I play the violin, and after school I have two choices: Go To My friend's house right acroos from school (if my Parents tell me yes), or take the bus. In orchestra, we have lockers right acroos from the school office, and I was walking slowly to get my violin to get on the bus, when Jonah Helm, a kid from my school tries to trip me from behind by kicking my left ankle. I almost fall down, and right next to Jonah is a kid named Devin DeKlaus, friends with Lakota Yeutter.(All are in my grade, and are all douche-bags). Jonah points to Devin, and says " It was his Idea!", and I ask who really did it.(You have to understand, I was quite pissed, because in my last class, I got an F on one of my assignments) Jonah said"I did", I kicked Jonah in the shin maybe 2-3 times. He said"Stop" so I stopped. Then, Devin tackles me, and starts walking away. I get up, kick at his head,(not even hitting him), then he goes berserk, runs at me, grabs me, and punches me in the face several times.
I ended up getting suspended for two days, same as Devin, for "Disturbing the Peace". And, according to the district rules, if you get in a fight more than one time, you are expelled. Devin got in at least three last year. The office said they only suspended Devin for those two days, because, and I quote, "No teachers saw it." WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE, THE KID WHO THREW THE PUNCHES, OR THE KID WITH A BLACK EYE AND CUT BELOW HIS EYE!!!
Now, Devin's friends are harassing me about it. And it's pissing me, and my friends off, bigtime. (I know I committed some stupid acts in this instance, and I realize this, but can you guys empathize with me?)
And tell me if anything like this ever happened to you. I'd like to know.

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Has Anything This Unfair Happened To You?!!?
When I was in elementary school some kid stole my comic books and he was supposedly the bad tough kid with his leather jacket and feathered hair…no this isn't the seventies…well anyways said kid stole my comic books and I heard it from everyone and I was telling people how mad I was and I wanted them back.
Well at the end of the day this kid comes to my homeroom where I was for the last class of the day and outside the room he calls me out into the hall with his goons. So I went out and he was like, "So I hear you saying I stole your comics."
And I said, "I want them back."
He says, "What are you going to do about it?".
So I just stood there getting madder and madder. He then hits me upside the head. It didn't faze me. I just stood there, getting madder and madder.
He says to me just like that redheaded jerk from A Christmas Story, "What are going to do? Cry?".
So out of nowhere I grab this kid and slammed him up against the locker holding him 2 feet off the ground punching him continually in the gut. I felt so alive.
Then a teacher came and took us to the principal's office. With it being the end of the day, nothing happened to either one of us because the principal for some reason needed to go and the buses were loading up and were leaving.
Needless to say, the kid never messed with me again but I never got my comics back. This kid may have never stole them in the first place. But it was worth a bunch of comics to beat the crap out that kid.
Basically that's how you handle bullies.
Either you don't mess with them. At all. If they test you, just grovel, do not attempt self-respect.
Or you strike first and beat the crap out of him when his friends aren't around. Be prepared to be bloodied. Even if you lose he'll never bother you again.
Of course, if he's the gangbanging type who might have a knife or a gun, I recommend option #1.
Same rules apply to catfights. Those can be just as hardcore.
Schools are so messed up about this kind of thing. At least from my personal experiences.
If I had crushed any of the little weasels I would have been immediately expelled. The schools just don't do enough in the way of prevention, but they have just enough garbage in place to make it a pain for anyone on the receiving end. Should be one way or another, 'Kids should fight and somesuch, it's what they do,' or 'We deem bullying intolerable and will enforce our policy '. 'Bullying is part of life, quit whining and bend over for the little egomaniacs,' just doesn't make sense.
The whole point of letting it slide was that the picked on kid would just fight back, whether they 'won' or 'lost' was irrelevant. They were learning lessons, 'building character'. Now they're just tied to a chair and left to have the snot abused out of them by spoilt little brats that don't even know what a punch sounds like. Honestly, they treated getting slapped like a full on boxing match! Students with flawless haircuts from the fashion mags and thirty dollar hats run around acting like bruisers, because anyone that would have usually slapped them senseless, for shooting their mouths off willy nilly, can't lift a finger because when they do they'll get knocked down left right and centre. Probably even handed to the police, or so the staff threatened, but it seemed like people almost a hundred chances before that.
Things just get worse with worthless parents in the mix, but I think I'll stop there as it's just getting irrelevant, and maybe my school was just one of the extremes.
Yes, I do agree that it's unfair.
I play the violin, and after school I have two choices: Go To My friend's house right acroos from school (if my Parents tell me yes), or take the bus. In orchestra, we have lockers right acroos from the school office, and I was walking slowly to get my violin to get on the bus, when Jonah Helm, a kid from my school tries to trip me from behind by kicking my left ankle. I almost fall down, and right next to Jonah is a kid named Devin DeKlaus, friends with Lakota Yeutter.(All are in my grade, and are all douche-bags). Jonah points to Devin, and says " It was his Idea!", and I ask who really did it.(You have to understand, I was quite pissed, because in my last class, I got an F on one of my assignments) Jonah said"I did", I kicked Jonah in the shin maybe 2-3 times. He said"Stop" so I stopped. Then, Devin tackles me, and starts walking away. I get up, kick at his head,(not even hitting him), then he goes berserk, runs at me, grabs me, and punches me in the face several times.
