announcement

Volte6 at Sept. 25, 2006, 12:47 p.m.

Dear DrunkDuck Creators and Fans,

As you know last month we moved DrunkDuck onto its own dedicated server. Site uptime has greatly improved, the site is faster than it's ever been, and everything gets backed up once a day!

Then we launched the first major design upgrade since the new …

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Midnight snack news~

Black_Kitty at Sept. 15, 2006, 11:13 p.m.

Because I am so creative with my post title! :D 8-10 hour school days could do that to you.

Just a few quick news articles! Allyn private messaged me a while back to tell me about a contest for her webcomic Tomb of the King! If you're interested in …

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Slipping in some more news~

Black_Kitty at Sept. 7, 2006, 10:54 a.m.

Got a message from Barb who does the fantastic comic Return of the Exile!

Hi! I jsut wanted to let you know, that on our Drunk Duck mirror, we are going to run the eight page Epilogue story that was available payperview earlier this year. We're going to run …

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Moonlight meanderer

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