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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

Did anyone else notice that Jay has a comic (with zero pages and no thumbnail) called "Black Eye"? I really don't care much for zombies, so let's dispatch him today, shall we?

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Did anyone else notice that Jay has a comic (with zero pages and no thumbnail) called "Black Eye"? I really don't care much for zombies, so let's dispatch him today, shall we?
Do explain how my forth coming project makes me a shambling horror from Native American folk lore? That is much like me putting forward YOU are Old Man Jenkins because you have a fursonna. Your baseless accusation insults us both.

Posted at

I don't see anything – excluding day one votes for leaders – from Shirker, Harko, or Roku; I see nothing of substance from Hako, Salsa, Product, Alwin, and Maru. Product has an excuse – an "I'll be out for the start of the game" notice. But the rest?

That's 7 people who don't seem to be contributing at all.

Am I mistaken? Am I crazy? Am I missing posts somewhere?

I say we concentrate on removing those not actually participating.

Roku: I'm accusing you of being scum. Defend or be voted.
NO! We are just quiet people! And Rokulily told us she would be pretty quiet for this, when she signed up (I checked the beginning again after the Product mistake). Also Salsa is dead…

Posted at

It's not that I'm not here, it's just I have a crazy job and lots of overtime. Plus, I don't really play mafia games that hard anymore… Not since Mafia 13…

Posted at

My apologies, Mr. Zombie Leader. I thought the connection between "Black Eye" and the fact that the zombie leader took out our Tattle Tale in a way such that "a fist came out of nowhere and made direct contact with Anthony’s eye" was obvious. I should have pointed it out more clearly. Also, I'm quite confident I have also deduced the identity of our final target, OMJ: Harkovast, "the self proclaimed furry pusher." Mettaur switched into a Tigger costume only shortly before being pushed into the mud, ruining the outfit. For those of you who aren't familiar with the furry fandom, Tigger is quite anthropomorphic, and as furries are defined as people "who have a positive affiliation with anthropomorphic animals," I believe that would make OMJ, quite literally, a furry pusher, AKA Harkovast. I'm still not completely antiquated with the formalities of this game, but I hereby propose that we hold the first and only double-lynching for this round, casting out Jninjashadow and Harkovast, the zombie leader and Old Man Jenkins, respectively. So, let's get this over with and get on to the jumbo candy bars, shall we?

One final note: While I firmly believe that my reasoning and accusations are correct and sound, it is always possible that I am completely and horribly mistaken. As such, I invite the accused to defend themselves if they so choose. Otherwise, we can get on to a new game sooner, and I can see my buddy, TFGM, in action. Also, I need a title.

Posted at

Am I mistaken? Am I crazy? Am I missing posts somewhere?

Alright, so Maru, Roku, Hako, and Product-u are busy. And Salsa wasn't even in my short list (so I did miss something as I get older :-).

I doubt that our leader JNinja is scum. Chances are very good that the tattle tale checked out both leaders; that #2 was accused, and validated, means that we probably have #1 as safe.

And I still want to see one post of substance per game-day discussing thoughts from the low-volume players, or I will go push for voting them out.

Posted at

My apologies, Mr. Zombie Leader. I thought the connection between "Black Eye" and the fact that the zombie leader took out our Tattle Tale in a way such that "a fist came out of nowhere and made direct contact with Anthony’s eye" was obvious.
Hmmm, you have a point. Oh wait, no, you don't. ALL monsters have killed with punching. ALL OF THEM. This seems more carrying with a theme than incriminating evidence.
Also, I'm quite confident I have also deduced the identity of our final target, OMJ: Harkovast, "the self proclaimed furry pusher." Mettaur switched into a Tigger costume only shortly before being pushed into the mud, ruining the outfit. For those of you who aren't familiar with the furry fandom, Tigger is quite anthropomorphic, and as furries are defined as people "who have a positive affiliation with anthropomorphic animals," I believe that would make OMJ, quite literally, a furry pusher, AKA Harkovast.
Quite impossible, I SOUNDLY assure you. No, Hark is innocent. But, that furry clue… how very odd YOU would bring that up. Me thinks thou protest to much. YOU are Old Man Jenkins, as expected by your constant attempts to topple my sound leadership! The furry senile-delinquent is YOU!
I'm still not completely antiquated with the formalities of this game, but I hereby propose that we hold the first and only double-lynching for this round, casting out Jninjashadow and Harkovast, the zombie leader and Old Man Jenkins, respectively. So, let's get this over with and get on to the jumbo candy bars, shall we?
Sorry chap, but I declare those. And, as it stands, YOU are the only solid lead to lynch!
One final note: While I firmly believe that my reasoning and accusations are correct and sound, it is always possible that I am completely and horribly mistaken.
[spoiler]You are wrong.[/spoiler]
Also, I need a title.
You don't get one by asking, earn one by doing. Guess how I earned mine. Go one. GUESS.

