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Moonlight meanderer

Survey: The Biggest Problem in the World Today

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Dane Cook.

that name…….my eyes…..they burn……he may be the antichrist!

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Dane Cook.

that name…….my eyes…..they burn……he may be the antichrist!

Oh, no. If that were true, near everybody would like him.

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When I started teaching (ages 18-21) I was shocked at how little my students knew (or cared) about domestic and global current events, or politics, or history. I took one class to a political illustration show (Stuff by Ralph Steadman, Sue Coe, etc.) , and the general consensus was "Eh, all that crap was about Clinton and Reagan. Why should I care about shit that happened when i was a kid?" Even the stuff that was made in the past couple years, they didn't know enough about to "get".

You never know though.

When I was at that age, I would care less about politics.

But once my awakening began (sort of around age 22), I realized that the rabbit hole goes far deeper than you can ever imagine.

All it takes is a certain life event. That spark. That trigger. To shock them into reality.

Perhaps… a TASER or an ASS-WHOOPING from a psycho cop would help? At least it would get them to realize that there is something wrong with society.

Some people wake up at a later stage in life.

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Laziness. Laziness causes people to cut corners, stop caring, and never even TRY to do a good job with anything these days. Everyone is so concerned with taking shortcuts and the easy way out that all it's doing is hurting the way we live our lives.

20, by the way.

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I would think it would be the population not replacing itself.
Unless of course you are talking about the planet itself. Then I guess the biggest problem would be the population trying to replace itself.

But to generalize it, I agree, lack of compassion.
Did anybody see Idiocrasy? That movie is so true! The dumbest poorest people I know are the ones having kids. I guess that's a big problem.

I'm 27

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Perhaps… a TASER or an ASS-WHOOPING from a psycho cop would help? At least it would get them to realize that there is something wrong with society.
Heh. Perhaps watchin' their city get flooded and wondering why TV crews could get there, but the National Guard couldn't? That "helped" me.
But yeah. Normally something's gotta be right in your living room or upside your head before you realise how messed up things are.
Some people wake up at a later stage in life.
Oh, I know a lot of people much older who still feel like politics and current events are just an annoyance, or too much of a bother to keep up with or become educated about. That's their prerogative; we live in a "free" country, after all. All I can do is try and get 'em to see why these things matter, and why they should care. I figure if i get through to one out of 20, I've done my job.]

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Empty promises or illogical thinking from the "people in charge."

1: We need to stop buying oil. Now!
2: But how do we power our cars?
1: We will develop alternative sources.
2: But, it will take a while to do that and even longer for them to be available in the market. We need do a phase out and in.
1: You don't know anything.

Or my favorite:

1: Global Warming is a serious threat.
2: Um…Ice Age?
1: We are causing the warming now.
2: I have only seen snow a few times in my life and my city just had a blizzard.(True story. We rarely get an inch of snow a year (and it is usual a mix) then, last year, in the middle March, BAM! Almost 10 inches of snow.)
Smart Scientist Guy: The average temperature is going down.
1: Climate change is a serious threat.
2: Um…Ice Age? The Golden Age? (The golden was a period in the medieval ages where the earth was much warmer than it is now. They were even able to have vineyards in England.)
1: We are the cause!

I'm 20.

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I would have to say the biggest problem in the world today is not one thing but two, because I can not decide on which is the worse of the two….

1st, we live in a wold dead set on intellect, we save money to send our kids to the finest schools that money can buy. Our kids get instructed by the wolds most intelligent professors this wold has ever seen. Coupled with technology our kids are leaps and bounds ahead of our grand parents, parents,heck, even us, when it comes to intelligence !!! But where in the heck did common sense goto… and why did it leave?

2nd, most of the world has a set retirement age, usually around 65 to 70 or so. It really depends on where you call home. Most places (companies or businesses) will not hire or keep people past retirement age. Then we look at any given world power government…. over 50% of the "officials" weather it be elected or otherwise are over the set retirement age…. Why?!?!?!.

perhaps these two go hand and hand…

Corey Dye age: 38

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Oh, I know a lot of people much older who still feel like politics and current events are just an annoyance, or too much of a bother to keep up with or become educated about

Its because the following things are more important:
- Paris Hilton
- Angelina Jolie
- Britney Spears
- Justin Timberlake
- Brad Pitt
- Football games
- Video games
- Anime
- Manga
- how to look tough
- how to look sexy
- how to look cool
- how to pickup women
- etc. etc. etc.

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Parents who refuse to discipline their children because they are LAZY and want to avoid all conflict.

I'm 17.

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Coupled with technology our kids are leaps and bounds ahead of our grand parents, parents,heck, even us, when it comes to intelligence !!!
Not really. I like the theory, it sounds pithy and pat, but it's not so.

