Only an agent would say "ya'll"!!
In the past the mafia have multiple people running and then switch to ONE candidate… the other person running concedes and all votes switch to the ONE. In this case, we certainly see that in the Crocty / Kitty behavior. That makes me suspicious… also, while Hakoshen is a little crazy (check out that avatar) I don't think that Monkey has done anything suspicious (although his hand is gonna fall off from all the fan art).
Ochi, you are excellent at either compiling clues and leading OR misleading people away from the actual clues. In this case, given the behavior of Crocty, Kitty and Baron, I have to think you are attempting to MISLEAD us or are confused. One of those is true and I haven't seen you confused ;)
Oh, and is Ochi okay as a nickname?
Edit: And I don't have a title :P
Edit: I think Hakoshen is involved in some drug tests (just guessing :)) Kidding, man, just kidding, don't kill me!
Monkey never adequately defended himself against questions earlier. It can't be denied that Hakoshen is behaving rather erratically. Aghammer also never stopped acting suspiciously - he's instantly going along with everything Monkey says, but how can that be so? Why are they ALL so sure of themselves? It's completely abnormal, it's completely suspicious. I'm nearly certain that Monkey shouldn't win this election.
I worked really hard to ensure a townie win last time because I was sick of the mafia winning. I want to work to ensure a mafia win. I'm tired of the small group defeating the large group, especially when the deciding factor is greed rather than intelligence or strategy. Come on, y'all! We can actually win this thing!