Poor Kitty, ahahha. <3

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OFFICIAL K.A.L.A.-dan thread
Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I miss so much when I don't have access to Internet…If you want, I'll record myself saying stuff, then you can put it on your mp3 player or whatever, and pretend you're talking to me…
I need to stop sneaking on the computer at home. Not that I can anymore.
I miss you guys. ;_____________________________________________;
But I still come and visit you every now and again…Aw, you guys are all such a happy family! :'D
only the immediate family.
they happy as clams.
they should be…
they shipped me off to the old folks home to rot away in my loneliness and die.
: (
We all need to give our love to Shplane!
Give him all your love, focus it, make him feel loved!
He is our treasured friend!
DCSlovesAL (5:12:46 PM) has entered the room.
DCSlovesAL (5:12:48 PM): Hmmmm
DCSlovesAL (5:12:50 PM): There we go.
Lord Shplane (5:12:52 PM) has entered the room.
Lord Shplane (5:12:55 PM): O hai.
DCSlovesAL (5:13:01 PM): Hello hello!
DCSlovesAL (5:13:08 PM): Shp Shp me and Kitty we're so worried.
kitty17X (5:13:10 PM) has entered the room.
DCSlovesAL (5:13:12 PM): She's coming soon, btw.
kitty17X (5:13:14 PM): \o/
DCSlovesAL (5:13:16 PM): There she is.
Lord Shplane (5:13:18 PM): Hey kids.
kitty17X (5:13:20 PM): Hais
DCSlovesAL (5:13:21 PM): We're really worried you know.
Lord Shplane (5:13:25 PM): Yeah…
DCSlovesAL (5:13:26 PM): >:
Lord Shplane (5:13:29 PM): Tell Devyn that.
DCSlovesAL (5:13:39 PM): We want you to be happy.
DCSlovesAL (5:13:47 PM): We're here for you, you know.
DCSlovesAL (5:13:58 PM): I'll always be your pal, even though I am a bit lame.
DCSlovesAL (5:14:10 PM): That goes for Kitty too.
DCSlovesAL (5:14:12 PM): Right Kitty?
Lord Shplane (5:14:30 PM): You're not lame.
Lord Shplane (5:14:33 PM): You're nice to me.
DCSlovesAL (5:14:39 PM): Because you're awesome.
Lord Shplane (5:14:41 PM): More than I can say for other people.
DCSlovesAL (5:14:51 PM): I can't help but be nice to you, I think you pown somethind hard.
DCSlovesAL (5:15:16 PM): If I didn't want to be your friend, I wouldn't even bother, but your awesome and I want to be your friend and I want you to be happy.
Lord Shplane (5:15:19 PM): Heh, k.
kitty17X (5:15:22 PM): I wuvvles shplane
Lord Shplane (5:15:31 PM): Just…
DCSlovesAL (5:15:32 PM): Want us to yuri for you? >:
Lord Shplane (5:15:36 PM): DAMMIT WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?
kitty17X (5:15:40 PM): And I dont want you to be sad either
Lord Shplane (5:15:40 PM): That would be nice, yes.
DCSlovesAL (5:15:47 PM): Okay kitty get naked
kitty17X (5:15:50 PM): oh my~
DCSlovesAL (5:15:50 PM): I'M SORRY ITS FOR SHP
DCSlovesAL (5:15:53 PM): JUST
kitty17X (5:15:54 PM): D:
DCSlovesAL (5:15:56 PM): TAKE IT ALL OFF
Lord Shplane (5:15:58 PM): Heh.
DCSlovesAL (5:15:59 PM): *rips off*
DCSlovesAL (5:16:02 PM): O:
Lord Shplane (5:16:07 PM): Ok, I laughed a bit there.
DCSlovesAL (5:16:14 PM): ^^
Lord Shplane (5:16:15 PM): Still fucked up all to shit, but thanks.
Lord Shplane (5:16:19 PM): Just…
DCSlovesAL (5:16:29 PM): We're here, we're here.
DCSlovesAL (5:16:32 PM): *pat pat*
Lord Shplane (5:16:32 PM): If you want to know a bit more what's going on, read the comments on my journal.