People now are as "intelligent" as they were when they were making stone axes 50'000 years ago and possibly longer. We haven't changed much since then.
But as for knowing about facts and figures… Kids these days have access to more but are more general in their knowledge and less specialised, so while they know ABOUT more, they actually know less. That's just how the world has changed, almost everyone is like that really.

I'll give you an example:
Back in the early 20thC when people went to school, even the poorest schools, they learned Western history in some detail, from all the kings of England, all the wars in Europe, to the settling of their own country (in in Australia or America), and other bits and pieces about their own place in the world. They also learned Latin, learned what was in the bible and all the history and myth there (and that's important because it had a massive influence on Western history and culture), they also learned French as well, and of course the detailed rules of English grammar. There were prizes for geography, which they had to know in detail and they also learned all classical Western history from the Egyptians, to the Greeks, to the Romans and so on.
(-this is Western teaching, and English speaking at that. It was different for other places and other peoples)

Who knows all that stuff today? Sure you can look it up and you don't think you need it, but you don't KNOW to look it up, and you don't KNOW that you need it, which you do: since knowing all that actually helps you make sense of what you hear in the news about the world today, makes it easier to understand other languages and gives you a better sense of your place in the world.

Without that specialised learning we have adults thinking stupidly that the bible is just about religion, not realising that if you know about it you can learn about why 2000 years of Western history since the formation of Christianity has gone the way it did, why art and other culture evolved the way it did to produce the world we're living in now. If you know about that you can understand why Iran is like it is, why the Russians are suspicious of the west, why countries have certain borders and still hate each other, etc, etc.

Without that learning people stupidly think they already KNOW that stuff because they know about it, but they rarely ever bother to find out really and just make up their own reasons based on the general pittance they DO have. Take me for example; I don't even know it all! Not even close!

So that's a big reason for ignorance and the extreme focus on pop-culture: people don't actually KNOW very much about anything, so it's not important to them. They ride on the backs of their more knowledgeable forebears, assume they can find out about things when they need it but lack the background in the basics to understand it anyway, and in the meantime only focus on what amuses them.

Oh bugger! Another tirade!
…sorry, sorry, sorry. :(

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Coupled with technology our kids are leaps and bounds ahead of our grand parents, parents,heck, even us, when it comes to intelligence !!!
Not really. I like the theory, it sounds pithy and pat, but it's not so.

Oops… sorry, I wrote this at 2 am… I should have said that our kids are leaps and bounds when it comes to the ease of gaining intelligence…..

But, that's just what I think… and yes my opinion is like my butt, they are mine, and they both stink! huh!?

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But, that's just what I think… and yes my opinion is like my butt, they are mine, and they both stink! huh!?
EWW! Wiping and washing. Words to live by. :)

No, I'm sorry for that. It's in my nature to rant. I don't mean to criticise or belittle you for what you say. I just use what people say as a sating point to go off and write a lot. :(

I pontificate! T_T

Posted at

Oops… sorry, I wrote this at 2 am… I should have said that our kids are leaps and bounds when it comes to the ease of gaining intelligence…..
You mean knowledge, not intelligence. People can be very intelligent, but ignorant due to lack of information. People of the present time should not be as prone to ignorance because information is more readily available. (However, it is entirely possible to be stupid but not ignorant – by ignoring or denying information. There is an entire group of people who believe the earth is flat and Antarctica is a myth.)

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You mean knowledge, not intelligence. People can be very intelligent, but ignorant due to lack of information. People of the present time should not be as prone to ignorance because information is more readily available. (However, it is entirely possible to be stupid but not ignorant – by ignoring or denying information. There is an entire group of people who believe the earth is flat and Antarctica is a myth.)

See my point exactly!!!

Thanks Vickie for summing my thoughts into words!

My main point is that the "power" societies are so worried about the gain of knowledge that they are not fostering common sense!

EWW! Wiping and washing. Words to live by. :)

No, I'm sorry for that. It's in my nature to rant. I don't mean to criticise or belittle you for what you say. I just use what people say as a sating point to go off and write a lot. :(

I pontificate! T_T

I take no offense about what I read or what people say on the net… If I can't see your eyes during a discussion, I take it with a grain of sand.

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people are using their source for infinite knowledge, to look up things like porn, or brits pissing on dying women, cause they think it'll look good on youtube.


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I just use what people say as a sating point to go off and write a lot.

= totally my M.O.

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people are using their source for infinite knowledge, to look up things like porn, or brits pissing on dying women, cause they think it'll look good on youtube.


My point in case… where is the common sense?

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Moonlight meanderer

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