We, the undersigned citizens of the Earth, in accordance with all that humane and good, collectively defy ANY and ALL attempts by the governments of the world, and/or any private entity or corporation, to scan, photograph, record, and/or distribute images of our sovereign bodies or that of our children, at any time or place, and hereby boycott ALL body scanners from this day forward.

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Petition for the International Boycott of Body Scanners
I don't care. I'm thinking about travelling naked instead. Or maybe just a pair of Speedos if they wont let me. In that case though I'll be handing out free pics of my genitals. :)
Here, I created an online petition to demand the right to universal naked travel!
Sign up now!
Wait, do you honestly think that those metal detectors wi….What?!
Your post explains nothing other than "LET'S DEFY THE GOVERNMENT LIKE A FLOCK OF SHEEP! Then let's masturbate over pictures of reptiles :)"
I got the impression you think that the Government has a scanner that can see your naked body. They don't.
However Ozone raises a good issue…
Wait, do you honestly think that those metal detectors wi….What?!
Your post explains nothing other than "LET'S DEFY THE GOVERNMENT LIKE A FLOCK OF SHEEP! Then let's masturbate over pictures of reptiles :)"
I got the impression you think that the Government has a scanner that can see your naked body. They don't.
However Ozone raises a good issue… NSFW IMAGE
Oh. Its been edited.
Shocked yet?
Thats EXACTLY what it is.
A blatant violation of HUMAN RIGHTS.
This is where it all leads:
This is a warning Kyupol- no one is allowed to post images of naked people in the forums. Please do not do that again.
If you really have a thing for posting images of naked people, make an M or A rated comic and shove them all in there, ok?
In response to your posting of a naked person from your scan- THAT is the reason you should support my travel naked petition initiative!
I for one would like to see people naked all the time (just not posted in pics on these forums), far better to see them in the flesh than have to try and invert crappy faked scan versions of them.
There is a REAL scanned image here:
Your image is a FORGERY. You can tell because of the way the negative looks (the scan doesn't work that way) and the fact that she is NOT wearing any clothes. If you want to rant about conspiracies and all the rest of it, don't use faked evidence.
I challenge you.
Here is the image:
And invert it yourself with photoshop.
I'm presently working on doing flyers about this issue.
As a libertarian, this is an issue that is the MOST BIG DEAL for me.
Then I will distribute it widely and freely. I don't care if somebody else will take credit for my flyers.
All I want is to see FREEDOM and not fascism.
See this is what Hawk mentioned a while ago.
You may be raising a real issue here, but the fact that's you're an insane conspiracy theorist just makes me want to not give a flying pigs dick about whatever you're yammering on about. Ever.
Seriously, you could say the sky is blue and I'd doubt you.
And invert it yourself with photoshop.The thing is Kyo, with the REAL scanner pics, they're not inversions in the first place
Try inverting a true scan pic (the one I linked too, and see the massive difference ;)
You've been had man.
You've been reading my business plan! O_OIn that case though I'll be handing out free pics of my genitalsThe mental image I get is you in a Speedo and a dapper hat, handing out photos of your genitals and kisses on the cheek like a Hare Krishna.
I'd be with Ozone on this one, except my experiences with clothing optional resorts has made me slightly skeptical about it all. Still, I don't have any problem with the government having a picture of me on file, so why should I care about them having a naked picture of me on file?
See this is what Hawk mentioned a while ago.
You may be raising a real issue here, but the fact that's you're an insane conspiracy theorist just makes me want to not give a flying pigs dick about whatever you're yammering on about. Ever.
Seriously, you could say the sky is blue and I'd doubt you.
Still, I don't have any problem with the government having a picture of me on file, so why should I care about them having a naked picture of me on file?
Put your heads in the sand. Make excuses for government. And be overly skeptical of people like me but at the same time, believe everything the government and its corporate media outlets (Fox News, CNN, abc news, etc.) would tell you.
Fine. I'm bad.
I'm not the one poisoning your water, air, and food. I'm not the one dropping bombs all over the world. I'm not the one stealing your money. I'm not the one who made oppressive laws like the Patriot Act. I'm not the one staging false flag operations just to enslave you.
Just making that clear.
I'm not the one killing you.
