If someone read any of my work and didn't get it, I'd either be completely neutral or piss myself at the fear that I will never be understood…depending on the subject matter.
Yep, depending on the day of the week and what I ate for dinner.
It depends whether I wanted them to get it or not, though. ;)
Although you hear tales of some lucky people (or liars) who would have you believe their entire family reads (and loves) their comic. And all their friends. And the neighbour's dog.
Seriously, my comic is about a bunch of drunks in a fantasy land. So anyone who doesn't do much drinking or isn't interested in fantasy is 99% not likely to get it. Which is pretty much everyone I know. Although I did notice a correlation between left-brain oriented people I know (3) and number of "I don't get it" comments (3). From the same 3 people.
But it doesn't really bother me at the moment aside from initial feelings of inadequacy when people tell me; I'm still reeling from getting the thing online at long last, I think! If loads more people tell me they don't get it, then I'll have to rethink my writing style.