Posted at

My apologies, Mr. Zombie Leader. I thought the connection between "Black Eye" and the fact that the zombie leader took out our Tattle Tale in a way such that "a fist came out of nowhere and made direct contact with Anthony’s eye" was obvious.
Hmmm, you have a point. Oh wait, no, you don't. ALL monsters have killed with punching. ALL OF THEM. This seems more carrying with a theme than incriminating evidence.
Also, I'm quite confident I have also deduced the identity of our final target, OMJ: Harkovast, "the self proclaimed furry pusher." Mettaur switched into a Tigger costume only shortly before being pushed into the mud, ruining the outfit. For those of you who aren't familiar with the furry fandom, Tigger is quite anthropomorphic, and as furries are defined as people "who have a positive affiliation with anthropomorphic animals," I believe that would make OMJ, quite literally, a furry pusher, AKA Harkovast.
Quite impossible, I SOUNDLY assure you. No, Hark is innocent. But, that furry clue… how very odd YOU would bring that up. Me thinks thou protest to much. YOU are Old Man Jenkins, as expected by your constant attempts to topple my sound leadership! The furry senile-delinquent is YOU!
I'm still not completely antiquated with the formalities of this game, but I hereby propose that we hold the first and only double-lynching for this round, casting out Jninjashadow and Harkovast, the zombie leader and Old Man Jenkins, respectively. So, let's get this over with and get on to the jumbo candy bars, shall we?
Sorry chap, but I declare those. And, as it stands, YOU are the only solid lead to lynch!
One final note: While I firmly believe that my reasoning and accusations are correct and sound, it is always possible that I am completely and horribly mistaken.
[spoiler]You are wrong.[/spoiler]
Also, I need a title.
You don't get one by asking, earn one by doing. Guess how I earned mine. Go one. GUESS.

I love how defensive you get as you try to rationalize not lynching you and your cohort. First, as everyone knows, every word in the narrations is a potential clue, and the key words in the fall of Mettaur were "direct contact with Anthony's eye," which would most likely result in a BLACK EYE, which happens to be the name of one of your, and only your comics. As for Harkovast, I'm sorry, but you can't just say "No, he's innocent, I promise," and make it true. Yes, I'm a furry, but then why in the world would I push Mettaur into the mud and ruin such a marvelous outfit? I would be much more likely to rape him… Not that anyone needs to know that. Anyway, it's unfortunate that you are the only one who can declare a double-lynch, because I really have yet to see any reason to postpone our victory. All I've heard is you saying "No, you're wrong." As for the title thing, I wasn't asking for one; I'm just saying that I would like people to consider my actions so that I may be assigned a title as soon as possible. One more thing, please chill out a bit, eh? I know you're on the verge of elimination, but that's no reason to go caps-nazi. I would like to hear a bit more from my fellow Trick-or-Treaters as to whether or not they support my analysis, and perhaps back me up a bit before the forum gets flooded with a hundred posts from Jay saying "Kill Asmun." I am having fun, though.

Posted at

Uh, Asmun… if Jninja is the Zombie, whose job it is to spread his infection to everyone he can, why would he have killed Anthony? He obviously trusted and voted for/ with Jninja, so to kill him would be pointless right? Further more, why would Jninja protect a serial murderer, who according to your accusations would be the last thing that can kill the zombie directly as well as a night phase threat to his hoard? If Jninja is the Zombie leader, thus far he is making himself a terrible one.

