Charby the Vampirate
End Of The Trail

Author notes

End Of The Trail


Well, she was close to grabbing her gem last time we saw her, so she's back up and running again. If Jozk hadn't been so focused on getting that snathe to Zeno, he might've bought himself some time by taking the gems with him.

She really was looking forward to making that necklace out of his soul!
Avonlea is right though, he wouldn't have made it this far if it had fallen out on the way here. She hasn't even looked for the snathe yet– since all the other "Faithful" he was working in conspiracy with are dead, who the heck else could have it? He wouldn't just hand it off to some randos, would he? It's too important to trust it to someone else, huh!
In spite of what she says about him, she chose to follow Jozk's bloody trail (though it's a bit more like motor oil to be honest) instead of the singing snathe he previously had on his person, which she tracked him down by before. She assumes he stashed the snathe somewhere and doesn't know she can "hear" it– as she indicated to her partner Malcom who also cannot perceive that. So where ever it is, she's not worried right now about being able to find it and doing horrible things to whomever has it in their possession.
She cannot really track down Jozk's gemstone with her extra senses, so for all intents and purposes he is completely lost to her.


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