Wake me up when we're ready to roll.
Is there an estimate for when we'll be able to post pages again? For those of us who still can't, I mean. For that matter, do we know why we can't post pages?Lawrence couldn't speak to us yesterday, hopefully we should be talking again to him tonight.
Skool and I have had no updates since we spoke to him last on Tuesday. We're not sure what's happening.
You've both got comics that were created after the 13th of January right? These are the ones with the update issues. The only temporary solution I know is to make a new comic account and post in there in the mean time- change your author notes to tell people you're posting in there till your account is fixed.
That is a super crap solution, but it's the only thing I can think off to keep comics going for the time being.
-If your custom HTML saves you can change you template to put in an auto redirection to your currently updating comic, and when the issue is fixed just put the auto-redirect code on the new comic and go back to updating the old one again.
-Normally we frown on auto-redirects, but in this case if it's only to another DD comic (instead of to an outside account) and just to get around this current issue, then it's perfectly ok.