DCSlovesAL (5:16:37 PM): Alright.
kitty17X (5:16:39 PM): ok
DCSlovesAL (5:18:55 PM): D':
DCSlovesAL (5:19:00 PM): Poor Shpy *hugs*
Lord Shplane (5:19:05 PM): *Hugs*
DCSlovesAL (5:19:36 PM): I..
DCSlovesAL (5:19:46 PM): Hm, I can't think of the right words to say right now.
DCSlovesAL (5:19:56 PM): I'm sure I will have something, don't worry.
DCSlovesAL (5:20:08 PM): Would you…like to hear my orgasim record in a row…? D:
DCSlovesAL (5:20:21 PM): I-I'm pretty good at it…D:
DCSlovesAL (5:20:42 PM): >:
DCSlovesAL (5:21:49 PM): ALSO
DCSlovesAL (5:21:52 PM): I WANT YOU HERE.
DCSlovesAL (5:21:56 PM): >: <
DCSlovesAL (5:22:12 PM): Okay?
DCSlovesAL (5:22:14 PM): <3
DCSlovesAL (5:22:31 PM): Aw, I better shut up before I make things worse.
DCSlovesAL (5:22:32 PM): V_V
Lord Shplane (5:22:34 PM): WATE WUT?
Lord Shplane (5:22:40 PM): Sorry, I was typing something.
Lord Shplane (5:22:43 PM): I intend to be here.
DCSlovesAL (5:22:51 PM): Oh did you want to hear my orgasim record?
DCSlovesAL (5:22:54 PM):
DCSlovesAL (5:23:04 PM): Sorry if it's freaking you out Kitty <3
kitty17X (5:23:22 PM): ._. Its…ok
DCSlovesAL (5:23:27 PM): <3<3
DCSlovesAL (5:23:34 PM): Poor Kitty and Poor Shp.
DCSlovesAL (5:23:43 PM): I'm not a very good member of Kala-dan, sorry.
Lord Shplane (5:23:45 PM): lolk
DCSlovesAL (5:23:48 PM): <XD
Lord Shplane (5:23:50 PM): Go ahead, I'll listen.
Lord Shplane (5:23:56 PM): Also, you're a great member.
DCSlovesAL (5:24:01 PM): Oh, my record is 20 in a row. *bows*
DCSlovesAL (5:24:07 PM): Ah, I'm so glad you think so, that means a lot.
DCSlovesAL (5:24:27 PM): Okay I will not talk the silly randomness for a while.
DCSlovesAL (5:25:14 PM): But now the mood is even sadder.
DCSlovesAL (5:25:20 PM): Kitty, Shp you still there?
DCSlovesAL (5:25:27 PM): (maybe I just talk a lot *bonk*)
Lord Shplane (5:25:56 PM): Sorry.
kitty17X (5:25:57 PM): Im still here. :3
Lord Shplane (5:26:01 PM): I keep going to DA to type stuff.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:05 PM): It's all good, I understand.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:09 PM): <3
Lord Shplane (5:26:09 PM): Shit is still in the process of hitting the fan.
Lord Shplane (5:26:12 PM): Also, 20?
Lord Shplane (5:26:14 PM): Awesome.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:14 PM): <3
Lord Shplane (5:26:20 PM): <3
DCSlovesAL (5:26:24 PM): *<3's to both of you.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:27 PM): Thanks.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:28 PM): Ah.
DCSlovesAL (5:26:32 PM): Don't worry…
DCSlovesAL (5:26:35 PM): You know what I say?
DCSlovesAL (5:26:43 PM): You want to know my faovrite sayings?
kitty17X (5:26:46 PM): <3
DCSlovesAL (5:26:48 PM): <3
DCSlovesAL (5:26:53 PM): Shp,
Lord Shplane (5:27:02 PM): Sure.
Lord Shplane (5:27:04 PM): <3's
DCSlovesAL (5:27:31 PM): You are a good person, so good things will happen to you, I know it. You're going to hit something really good one day. And you have a lot of friends in Kala dan, who may sometimes teast you, but its from love, and they all care a lot about you.
Send Message Failed. Message is too long.
DCSlovesAL (5:27:46 PM): You are a good person, so good things will happen to you, I know it. You're going to hit something really good one day.
DCSlovesAL (5:27:49 PM): And you have a lot of friends in Kala dan, who may sometimes teast you, but its from love, and they all care a lot about you
DCSlovesAL (5:27:55 PM): *tease
DCSlovesAL (5:28:20 PM): If we didn't care we wouldn't be here, to say good things to you and keep you going on.