I ended up getting suspended for two days, same as Devin, for "Disturbing the Peace". And, according to the district rules, if you get in a fight more than one time, you are expelled. Devin got in at least three last year. The office said they only suspended Devin for those two days, because, and I quote, "No teachers saw it." WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE, THE KID WHO THREW THE PUNCHES, OR THE KID WITH A BLACK EYE AND CUT BELOW HIS EYE!!!
Now, Devin's friends are harassing me about it. And it's pissing me, and my friends off, bigtime. (I know I committed some stupid acts in this instance, and I realize this, but can you guys empathize with me?)
And tell me if anything like this ever happened to you. I'd like to know.
That's an interesting tale. You should script it out. And then draw it as a comic.
Has anything like that ever happened to me? Yeah, a few times. I got suspended in 8th grade for drawing and distributing a comic that made fun of the teachers. They finally caught me after my third issue. I had out of school suspension for a week. And in-school suspension (I spent the day in the principal's office) for 3 weeks. I didn't see my classmates for a month.
It backfired though. I became a legend for being so rebellious, and I really had a great time finishing out that school year. So I guess that wasn't all that unfair.
But hey, just recently I was banned from a comic book forum for posting about NINJAS! That's pretty unfair!
Anyways, your story's got a lot of drama in it. Take what you wrote in your first post. Maybe add some extra tidbits to it (like what you got the F on that put you in a bad mood, explain that a bit more with some exposition interspersed between the punching and kicking) and then bust out some dialog and BAM, I think you have a cool, fun, funny comic strip on your hands.
I once beat the crap out of a guy that killed a baby lizard i had in my hand.
I got a week off school, the guy got expelled, the teachers took a liking for me (The guy had all the teachers going nuts) and my dad told me it was ok.
Maybe it wasn't unfair but it was pretty cool.
But i can tell you worse than what you got has happened to me in a more that regular basis and a fight in the school like the one you had it's just a small bump in the road compared to what could have happened.
(I know I committed some stupid acts in this instance, and I realize this, but can you guys empathize with me?)
I feel for you dude, I truly do. If they keep hassling you (and I assume by hassling you mean they keep name calling etc, which I know from experience hurts) I know this is sucky advice but rise above it- you're better than them; the uncultured swine- bet they couldn't play a recorder if they farted into the mouth piece. Okay that was a bit childish but hey! I find when someones been mean to me having other people sit and insult them cheers me up so I hope it works for you too. 'Jonah', 'Devin' and 'Lakota'. No wonder they have to pick fights with people with such dumb names- their parents run completely out of ideas? (Are they popular names across the pond- my ignorance is showing here, and it ain't pretty). Joking aside, if you do respond and he attacks you again make sure it is either a) right in front of the stupid head teachers face or b) on security camera so you have irreputible proof that he hit you (even though a black eye should be enough- are your teachers blind?!) Schools like money, so threatened legal action usually gets a fast response (it worked for my friend). Failing that (see I've exhausted my miniature bag of ideas already) get the little moron by himself and give him a fistful of his own medicine (see what I did there) you might end up in a lot of trouble but its a small price to pay for karma/ kalma (I CAN'T SPELL IT!).
Oh, for irreversible damage to shins, I suggest investing in a pair of shoes known as 'New Rocks'. Ask Byakko - they'll tell you about them.
Drunk duckers need to lighten up- as far as I'm concerned life only gets better after secondary school :)
Also this thread is slightly scary, I had no idea how violent some comic artists can be :nervous:
I whitenessed something like that.
In high school I had this friend Jamie. Well one day this "girl" named Bobby (who was after my boyfriend) called me a b*tch. Jamie doesn't take anything offa anyone so during lunch she walked up to Bobby and was like
"Hey did you call my friend Carly a b*tch?"
Bobby replied "Yeah and you are too!"
Well Jamie told her to shut her mouth or she was gonna have problems. That's when Bobby pulled out her METAL lunch box and broke it over Jamie's head.
Yeah Jamie beat on her until some teachers came along. Well it ended up they suspended Jamie for 5 days for "attacking" Bobby and they DID NOTHING to Bobby. Why? Because Bobby goes to church on Sundays. Sadly my friend Jamie dropped outta high school on the spot becuase it was so unfair!
I whitenessed something like that.
In high school I had this friend Jamie. Well one day this "girl" named Bobby (who was after my boyfriend) called me a b*tch. Jamie doesn't take anything offa anyone so during lunch she walked up to Bobby and was like
"Hey did you call my friend Carly a b*tch?"
