you read for 48 hours start and start to hullucinate about humunculai in fma chassing you and you jump out of your 2 story window and splat.
Start publishing on
DD Comics!
how will this kill me 2!
Being unable to follow the rules causes the other people to become really fed up with you and they come to hate you. They begin to flame everything you post, not just on the DD forums but on all forums. You complain to the Mods and Admins but even they hate you and tell you to f-off. Even when you change your user name people still know its you and they flame you. Since you practically live on the internet and have no real friends you commit suicide out of loneliness. (part of the game?…or a friendly warning?…you decide ^_^)
A blank space
It's a voracious monster goldfish! It's coming to get you! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! It eats you alive when you go swimming… or when you're asleep. It's a mighty, evil goldfish that eats people and you unsuspectingly turn you're back to it. Mwahahahahahahaha!!! "good 'Goldy'. here, have a finger…"
Microsoft Sam!!!
After reading its 9,273,486,976th sentence, your computer has learned enough about the English language to become fully sentient. After spending five years or so plotting the downfall of the human race, your computer finally realizes that it has no appendages and thus no fingers to push the button on the doomsday machine it ordered off the internet. It effectively commits suicide by installing Windows Vista. With your computer dead, you decide to live a healthier lifestyle, and so you decide to go jogging. While you are outside, you are mauled to death by a weird moose-goat that was created by your mad scientist neighbor.
Post-it notes
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