I'm in - I'll probably use some existing characters, but I'll have to think about it some. And I thought 6-String Samurai as well when I read it - but I think it will make a fun comic. You should check out that movie, though. It's in my top 10. Especially the car chase scene and the epic guitar battle with Death. Hell yes.
If I ever see it for sale at Wal Mart I'll be sure to do it. That's pretty much my highest chance of seeing stuff. Hope it isn't too similar though. Truth be told,at the time I had the idea I was thinking kind of retro 80's 'Battle of the Bands' type stuff, only harder. For some reason Bill and Ted, Lobo, and Jack Black went into the thinking. Weird. Sounds like a cool movie though, I've heard of it before.
you know what?….so many people here know Six string Samurai, that i can't help but join…tho for right now i'm not much help
And you're added. Don't worry if you can't be too much help, I'm not really sure how much I can contribute, I can't draw and I'm having trouble working in plots for this.
Mostly I might just be the organizer/glue for this, as well as the scapegoat in case it doesn't do so hot.XD
Hey chaps! Gotta say it made me think of Six-String Samurai, too. I actually loved that movie. But anyway, can you count me in? I've never actually done a DD collaborative project before so I may need some helping along, but I'd love to do a few pages for this. It's an awesome idea! And I love me some rock n' roll. Give me a chance to pay some homage to old classics like the Flamin' Groovies. Hahaaa, yes.
Plus drawing characters interacting with Bones and Puke would be fuckin' awesome.
And you're in. Glad you like the idea.
I use to draw some pretty wild sh@t…. And would like to get back to my roots!
I do not have any characters made for this, but I can and will do a couple on the fly!! This sounds like a kickin' project… just tell me what needs to be done, and I'm there!! 8D
*yea… that smile is freaky…
You got it. Not sure what all will be needed for this yet though…
I personally don't see anything wrong with creating the comic on your account. You could always make the current artist the assistant under your advanced option for the time being so they could put up their pages.
Sounds cool, thanks. I'm making everything on that end ready right now.