Bobby replied "Yeah and you are too!"
Well Jamie told her to shut her mouth or she was gonna have problems. That's when Bobby pulled out her METAL lunch box and broke it over Jamie's head.
Yeah Jamie beat on her until some teachers came along. Well it ended up they suspended Jamie for 5 days for "attacking" Bobby and they DID NOTHING to Bobby. Why? Because Bobby goes to church on Sundays. Sadly my friend Jamie dropped outta high school on the spot becuase it was so unfair!
Jesus that is unfair.
I'm glad I lived in the age of plastic lunch boxes when I got hit with one. :)
Smashed over my head and I was like "oh, that was a mild inconvience."
Because Bobby goes to church on Sundays.
All I can muster is "-_-".
Like maritalbliss said. I've been canned from a job that I loved, my current job regularly craps on the harder-working associates (Which I happen to be one of), I have to pay more on my insurance because I'm a man, someone stole my car once… trust me, bad things happen. Best thing you can do is make good things happen for yourself to counter it all.
Oh, for irreversible damage to shins, I suggest investing in a pair of shoes known as 'New Rocks'. Ask Byakko - they'll tell you about them.I bought a pair New Rock shoes a few years ago! Just because they looked so strange, I had to have them. They were pretty expensive…
Horrible to wear though. Mine have huge thick solid rubber soles. Wearing them is like strapping a brick to each foot T_T
As for unfairness, that's what school is all about lol! Meh, fights were fun and it's nice to get all hairy chested about your fight'n glory daze, but life is seriously better without that sort of carrying on.
Awww, hon. I think that's an adorable story and in ten years, you will too. Life's gonna' get A TON more unfair, welcome to it.
(Okay, maybe not adorable…But, just trust me…tons more unfair to come.)
Nobody ever messed with me physically when I was in school mostly because I had the rep of seriously messing up anyone who did. I brought a whole new definition to cat fight. But I got some awesome emotional abuse from my childhood to look back on that has shaped my character today, but in a good way. Kinda like that Johnny Cash song, "A Boy Named Sue" - gave me the gravel in my gut and the spit in my eye.
Now getting older, that's what was unfair. That's when your friends even let you down. That's when your job drops you on your ass with nothing. That's when you find out you may have to have brain surgery and no one can come stay with you. Social politics may get less violent when you get older, but that doesn't mean they don't get more brutal. You don't have those people to beat up the bullies anymore. But the advantage is growing up with them you end up a lot stronger.
So someday you'll likely thank them for the gravel in your gut and the spit in your eye because without that… Anyone else know this song? XD
I got assaulted and pushed off a stage before a music recital once by a rival player.
It shattered my arms and I lost the ability to play.
I also got kicked hard enough to dislocate my hip at a tournament another time and had to forfeit the rest of the competition. Those are two particularly unfair incidents from my history.
Hhhmmm, I've been the one who tends to get the last luagh, and get away with anything just becuase in the teachers eyes I'm a sweety, but in the student body, I'm a devil. >=3
But what I can say to you kid, is that this will roll over soon for you. As those little fucktards, if they keep this up, they'll just bring hell on themselves. If they want to make fucktards out of themselves, fine, let everyone hate them for it.
But for you, just keep doing your school and band work. You already have friends, as long as you treat your peers like you would want to be treated, you'll have happyness and laidness unlike those fucktards will ever get.
… Really kid, you'll get laid a lot more if you stay smart and in the band… Don't belive me? Just watch.
Needless to say, the kid never messed with me again but I never got my comics back. This kid may have never stole them in the first place. But it was worth a bunch of comics to beat the crap out that kid.
Dude, man, your a hero to us all. *Salutes.* Anyone that even SEEMS to be harmful to the comic book world has to be tuaght a lesson. >=3 You, are one of the greats.
Haha, can't say anything that unfair ever happened to me. Maybe in the case of me versus some teachers, but never with the students themselves.
In fact, I did get in big trouble one time over a "bully" fight. One time, a few students kept calling me names. You know the kind of kids, the ever so hip and "with the times" kids that laugh at anything different to compensate for whatever is horrible in their life with horrible grades and a too cool for school attitude.
Well, they kept on calling me names on and off, hurtful to say the least. I did my best to not say anything which egged them on. Provoking more names.
Enough was enough so I got back at them by personally going up to them and handing them McDonalds Job Applications and refusing to call them by their names. (referring to them as either Janitor, Drive-Thru Cashier, Cook, and Cashier.) I went into a lengthy rant about how they may act tough in a small high-school, but outside those walls they'd be nothing, and considering their grades, the McDonalds down the street could sure as hell need new employees.
Apparently, that was hurtful.
They told some ignorant teacher and I got suspended for a few days. Was it worth it? Of course, they never bothered me again. Was it unfair? Totally.
I hated high school.
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