One day he's escorting me to all my classes, the next, gone.…
Is this normal in America?
Gosh they seem pushy.
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One day he's escorting me to all my classes, the next, gone.…
Is this normal in America?
Gosh they seem pushy.
i've never seen a recruiter do that.I think it's just something that happens more now. I've read a lot about similar cases in the last 6 months.
Well, first it was the Marine recruiter, now it's the Navy recruiter. They just won't leave me alone.
Sure, it's nice having a guy escort me and carry my shit from class to class, but when will they learn that I just don't want to go into any branch of military?
I don't want to be a soldier. I just want the benefits. I'll be serving for myself, not the United State of America.
Navy boot camp requires swimming, right? I can't swim at all. Actually, I have some sort of fear of being in water were my feet don't touch the bottom. I can't will up the nerve to just jump in and go.
Sort of like the very fact that I can't even ride a bicycle.
Well, first it was the Marine recruiter, now it's the Navy recruiter. They just won't leave me alone.
Sure, it's nice having a guy escort me and carry my shit from class to class, but when will they learn that I just don't want to go into any branch of military?
I don't want to be a soldier. I just want the benefits. I'll be serving for myself, not the United State of America.
I just want the benefits. I'll be serving for myself,
I just want the benefits.
Lucky they don't conscript anymore,
While I wouldn't want to go the mercenary route with the USM, I can see doing that in a military branch where you're less likely to die (or get maimed), such as the US Navy or USAF.
My state university tuition amounted to approx $8000 a year. That is with zero scholarships. I paid for it with 100% loans; my parents paid zip. Once I started working, I paid off that part of my loans easily (no I didn't earn that much in the beginning; they paid me crap). I don't understand the big cry over tuition. Just go to your state university.
I have a novel that I'm writing. I need like two chapters, and it's done. If I get it published (which I have no idea how to get something published, then have it sold) would that be enough to get me through a community college?
But honestly, if you're a pacifist you really shouldn't join the military at all.
If you consider running through a hail of enemy gunfire to rescue that wounded Marine out there in the field as pacifism, yeah more power to you, join the military medics.
I don't care about being a pacifist, I care about dying in some foreign place you never had any business being in, except for the political machinations of people who don't care about you or the USA even while they're waving the flag.
It goes to "what is your definition of the USA?" Is it the people? The Constitution? The government and its campaign contributors?
Yes, someone already said that you don't fight for Uncle Sam, you fight for the guy next to you… But I can't shut the big picture out of my head like a lemming.
If you consider running through a hail of enemy gunfire to rescue that wounded Marine out there in the field as pacifism, yeah more power to you, join the military medics.That sort of thing is not what their job is about. If they did that they'd get a medal or two because it's above and beyond the call of duty.
I don't care about being a pacifist, I care about dying in some foreign place you never had any business being in, except for the political machinations of people who don't care about you or the USA even while they're waving the flag.That used to be called a "Contentious objector".
Whatever their job is about, they WILL be situated in an active combat zone.
I don't go into bad neighborhoods at night. Why would I want to go into a country where people shoot AK-47s and RPGs at you? You can't even get shot by those things in Harlem. Yeah, no thanks.
War is stupid overall, unless you're the armchair general who gets to order stupid young people to go die for you. All for $12,000-per-year college tuition. That's how much lower-income people's lives are worth.
People like me and you, in first-world countries, with an "enlightened" mindset… we're lucky, Ozone. We have freed ourselves from the trap of a common source of human misery since Time Immemorial. 1 of the Four Horsemen, War. Not because we live in a country/world with no wars. But because we're smart enough and economically privileged enough to avoid it.
That may seem common, and not lucky. Until you think about how many people in history and today are trapped by or killed by that human misery.
I've known quite a few people that have been in active service.
My dad's cousin was in the navy. Said he used to be in that sub months at a time.
Showed us some of a his tattoos when we were kids. Ended up having to cover some of them up when they docked in Saudi because of their whole "anti-naked people" laws.
I don't think there's any such benefits to those serving in the UK. Even if there were I would fail the medical tests outright. I can't even give blood because I need every drop I have and it wouldn't benefit anyone else that really needs it.
Then again, the gvernment is CUTTING army, navy and ai force jobs here. So I don't think they should really continue recruiting anyway.
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