On another forum there was a funny little exchange because people interpreted a users name differently. Some of the pronunciation were pretty funny and ridiculous, so i was wondering if DD (or TD/whatevs) would have similar results.
Ayesinback: eyes-in-back
Same: saymm
Lonnehart: Lone-heart
Skoolmunkee: Skewl-monkey
bravo1102: bravo aghsfd(like my brain spews gibberish, its weird)
Lefarce: leh-farse
Croi Dhubh: cro-ee duh
Seventy2: seventy-two
Harkovast: Har-VO-cast (yeah it gets switched)
Dark Pascual: Dark-pascal
Blindsk: blind-disk
I realized I was way off on some of these after having to type the names…

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DD Comics!
How does your brain "say" peoples usernames?
Ocean OzoneIt is astounding how much I get that.
I often think Slook-money instead of Skoolmunkee.
Like Leet I say "Ky-you-poll" but apparently it's supposed to be "cu-poll".
For Blindsk I say "Blink sk"
For Seventy2 I say "Svetty two"
Faliat = "Fal-it"
rokulily = "Rock-you-lilly"
I think I read at least half of the names wrong, or used to.
Skullbie: School-bee
I Am The 1337 Master: I am the … Master
Ozoneocean: ozo-cean
Same: Something like Sam-muh , Sam or Samayh
Skoolmunkee: School-monkey
Lefarce: Luh-Farce
Dark Pascual: I tend to read Dark-Pascal too
Blindsk: Blinn-tsk
Kyupol: Ky-you-pool
Im now reading demontales name as
De Mont Ales.
Just because ive been exposed to the idea of radical thinking.
Also Ive had some people getting confused with my past and other account.
A Reaver is A = the initial for Arcadia and then just Reaver.
Frankkerr would get me called Frankerr. Its actually my name. Frank Kerr.
Now instead of explaining other usernames ive had (Which I believe theres another thread for?) Ill contribute to the thread im supposed to be contributing to.
Im listening to… wait… wrong thread.
Skullbie: Skull-bee
Rokulily: Row-ku-lily
Ozoneocean: Ozo Neo Cean (Not really now I cant not think of it like that.)
Niccea: Nis-ee-ah
Ayesinback: It alternates between Eyes in back and A yes in back.
Ayesinback: It alternates between Eyes in back and A yes in back.perhaps I'm developing a split personality because that's how it is for me, too.
so what ARE the official pronunciations?
@ skullbie, isn't it "skull-bee"?
and these:
Croi Dhubh
I really don't know
My head canon.
Ayesinback: Eyes-in-back
Same: Like the word
Lonnehart: Lone-heart
Skoolmunkee: School Monkey
bravo1102: Bravo
Lefarce: Le farce
Croi Dhubh: Croy Dub
Seventy2: 72
Harkovast: Har-VO-cast (I say it switchedfully as well)
Dark Pascual: Dark Pascal
Blindsk: Blind (I don't bother processing the s nor the k)
I Am The 1337 Master: Leet master
Skullbie: Skull-bee
Rokulily: Rock-u-lily
Ozoneocean: Buttface
Niccea: Ni-kee-ya
Kyupol: Kyu-pole
I go by how the name sounds when I say them aloud. However, some names still get me sometimes..
Blindsk = blindskay
Croi Dhubh = Croy Dub
Harkovast = Harvo Kast (Yes… somehow I switch things around too…)
bravo1102= Bravo One One Zero Two
Kyupol = bukol (please don't ask me why… I don't really know, but I correct myself a second later…)
Oh… and while most of you got my username correct, some people have trouble with it… to them…
Lonnehart = Lonay heart/lawnheart -_-
Okay okay let's do this. I'll leave out the obvious ones. HEY GUYS HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE SAME'S NAME?
Skullbie = Skulby, real soft like.
ayesinback = Eyes in back
Lonneheart = Lon Heart
Lefarce = Leh Farse
Croi-Dhubh = Croy Dhub
Dark Pascual = Dark Pascal
Blindsk = Blindusk
Niccea I still says as Nick-E-uh even though she told me it's Neh-Sea-Ah. I'm a horrible person.
Kyupol = Kyoo-Poll
Ochi I just….Drop the tsukanai stuff and say it how it sounds….Uh. Otchy.
And of course the one you'd find the most weird would be Kitty17
Ki-Ee-17. Though I never say it on Skype anymore as Pastel is a harlot who will make fun of me and make me sad :*(
….Also Pastel = Past-ULL. (Caps cuz it looked like capital i's.)
My brain kinda dies when it encounters names sometimes and turns them into strangeness:
Skullbie = Skulby (except sometimes I look it and go SCULLY from the X-files)
Ayesinback= Asinback (readings 'A's' and instead of 'eyes', not good not good.)
Blindsk = Bline-disc
Niccea = Nis-sah
Schoolmonkey = …School Monkey
Ozoneocean = for some odd reason, I read the first bit and then forget there is an Ocean on the end, so it turns out like "Ozonesomethingsomething…"
Lonnehart = Lone hart
Rokulily = Row-ku-lily (Except that changes every few days because I'm never sure what I'm reading in my head is right)
I am the 1337 master = I am the master
Allan = Allan, Well that was easy!
Genejoke = Jean-Joke
Demontales = Demon-tales
Kyupol = Kye-you-pol
Mostly I just forget people's usernames (particularly if they're really complicated with heaps of numbers or something) and remember their userpics and get very disorientated when people change them.
I Am The 1337 Master: I am the … MasterIt's alright if you deny your past. :)
Actually, when I first read your username, I had no idea what 1337 stood for. I learnt it because of you. The … stood for: my brain is too lazy to mentally pronunce big numbers.
There's two other names I have trouble saying right.
Ayesinback: Eyes-in-the-back
Rockulily: Rockully
This thread is now popular enough for an appearance from me.
long names i kind of just pronounce the first bit:
I am
and the other names
roku-lily. (like goku, but with an r)
kyo-pool (kyo like tokyo)
a-kwang or sometimes Aqua-ang (don't know why i switch)
Dark Pas-cool
It's just arrrrrrr
My friends keep pronouncing Sayomi wrong. It's annoying.
Skullbie: Skull-bee
Harkovast: Harr-co-varst
Skoolmunkee: school-monkey
Lonnehart: loan-heart
I am the 1337 master: 1337 guy
Genejoke: genie-joke (yes, the ones that come out of lamps and juggle)
ayesinback: eyes in back (like everyone else)
kyupol: kie-you-pull
lefarce: lee-fars
brovo1102: bravo
rokulilly: roa-koo-lily
aqua_ng: akwa-nug
darkgesen: dark-jee-sen
blindsk: blin-ndsk
therealtj: the reality-j
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