Yes. I'm the bad one.
dammit Kyopol will you get off this self-martyr bullshit! i understand that you feel strongly about these things, and many of the things you listed above are HUGE fuckin problems and i encourage you to talk about them but only if you get some mother fuckin TACT, otherwise, get off the fuckin podium allright? you dont explain shit and if someone counters you with what are sometimes valid points (yes, outright attacks on your personality are not fair). but they happenbecause you dont know how to talk about this shit! not at all! without tact, you make your causes look like extremist, overinflated B.S. you DON'T help yer cause. you know why? you puke out in issue then say nothing else besides, FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT! FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT! there are much better ways to go about this. learn them or shut up because you're only hurting your cause. fuck! i'm sick of this!
hell, i will give you pointers on how to present your point effectivly if you want! it would help you to learn them as well because just like some of the things corporations or governments do, some of these organizations dont have your best interests at heart. just reading a petition against something you hate doesnt make it valid. hell, i hate corporations too! but the difference is i know how to persuade people and gather information. if you can do these things, i havent seen it i said, i will help you if you want, but until then, you arent helping anyone.
I'm not the one poisoning your water, air, and food. I'm not the one dropping bombs all over the world. I'm not the one stealing your money. I'm not the one who made oppressive laws like the Patriot Act. I'm not the one staging false flag operations just to enslave you.
Just making that clear.
I'm not the one killing you.
Yes. I'm the bad one.
a lot of the things you mention are real problems - chemicals , war, capitalism, corporate controlled mass media, fascism, sneaky secret stuff , etc …
but where i think you're dead wrong is the idea that there is some sort of all powerfull group out there with some far reaching all encompassing master plan . its just random self serving individuals and groups competing for power and wealth and stepping all over eachother. its chaos , and it realy is fucking our world. its the titanic , not the death star. its a goddamned trainwreck . its just more comforting in a way to believe that the universe makes sense , that all this endless shit that goes down has some purpose , some destination , that somebody no matter how evil , has a plan . i dont think that person , or group exists .
if we could take a look behind the curtain and see who is driving this mess of a planet, you would prolly only see skeletons. no reptiles , no illumnati, no satanists , no NWO conspiracists , nobody , just the dead
dammit Kyopol will you get off this self-martyr bullshit! i understand that you feel strongly about these things, and many of the things you listed above are HUGE fuckin problems and i encourage you to talk about them but only if you get some mother fuckin TACT, otherwise, get off the fuckin podium allright? you dont explain shit and if someone counters you with what are sometimes valid points (yes, outright attacks on your personality are not fair). but they happenbecause you dont know how to talk about this shit! not at all! without tact, you make your causes look like extremist, overinflated B.S. you DON'T help yer cause. you know why? you puke out in issue then say nothing else besides, FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT! FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT! there are much better ways to go about this. learn them or shut up because you're only hurting your cause. fuck! i'm sick of this!
So you want me to post more "intelligent" arguments?
Take a look at your constitution. And tell me how naked body scanners follow the constitution.
I've decided to simplify and dumb down my posts because I figured that that might be the intellect level of the vast majority of people here because all that is done to counter me is resort to personal attacks and go OMG YOU ARE A CONSPIRACY NUTJOB!!! OMG!!! YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THE REPTOIDS AND THE JEWS ARE ALL BEHIND THIS!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT A LOSER!!!
Even if I never mentioned the Jews or tried to connect this whole argument with some obscure website that looks like it was done in 1995 and has all the symptoms of bad website design (10 colors on the page, different uneven font sizes, lots of scrolling sideways, embedding videos that are 100 mb in size, etc.), is filled with lots of pictures of grays and reptoids all over the place, and is full of nothing but RUMORS and claims that don't have scientific or documentable proof available.
Tell me what kind of person would see reptoids and jews even if I NEVER MENTION THEM in a serious post… unless for purposes of creating fiction (MAG-ISA features reptoids).
Tell me what kind of person would see racism in a joker poster of Obama but no racism in a joker person of Bush.
Tell me what kind of person would think manmade climate change is real even if the smoking gun "climategate" emails are already out.
