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Moonlight meanderer
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Wow… I thought a company designs their product so that it will only last for a certain amount of time, then set their warranty close to that exact amount of time.

I've heard of Sony and its warranties. I always thought they only make their stuff to last just long enough so that by the time it breaks they'll have introduced their next product in that line… such as when your PS3 finally breaks they'll have come out with the more expensive PS4… or something like that.

This reminds me of the myth(?) that the only time that shiny new item of yours breaks is when the warranty expires…
It's not a myth. Companies do research into how long a thing can be expected to last, and/or how long it takes on average until things start getting returned for repairs. They set their warranties just under that level. Sony in particular is notorious.

There are often local (national?) laws that supersede those manufacturer warranties, something about 'reasonable product lifetime' or a phrase like that, which will make a manufacturer or outlet take something back or repair it as though it were under still under warranty. Often if your broken thing is an appliance or something expensive, it's worth looking those up.

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just watching the news.

They say that its a bad thing to have a deficit because services from the government need to be reduced and that would mean less police on the streets.

Then they blame the recession omg its a horrible thing!!!

Then the debate is about whether or not taxes should be increased.

I'm like… What?!?

That's a GOOD THING actually if size of government gets reduced. IMO, government should be reduced to at least 1/3 of its present size.

That's a GOOD THING actually if there's less of those parasitic police and bureaucrats around.

But its a BAD THING though… if government reacts by increasing taxes in spite of this "recession".

Every time I watch the news it always proves my point that government's purpose is only to expand and to be a parasite on the people.

Read your history. How many people have governments killed?

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and i suppose it's a good thing if someone breaks into yer house, steels yer food, rapes yer sister and slits yer throat. you seem to forget in times or recession, crime becomes more prevalient. desperation and a lack of police force is not a good combination. in times when economy is healthier then you can let up. take a visit to yer local slum some time. not very inspiring huh? i'm not saying that cops need to go around beating everyone in sight with battons either, but it would be certifiably insane to deplete policing completely. do you know what the defination for the word insane is Kyopol? it's an action done over and over again, but you expect different results. what exactly do you think will happen?

there are over 6 billion people on this planet and if the rate continues, there'll be 9 billion in a few years. that's A LOT of fucking strain.things have to be handled delicatly. whatta fucking mess.

but i do agree with you that we cant leave it totally up to government. People have to get in on this stuff. learn about it. act as a community. i think that's the only way out of this. things are being done. awareness is being created, but we still need to pull. shit may be comming down to the line.

on anothe note there was just a wicked evacutaiton drill outside. no one had to go anywhere but the siren sounded and some dude started talkin on a loudspeaker and it sounded AWESOME! like the start to a wicked thrash song. the town i live in is in a valley at the foot of a damn and if that siren goes off it means the dam broke and you've got 4 minutes to get the hell outa dodge.

also a house was donated to the surrounding Fire fighter stations and we got to burn it down this weekend! :D and the drill tonight is dealing with haz-mat training. we had to watch a bunch of slide last week, but tonight we get some "hands on" experience. man….this has already been a cool week!

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A lot less than the religion in which you follow and the dictatorships you're no doubt confusing them with

Edit:i was talking to kyupol but didn't want to quote his post since i'd get his polio and AIDs

Such awesome artwork wasted on another zombie and vampire comic T_T:

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Wow… I thought a company designs their product so that it will only last for a certain amount of time, then set their warranty close to that exact amount of time.

I've heard of Sony and its warranties. I always thought they only make their stuff to last just long enough so that by the time it breaks they'll have introduced their next product in that line… such as when your PS3 finally breaks they'll have come out with the more expensive PS4… or something like that.
Researching how long a product can be expected to last and designing it to last a certain amount of time are functionally the same thing. :] I imagine it's an iterative process- design prototypes, test them out, reverse-engineer a break point. Use parts whose lifespan you know, etc. (I bet all the mfrs have huge databases with that kind of info… this hinge will last this long, etc)

The other thing (which is related) is planned obsolescence which most electronics companies do as well. they're not going to set a warranty period longer than the time it will take them to come out with an upgraded product. Best Buy-type 'extended warranties' are usually useless, but there are some cases where something like that can really pay off. You need to get an honest rep, but most of the items in a Best Buy store are coded as to the type of 'return treatment' they'd get- ones they'd liase with you to send back to the mfr for repair, ones they'd send to their own repair center, ones they'd try and fix in-store or geek squad, and ones where the mfr tells them 'just send us back the item whatever the complaint, give them a brand new one or equivalent, and we'll pay you for the loss'…. the warranty is great for big-ticket items of the last type.

