Charby the Vampirate
The Real Thing

Author notes

The Real Thing


Hey thank youse so much for the kind words on the previous update! The image link for the anniversary poster died so if you missed it, I re-uploaded the image and it should work now.
I've been in hermit mode for some reasons (not just seasonal depression reasons but that contributes) but I'd rather see story related comments than anyone worrying about me, so don't worry– I'm not burnt out or hurting my health for the comic, trust me. I'm just being picky with my art and letting some criticisms that aren't even leveled at me get in my head anyway.

Sadly that's the last of my buffer for now because I'm in one of those phases of "suddenly, I don't know how to draw anything" and being hyper-critical of my stuff. I even went in and fixed up a few things that were bugging me about THIS page while I was in the middle of typing these very notes! I'm happier with it now though.

And yeah, Zerlocke is willing to get in big trouble only for her, but he's also under the impression that nothing major happened with the snathe while he was out. And yes Claire put it back where she found it because she respects her brother's workspace, she only brought it over to show to Rosebud and see what she had to say about it. Comic-time wise, it's been a fair few minutes since we departed from the sister's company and back to these two. Rosemary only knew it was that thing the other Rose Sisters bothered her about and tried to rope her into a delivery quest when she was trying to get her day sleep, Zerlocke got the further context that someone was killed over it, a detail they conveniently left out. But now that Rosemary knows an Elite is interested in it, the absence might not go unnoticed… but Zerlocke loves his Orycalope Queen way more than he minds getting yelled at by his sister (again). Though this might end up being a slight more trouble than he intended… guess we'll just have to see!


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