Charby the Vampirate
Biting Back

Author notes

Biting Back


Personal notes: Lemme just uh, crawl up out of the depression hole I've been hiding in for a long while and update this thing finally. The state of things has really been hell on my mental state, it's like I got an upgrade in ADHD. Super-mega ADHD. Working on the next sequence of course, been kinda hating doing art lately not just because of the blurry downgraded monitor display situation still being a thing,(though we might take it in somewhere soon we've been informed there's a good place to take it) but additionally, something in my computer (gremlins?) keeps deciding that while I'm drawing, it'd be a great idea to switch my tools to another function and I have to waste my time trying to get it back to drawing again, because it doesn't even want to respond to the shortcut buttons and sometimes even have to restart the whole computer because it stops even detecting the pen. The good news is, figured out what photoshop's problem is– I need to update my plugin Lazy Nezumi drivers, a fantastic program, but new tablet is being fussy about it. Hopefully getting that working again will make texting things pleasant and easy again.

>_< However things like that which obliterate my hyperfocus have been my bane. Been utterly stuck indoors between the cold weather, avoiding the plague, plague-related curfew, insomnia, anxiety like never before and spending a lot of time playing videos game but feeling guilty about not doing work while I'm playing videos game so stopping to work and then dealing with art failure spirals and going back to videos game for the stress relief. I can't even enjoy doing random non-comic art lately, my patience for computer betrayal is at an all-time low.
I've had good days and bad days for art, but time management has never been a strong virtue for me and gets worse the pickier I get about my own art. Good example of what kinda time trap I'm getting stuck in? I started writing this author's note at 2:30 and it's now 5:44. I had to edit that from 5:30. Ahhhhhgh… just get on with it!


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