You can really measure a company by how it responds to *unexpected* major failures, like the original DS's hinge breaking problem, xbox's red ring of death, car maker recalls etc. If they set up a procedure for fixing those things without issues or trouble, that's good- if they try and shoehorn it into the warranty restrictions they are jerks.

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What kind of mother names her daughter Shameckqua? A crackhead. True story.

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What kind of mother names her daughter Shameckqua? A crackhead. True story.

sounds like something that should be sold on a midnight infomercial…poor kid.

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Sounds like she miss-spelled 'shanekqua' on the certificate. Sadly i bet that's plausible -_-

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Some drunk moron just marched past the kitchen window wearing a sheet, declared that he was 'going to scare the shit out of this guy here', and then screamed and waved the sheet about a bit. Then he ran off giggling about how he made me jump, which I guess is what he interpreted me turning around to put the kettle on as.

This has been the highlight of the month.

Posted at

Wow… that minister was on the radio again this morning, raving about how evil the celebration we call "Halloween" is. "A sinister celebration disguised as an innocent kids holiday designed to lure souls into Hell…". I'm quite offended by this guy. Not that he didn't brush me the wrong way (like attempting to convert me for instance).

Right now I'm tempted to go to his church, dress him down and give him a good tonguelashing 'til he explodes in embarassment. Then I'd go home and take a long shower to cool off.

Posted at

Wow… that minister was on the radio again this morning, raving about how evil the celebration we call "Halloween" is. "A sinister celebration disguised as an innocent kids holiday designed to lure souls into Hell…". I'm quite offended by this guy. Not that he didn't brush me the wrong way (like attempting to convert me for instance).

Right now I'm tempted to go to his church, dress him down and give him a good tonguelashing 'til he explodes in embarassment. Then I'd go home and take a long shower to cool off.

The problem with religious zealots is that they are already 1035% convinced they're right. Anything you say would just be the mad rantings of a lunatic, or a wayward soul possessed by Satan, especially on his home turf. I'm sure you could walk in there and explain the whole history of Halloween all the way down to the turnip seeds, but he'd never listen.

Instead I recommend pumpkining his house. Like eggs, only with pumpkins.

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My week is kinda sucking. I have a very painful infection and it's making me seriously consider giving up clothing because everything I wear just irritates me.

On a good note though, my friend pulled out her "The church is a cult, I only go on Christmas hahahaa I'm cooler than you guys" act today, but didn't take into account that she wasn't ranting to the usual people and got her ass raped for it by our very quick witted friend. She made a note to tell me that she ignores the religious undertones in my comics and/or laughs at them, so I'm glad she finally got smacked down by somebody who has no problem picking a fight. I hate conflict and it doesn't help that I surrounded myself with people who make fun of my beliefs all the time. I suppose it only strengthens my will.

Wow… that minister was on the radio again this morning, raving about how evil the celebration we call "Halloween" is. "A sinister celebration disguised as an innocent kids holiday designed to lure souls into Hell…".

It's funny because Halloween has some roots in Christianity, being that it's a day before All Saint's Day and All Souls day. I was always taught to be reminded of the dead and pray for the suffering on those days… and not to eat candy that have razors and/or anthrax in it. Reminds me of when a bunch of angry people protested Halloween because it "made fun of witches." :P

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"The church is a cult, I only go on Christmas hahahaa I'm cooler than you guys" act today

I really hate it when people do that. What did your friend say to her?

