Considering how I am not allowed cats at the dorms and before that when we lost the house I had to move in with friends while the cats got put to sleep or moved up to my mom's boyfriends I consider you lucky. So don't complain while others suffer. Its rude and very american of you.
So Salsa and Roku want the medic to die? Interestin >:3
pff, i'm a daughter of the revolution- of course i'm american. but no i don't want a medic to die. and i'm sorry to hear about your cats. that is rough.
but its rude to assume that people know of your problems when you don't tell them to the peoples you are accusing of being rude. this mad cycle of rudeness must end! so i'm sorry if you found me rude, i didn't mean to be i was simply stating facts- that lil' adorable puffball punk sleeping on my bed right now woke me up at 3am after a returning from a 6 hour class and poor sleep this whole past week… i'ma wake her up…