DCSlovesAL (5:28:27 PM): We want you to keep on going on.
DCSlovesAL (5:28:38 PM): I…want you to keep going on.
DCSlovesAL (5:28:47 PM): <3
Lord Shplane (5:29:08 PM): Good things never happen to me.
Lord Shplane (5:29:10 PM): It doesn't happen.
Lord Shplane (5:29:12 PM): But…
Lord Shplane (5:29:16 PM): Thanks for saying so.
DCSlovesAL (5:29:18 PM): Aren't we good things?
Lord Shplane (5:29:19 PM): <3
Lord Shplane (5:29:26 PM): *Sigh*
Lord Shplane (5:29:28 PM): Yes.
DCSlovesAL (5:29:29 PM): Kala-dan, is something.
Lord Shplane (5:29:29 PM): But…
DCSlovesAL (5:29:34 PM): Keep it in your heart.
Lord Shplane (5:29:40 PM): Thank you.
DCSlovesAL (5:29:47 PM): I know you want to give up, oh I know I know you do, but you can't alright?
DCSlovesAL (5:29:52 PM): If you ever need a helping hand.
DCSlovesAL (5:29:56 PM): Call Kala-dan.
DCSlovesAL (5:30:04 PM): Get me, or Kitty or AQua or anyone.
DCSlovesAL (5:30:15 PM): We all hold you close in our hearts! YOU ARE OUR BUDDY!
DCSlovesAL (5:30:28 PM): And we will always look after you!
DCSlovesAL (5:30:34 PM): <3
DCSlovesAL (5:30:50 PM): You can be sad, but please, know we are here to keep you up when you are down.
DCSlovesAL (5:31:02 PM): Ah, I'm horrible at stuff like this, sorry.
DCSlovesAL (5:31:05 PM): <3<3
DCSlovesAL (5:31:57 PM): Kitty, you got anything to say?
kitty17X (5:33:08 PM): Wow, DCS. Yeah Shplane. She's right.
kitty17X (5:33:22 PM): Remember if theres anything you need to talk about. I'm always willing to listen
kitty17X (5:33:38 PM): I'm here, for you, if you ever need to talk. :3
Lord Shplane (5:33:45 PM): Ok…
Lord Shplane (5:33:48 PM): *Sigh*
Lord Shplane (5:33:53 PM): I'm just SO fucked up right now.
Lord Shplane (5:34:00 PM): And I don't have Dragon to talk to at the moment.
Lord Shplane (5:34:05 PM): Usually I talk to her.
DCSlovesAL (5:34:10 PM): ah, you must miss her, I'm so sorry.
Lord Shplane (5:34:36 PM): I can't talk to Fran (Who you guys don't know) because she doesn't really have a computer right now.
DCSlovesAL (5:34:53 PM): I, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Lord Shplane (5:34:53 PM): And Amber (Who you also don't know) is graduating soon.
Lord Shplane (5:34:59 PM): So I won't get to talk to her.
Lord Shplane (5:35:26 PM): So since I really can't say anything to Devyn anymore, I'm kind of depressed right now.
DCSlovesAL (5:35:41 PM): We're not much, but we're here.
DCSlovesAL (5:36:37 PM): I, don't have any right to ask what happened, so I will just be here, if you need me.
DCSlovesAL (5:36:51 PM): (Kitty too)
kitty17X (5:36:57 PM): Yeah.
DCSlovesAL (5:37:08 PM): Though I talk so much, so sorry.
Lord Shplane (5:38:01 PM): Honestly, ask all you want.
kitty17X (5:38:06 PM): Its ok. I talk too little. So it evens out… ^^;
Lord Shplane (5:38:08 PM): I like when people ask, even if I can't tell them.
Lord Shplane (5:38:21 PM): It makes me feel like they actually care about me.
Tell him your love! Let him know you are here for him!
Shp is part of our family!
What, I'm serious!D:
Shplane, you seem to keep thinking that everyone hates you, but you can take pride in the fact that people on the internet that you'll probably never meet, and have no lives, love you!
*Second hug?*
Hey, come on, be nice!
I'm just letting Shplane know that we luffs him.
*Third Shplane hug*
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