Charby the Vampirate
Communication Breakdown

Author notes

Communication Breakdown


Isn't it just my luck, I get a lot of lovely comments that motivate the heck out of me, and that's when my computer decides "time to die!" and has to sit in the shop for almost 2 weeks waiting for replacement parts to deliver due to plague, then when it comes back home, the HDMI port my tablet attaches to is unresponsive. Right now I'm employing a $10 "fix" to an indeterminately expensive problem, an adapter that makes the image quality suck but at least I can work with it… and I'm slowly acclimating to the blurry display.
But I would like to thank you all kindly for the wonderful comments on the previous page, that really lifted my spirits!

We didn't actually get to see this disaster "beach date" he went on with Fay, just the underhanded methods she used to get the date (manipulation by crying) and all we really need to know here is it didn't go well. It's one of those lost pages in the sense that I drew the hideous princess swimsuit Fay was going to wear, but never finished the actual page and moved onto more interesting things that were going on.

And about Yiska's new sun hat look for her Tarnkappe!
(Editors note: Henshin means transformation! The music is either Sailor Moon or Power Rangers, you decide!) The ability for an Alp to change the look of their Tarnkappe is not standard issue, this is a special ability granted by her familiar Rooka, the crow skull she keeps on her hat at all times. As mentioned, she only sends the other 2 off to do things, while Rooka remains behind. It's mostly because his enchantments change the color of her hat and her clothes. You may have noticed since her arrival her hat has been purple, black, blue, and now a grayish blue.

Hexavier hasn't been in possession of his "Bunny-demon" form long enough to view himself as a tail-owning entity, therefore he doesn't consider it an important feature to have on his clothes. Yiska is certainly angling for him to change– she keeps hearing about it but has yet to see it from either of them, even with Zerlocke insisting that's their true form.

Also, Hex is totally me at the beach– I will also wear shorts and a shirt over my swimmy clothes even in the water, thanks anxiety!


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