I vote for the corpse~!
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MAFIA... and other forum games
Mafia IX - Journey to Far away-ia
I vote we deflate the cap'n's ego.You're just jealous because I have an impressive list of powers. :P
Follow the Captain!: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
No time to waste: The Captain can declare 2 double Lynches anytime during the game. When double lynches are in effect, each player gets two votes on two different people. (must notify me during night cycle or two hours on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Carry my stuff: Cannot be killed during the night while his Porters(s) are alive. Only the Captain will know who the Porters are, even though the First Mate is protected by them as well.
Straight to business: The Captain has the option of insta-Lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Captain picks, gets Lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a Dinosaur at that time.
Scientist. You have three abilities you may use. You have the ability to ask me whether or not a specific killing points to a specific person and get a yes/no answer, you may ask me how many Dinosaurs voted to lynch a specific person after the conclusion of voting or you can ask me what role a specific person has (only usable two times). You may only use one ability per day/night cycle.
not atm he isn't. He has more pressing concerns *grabs tj ties him up and place him fifty feet from the cannon*Carry my stuff: Cannot be killed during the night while his Porters(s) are alive. Only the Captain will know who the Porters are, even though the First Mate is protected by them as well.Aren't you baffled as to how this works, being a scientist and all?
TheFlyingGreenMonkey 7Oh c'mon PP, whats a little firepower between friends?
GarBonzo Bean
DarthVaderS1999's lifeless corpse 4
Kitty17's lifeless corpse
Salsa 2
Product Placement
Product Placement's power!
First of all. I'm protected by porters. You can't lay a hand on me. This little cannon moment was a figment of your imagination.
Secondly. I'm the captain dammit. The captain! You do as I say and right now I want you to clean my boots with your tongue. They're quite dirty right now since I just came from the poop deck and DarthVaderS1999 failed to clean it before he died.
Thirdly. I'm the god damn captain!
*unties TJ, lets PP out of the cannon, makes clone of self, ties clone up and places it fifteen feet from the cannon and loads himself into it after handing the firing cord to PP, TJ, and Niccea* better?
Well, I suppose I can't let a guilty man walk just for the sake of vengeance.
maybe you, Salsa, have been playing the "stick-it-to-the-captian-because-no-one-will-suspect-an-outgoing-over-the-radar-"local"-of-being-a-dino" game.
PF, I would like you to take a good long look at this campaign poster.
Do you see it? No. yu-no. Yes that is it.
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