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Stuff about warranties

Yeah, they actually do teach this stuff in some industrial design programs I've found out. The problem was in this case, is that HP knew from day one that this piece would not even last for the warranty period and could in fact break very easily at any moment because of the poor materials and design. Unfortunately for those of us who wound up with the defective laptops, they refuse to repair them under warranty or past it, and are charging about $300 to replace a $50 part. This is on top of the fact that they knowingly used faulty motherboards, batteries and RAM with horrible failure rates. They're instead claiming that these things aren't their responsibility at all. Supposedly they sent out a recall for these things, but the only one I've heard of is the battery, and that's because it has actually injured a few people by overheating and leaking. There was even a return program put in place for a few months, but that only covered a small fraction of the computers that had problems.

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I just had the best idea for a video: a montage of still images of people eating sandwiches, all drawn by me, set to In the Hall of the Mountain King.

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HP knew from day one that this piece would not even last for the warranty period and could in fact break very easily at any moment because of the poor materials and design.

I hate hp so much. Everything I've ever had from them has been awful and broken right away.

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I've been walking with a walker for a class assignment for the past couple of weeks, but I finally get to turn it in today! I also have to turn in a three page paper about my experience but I'm already at four pages and just need to put the finishing touches on it.

I think I drew the worst disability of the entire class. The girls that drew wheelchairs looked like there were having fun. One even learned to pop wheelies over the two weeks.

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Instead I recommend pumpkining his house. Like eggs, only with pumpkins.
Wow. That has to be the greatest Halloween prank, EVER!

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Well just finished this big Icelandic assignment… and the german one… now only waiting for the next weekend of P-A-R-TEY!!!

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What kind of mother names her daughter Shameckqua? A crackhead. True story.
I think there should be a stricter policy on child naming. Anyone remember that poor 4Real kid? The parents named him that because "we couldn't believe he was for real duururuurhurrr!"

Sure, it's their kid and all, but some people really shouldn't get to name their children.

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My internet broke! All I can do is go on DD, and Google.
Of course, Google will not work that well because clicking on any links would just get a page load error.

What a conveniant time, when I was searching for how to fix this stupid touchpad, turning off whenever I touched the keyboard. Ugh. UGH. Freaking modem.

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I'm sick of my college right now…i mean i know believing the movies where everyone is partying and getting dryhumped 24/7 is stupid but my school is so strictly business it's almost oppressive.

But i have to go since i'm not working and it seems like everyone i've met who went straight into working says 'i wish i had finished college'.
I don't even want to imagine how miserable i'd be if i hadn't called up my friend and apologized…dayum -.-

Finished blankets. It was alright, i was expecting a little more but i know friends that can relate to the 'losing your faith' and 'being rejected at church camp' plotlines even if i can't. I guess i'll start jimmy corrigan after i've studied because that book is fucking weird.

Welp off to study

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Man, I am wiped out right now, and I'm really ready to be done with band practice for the night. But, unfortunatley, that can't happen for another hour…

*goes back to practice*

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Dude, my English teacher is scary. I used the term "Dystopia" and she raped me for not understanding the definition to it's fullest extent and then proceeded to do the same to everyone else who dared raise their hand. Now we have to design our own government after having a very long, uncomfortable conversation about what the government should have control over and what it shouldn't. I feel like it needed to be addressed that we're all 15-16 years old and don't have bills to pay/real jobs/a family to support yet, but she was on a roll. Yay honors courses! :'D

I really hate it when people do that. What did your friend say to her?

She basically just laughed at her for trying to get a rise out of us when clearly she was only making herself look like an ass. She always complains about your catholic education, but acts like she's above public school or something even though it aligns with her beliefs more and we have a perfectly good public school district. :/

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I have three hours to finish a minute and a half of storyboards. Instead of doing that, I'm writing this and yelling at Ozone again. Oh yeah, making good on my oath to be more productive this year. I'm going to fucking fail agaaaaaaaaaaaaain.

Oh yeah, and it should be illegal for straight men to be hot. Seriously, cut it the fuck out.

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Moonlight meanderer

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