Tell me what kind of person thinks I'm anti-semitic just because I talk about one world government and destruction of civil liberties and the creation of a "New World Order". Even if I never mentioned any known anti-semites (mostly white supremacist and Islamic fanatics). Even if I openly say I've got Jewish friends. Even if I never mentioned anything about the "protocols of the elders of zion" or pointed the finger at Israel.
I honestly feel that such a person needs to have their head examined and is intellectually bankrupt. Therefore things have to be simplified for them to understand.
The point is, our privacy and our human rights are under serious attack. I was seriously very angry and depressed and in a state of shock upon the news of airport body scanners that scan your naked body. It really is a big deal for me. Forget the TSA gangster attitude. Forget the police brutality. Forget the increased numbers of police and overall government corruption.
Getting your naked body exposed as if you are an animal and a criminal is VERY WRONG. This is about guilt until proven innocent. This is about sacrificing liberty for the sake of security.
"He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither" - Benjamin Franklin.
This isn't about myself. Because if it were about myself, what am I to gain from talking about this stuff?
- decreased readership on my comics
- getting laughed at and ridiculed
- getting personally attacked
- getting unpopular and seen as if I'm the source of evil on this planet.
- becoming a loner
- possibly losing my job and becoming homeless
- possibly being set up and harrassed by police for bogus charges
I have quite some things to lose from doing this. Just letting you know. That this is not about ego.
I am way past that.
And all I want to see is freedom and the spiritual evolution of the human race.
Thats all I have to say.
but where i think you're dead wrong is the idea that there is some sort of all powerfull group out there with some far reaching all encompassing master plan . its just random self serving individuals and groups competing for power and wealth and stepping all over eachother. its chaos , and it realy is fucking our world. its the titanic , not the death star. its a goddamned trainwreck . its just more comforting in a way to believe that the universe makes sense , that all this endless shit that goes down has some purpose , some destination , that somebody no matter how evil , has a plan . i dont think that person , or group exists .
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- The Next Million Yeard by Charles Galton Darwin
- Project for the New American Century
- NSSM 200 by Henry Kissinger
- Memoirs by David Rockefeller
- Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (focus on the chapter about "the big lie")
To make it clear: ANYTHING ABOUT UFOS AND REPTILIANS TO ME IS JUST A 50-50 DEAL. I am open to the POSSIBILITY but I haven't seen confirmed proof aside from David Icke and Credo Mutwa.
Too lazy to read?
Turn on your TV and pay attention to Fox News, CNN, etc (they are only reliable when it comes to reporting the news but the part where they tell you how to think is something else). Notice how ALL AT THE SAME TIME, the following things happen.
- acquisition of airport naked body scanners
- declaration of WHO pandemic of H1N1
- creation and implementation of "anti-terrorism laws".
- across the board increased size of government (in the form of increased police, bureaucrats, CCTV cameras, taxes etc.)
- and many more.
What are the chances of random things happening all at the same time if this world operates in pure randomness? I'm not an actuarial scientist but if you are one, tell me the mathematical probability of random things all randomly happening at the same time as if on cue?
- A Newspaper
the world is not a dystopian novel .
What are the chances of random things happening all at the same time if this world operates in pure randomness? I'm not an actuarial scientist but if you are one, tell me the mathematical probability of random things all randomly happening at the same time as if on cue?
The chances are excellent IF you are looking for the connections
you wanna know whos in the drivers seat ?
-]—————– $[/spoiler]
and that is alll
nobody at the top really cares about anything else
The point is, our privacy and our human rights are under serious attack.
What I don't understand is why you think any of us have privacy or human rights? These are just abstract concepts we invent to placate ourselves and which we will reinvent when it becomes necessary to do so, in order to justify our actions to ourselves.
It's not us and them , it's us and us.
"intelligent"? yes Kyopol, INTELLIGENT. you dumb it down for us huh? well then i hope you know what kind of following you'll get then.
"Take a look at your constitution. And tell me how naked body scanners follow the constitution."
yes! make that one of your points! expand on it! instead of leaving your readers to look up the info, do it yourself and present it. make your point, back it up with credible info, use facts instead of outpoors of emotion. that's how you fuckin do it. and yes, some people on here are unfair to you. if you truley believe in what your doing, then forget them and make youserself better, not worse. but you are not helping yourself by "dumbing things down". do you understand? that reflects you, NOT us.
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