Sorry, would have been here sooner but I had to go "remove" a child who's parents left her in this state and went four or five over.
Ummm… What? huh!?
In other news, I was trying to find out who the "Russian clue" might lead to, when I saw the vote count. I then realized that I hadn't voted yet. So, don't think that I was trying to trick you guys by saying, "Vote TFGM!", and then not voting. I felt that I had to clarify that. Glad we got that taken care of. Moving on.
CarBonzo Beans involvement during the election had brought him some attention. It didn't take long for one of the local prostitutes to take him offside, promising him some fun time. Unfortunately for him, some of his attention was also unwanted one. Two sets of eyes had been locked on him ever since the duel ended and plotting was conducted that included descriptions that would not make most people faint from disgust. As CarBonzo neared his home he heard a rattle on the side street that caught his attention. Cautiously the concerned villager edged himself further down that street to investigate, only to find nothing. With a sigh of relief, CarBonzo turns around only to be startled with an upside down, grinning face. "Are you gonna be our playmate?" Asked the person, while dangling from a rooftop. With those words, CarBonzo feels a sharp sting in his back as an arrow penetrates his flesh. "Brother! Should you not be on the lookout?" Asked the bow wielding assailant. "Sorry Brother. I wanted to have fun too." Said the other man as he jumped from the roof. "You know that paramedic had been watching over him. We managed to put him on a wild goose chase but somebody one of us should be paying attention, in case he returns." Replied the other one. "You'll get your turn." With a disappointed frown, the other assassin walks out of the street to pay attention for incoming traffic. The muffled screams cause him to twitch with anticipation and he rushes back in, once his brother signals the go ahead.
They would continue this game of tag for a better part of the night.
[spoiler]CarBonzo Bean the Vigilante is dead.[/spoiler]
Well, dangling from a rooftop seems to be clue. A bow maybe? Two possible candidates 1. therealtj because of his avatar, squirells can hang from rooftops… 2. this picture by D_Dude -> A bow, more likely imo…
I bet Harkovast wouldn't mind getting some healing hand action because his shoulder wound was killing him. He earlier tried to visit the clinic but it was completely empty since all the paramedics were busy elsewhere. Annoyed, the surly man walked home scratching his wound. "You shouldn't do that or you'll get infected" said the person that Hark just walked by. "Blah! Unless you know a way to fix me up, I prefer that you mind your own business." barked Hark at the stranger. "Oh, I'll fix it for you. I'll fix it the Russian way!" Said the stranger as he clubbed Hark's shoulder with full force! "YEEEOOOH!!!" Screamed Harkovast while the person continued to bash his wound. "THAT ISN'T HELPFUL AT ALL!" "I guess this must be the reason why Russian doctors aren't in." Said the person as he clubbed Hark in the face.
[spoiler]Harkovast the Detective is dead![/spoiler]
Theory a. Russian -> bears -> our killer ? Theory b. someone who isn't helpfull? maybe a lurker?
Why? I was hoping he would confirm Rok.. you were already confirmed!!
EDIT: TGFM, you might want to be a coward, if there are no consequences…. the duelist still has two lives left and you have ONE.
I already know who are the bad guys are, but I don't know their roles. The only thing I know is that randomdudeperson is not the godfather…unless they are allowed to horsehead themselves.
I also don't see a Russian which would have been too obvious.
And one secret about Hark…the one thing he did as a detective…he checked me out…
Niccea I have no idea what your talking about. Is it not like myself to flash myself? I talked about killing myself last game. Its just funny to do. As for the Duelist. Screw him. I just saw myself naked, a horrible sight indeed. I'm still in a state of shock.
Besides I would never go into the Red Light District. I would go into the Green Light District and Strobe Light District though.