A'ight here it is. Crocty, Harkovast,and Hakoshen, y'all are all cads.
Sorry if it's too light, any darker and all the smudges would've shown up. And to the lovely ladies in the forum. I do hope you find this in good taste.
Oh no! Not anime gender reversals! They do the impossible by making spontaneously changing gender seem uncool!
Inuyasha is a girl? Now all my ideas of gender are imploding! Argh!
NOOOOO!!! I WAS QUOTING GARBONZO!!! ME A GIRL!!! HOW ABSURD!!! (Yet, it is a definate possiblity! lol You see, my name is InuYasha_Rules, not that I AM InuYasha!!!) But seirously, i'm a dude. lol
And just to show that I'm not partial to InuYasha, I've just finished watching the 100th episode of Naruto!!! YEAH!!! Next, I get to see Kikashi's face! (Or so it would lead me to beleive)
A'ight here it is. Crocty, Harkovast,and Hakoshen, y'all are all cads.
Sorry if it's too light, any darker and all the smudges would've shown up. And to the lovely ladies in the forum. I do hope you find this in good taste.