Posted at

I would be much more likely to rape him…
RAPIST! Ladies and gentalmen, what kind of leader kid would I be if I allowed a rapist to follow us! Mettaur, lock your doors and guard your rear!
…and perhaps back me up a bit before the forum gets flooded with a hundred posts from Jay saying "Kill Asmun.".
Why waste multiple posts when I could say it in one? Or let you do it for me?
Kill Asmun.

Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun! Kill Asmun!

Posted at

Rape? Don't worry, I'm at my computer with the front door double locked, one real fine security system, my carving knife, and my lucky bat.
I said no more dumping. ~ Niccea
And a pissed off cat, who would naturally claw Asmun's eyes out anyways.
I'm safe..oh, forgot to mention! In my closet, I have a rifle! I've only gone to a range a couple times though, so not sure if that counts.

Posted at

Anthony was the Tattle tale, who in this game acted as both the Detective and the Vigilante. As such, he could not be turned, only killed, and Jay may or may not have known this when he attempted to turn him. As for "protecting" Harkovast, (which he is only doing by saying "nuh-uh" ), I believe he is just trying to find an excuse to turn everyone against me, and seeing as how I am the only clearly furry-related person in this game, other than Harkovast, it would be much easier to claim that I am OMJ than the zombie leader. Also, at this point, he's obviously just mud-slinging and has given up on trying to logically defend himself, so I don't think there should be any more doubt about his identity. By the way, I'm carrying a glow stick, so if you want me to live past tonight (for whatever reason), please vote for Harkovast to be lynched, as he is the only person left who can kill me. If we lynch Jay, that'd be fine, but chances are Harkovast would kill me just out of spite. So if you want me to die, just vote for Jay, otherwise, please vote for Harkovast. Or if you want to listen to the guy whose only defense is calling the accuser a rapist (which I would only do if it were actually Tigger), then go ahead and vote for me. Please consider the evidence and help me end this game in two days.

Posted at

I'm not in the closet, my gun is. Also 4 days worth of emergency dried food. I'm at my desk..

Oh! You mean stop being paranoid! That's just what the alien-zombie-communists WANT you to do!

Posted at

Keybounce, I never post very much in mafia games. The other players can attest to this.
Anyway, I'm jumping on the lynch Asmun bandwagon. Jninja hasn't lead us astray yet in this game. I will follow him mindlessly like some kind of zombie.
Wait, that was a bad choice of words.

Posted at

Kill Jay and Hark so I don't die, unless you want me to die!
I believe someone this game stated soliciting pity is a terrible defense. And further my boy, your rape affinity is not my defense (tho, it certainly doesn't help you), no my defense is cold, hard logic. IF I were a monster, would I have so willingly let 1337 master be lynched? No, I would have disregarded Anthony's cryptic warnings and then teamed up with 1337 to make an awesome Zombie-Vampire alliance! Followed by a Zombie-Vampire war the likes of which wold make a summer blockbuster. But no, what I instead did was my job as a townie mayor, save this town! Save it from anarchists like you! Pedal your Commu-Nazi-Al-Kada agenda else where Osamastalitler!

Posted at

I will never stick to a title!
Same the Sticky Note?
ObligatoryScruffyTheJanitor.jpgThere, no image for you Niccea

Posted at

Damn, I make good suggestions!
The patron saint of mafia has spoken!
And can people please murder asmum?
He voted for me!
What the hell?
You dont vote for the saint!

Posted at

I would just like to point out one last time, that I am a normal Trick-or-Treater, and that still no one has brought any sustainable evidence against me or in defense of Jay or Harkovast. TFGM warned me this might happen, and I am deeply disappointed. I was having fun, until the fact that no one knows me became more important than solving the clues.

Posted at

Part of this game is choosing who to trust. You, my boy, were walking into a fight against one with the home field advantage; A history of incompetent lying. They all know I can't deceive for shit :P

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Moonlight meanderer

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