-Had to watch a video where the guys literally yanked a donkey (Or something like that… it was supposed to be a clone) out of a cow near the end. I will NEVER be able to forget that image.
-The only thing I dissected is a pig fetus. Some guy even managed to behead it with a scapel.

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weirdest thing you ever had to do for school
Weird though… hmm… Some of the classes we had to take were strange.
The weirdest class I ever took was called "Genes and Development." Sounds generic enough, but it was insanely specific. We learned intensely and in depth, the development of a single species. Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly). Not it's entire life, mind you, only its few days as an embryo. – I referred to the class as "Early Fly"
I also took a class that focused primarily on a single signaling molecule used in by plants and specifically its response to gravity.
Biology is fun. Lol.
Does a social studies project on the Black Death count as weird? Well even though it was my choice of subject I certainly FELT weird, everyone else was doing Ben Franklin and other basic history stuff, and here was my piece of cardboard with pics of dying people on it. lol!
In Citizens Army Training. (Was considered part of "school".)
You would share one bottle of water (1 liter). Then take a sip, hold the water in your mouth, and pass it to the next guy. Repeat until the whole platoon would get a sip.
Then the first guy who took a sip would spit it into the bottle. Then pass the bottle around until every other succeeding man would spit out the water… until you got a bottle mixed with water and the spit of everyone in the platoon.
Then… drink it. Yes. Swallow that. And make sure that every man gets to drink that mixture.
Who gives a shit if diseases can spread. Bacteria is just very small and real men are tough enough to take that shit. NO BACTERIA IS GONNA INTIMIDATE ME!!! I AM THE BIGGER ONE IN THIS FIGHT!!! lol!
I don't recall doing anything *too* weird in school - I did the sheep heart dissection and the starfish…oooh, and a squid, too. We wrote with the ink - that was a little weird. I felt kinda like a bad person for it.
The coolest thing was the pumpkin trebuchet. I built one in physical science (physics for idiots - about all I could handle) and launched a nice, juicy, gooey pumpkin right into football practice. ^.^
You think thats really a gray alien? No its not. The part you see is just its armor. And those black eyes are just like sunglasses.
I remember that day. I took a chainsaw because the armor wont come off with an ordinary scalpel. Once I got the armor off, I saw its skin is colored pink. And its body is similar to a FISH. Some of the skin comes off from its armor because its armor for some reason just digs into its own skin.
Sick stuff… :(
Where do I even start…
-Dressing up as the Dourmouse from Alice in Wonderland for a finance presentation..long story there.
- Being forbidden to say anytihng but 'Moo' for a day for charity, and on another fundraising day speaking entirely in rhyme.
- Listening to my English teacher rapping Mercutio's speech from Romeo and Juliet.
-Rapping Friar Lawernce's speech from Romeo and Juliet.
- And next year I may be selling myself as a slave for charity as most of my year are expected to do, as well as get sent into town by my sociology teahcer to stalk…observe people.
Pretty boring lessons here… the most idiotic (and utterly useless) thing I had to do is learn the periodic table for science class. Like "73" "Tantalium!", "37" "Rubidium!". What the heck is Rubidium, anyway?
Funny things I got to do were going to school on carnival dressed up like I mime (I actually managed not to speak for the whole morning), carving maoi-like statues out of chalks during Latin lessons, taking a drunk teacher to her room during a school trip in Prague, throwing water balloons at freshmen after my graduation (kind of a tradition in my school).
One time I had to watch some messed up movie about atoms which were all getting ready for a party. The main character(can atoms be characters?) which was fluorine or something, was trying to get a date for the party that she could borrow an electron from, so she took out an ad in the paper. At the party all the atoms were dancing and stuff, and many other things happened which I have fortunately blocked out of my memory, but it was pretty strange. And we had to learn from this movie and answer questions.
Oh and the noble gases wore crowns and lived in a castle.
Hey, I saw that.
Weirdest thing that came to my mind was watching a video about conception and pregnancy. Then towards the end of the video, the woman gives birth and you can actually SEE the baby pushing out of her vagina…
I saw that too, but instead of law it was grade 9 science.
Anyway I also dissected a fetal pig and it was pretty cool. Got to cut it's tongue out and break it's jaw and everything. The group next to us really went to town on it. They sliced it's skull open and yanked out the little fetus brain and put it in a jar. Then they grabbed the pig and made it gallop violently. It was quite amazing. Another dissection was during science Olympics (schools compete in sciencey trial things) and we got to dissect a little shark. Anyway there was this one dude who held the bucket of sharks for everyone to get, and every time someone yanked one out he'd be sprayed with the shark juice. Quite disgusting, but it made me laugh. It was okay though, because at the end of the day his group won.
Also I go to a very spirited school where the teachers dress up during fun days, school concerts and plays. They are most amazing.
My teachers have:
Dressed up like the Misfits
Pretended to be cave men
Dry humped
Dug through cat food
Cross dressed
& Head banged to Metallica
I love my school.
I had an intimate relationship with my teacher for an "A".
My teachers have:
Dry humped
& Head banged to Metallica
No way! They'd never head bang at my school!
In one college math (algebra or higher) class, I had to "volunteer" to help elementary school kids. There was somesort of grade penality if we didn't do it. I ended up not doing the required time, because the teacher was a pain to schedule with. I retook the math class later when they weren't trying that crap. It's funny that I was the only one that got a picture in the newspaper for it (there were several classes of college students taking part in this).
For one of my college English classes, we had to do a mock court session with characters from colonial America. I played one of the attorneys, and we'd worked out before hand with one of our witnesses what to say to increminate the defendant. But when we were in mock court they had changed their story, and denied anything increminating, so our case sounded crappy. I guess they conspired outside of class to mess us up.
Not much strange happened in school, but let me wrack my memory:
The Sad, Sad Tale of Mr. Anti-Pot Patch
It was speech class back in high school. We had to make our own commercials for some stupid reason. Something about visual communication or some such nonsense. We we're broken up into several groups and told to come up with a product and plot out a commercial and then film said commercial. She actually brought a camera to class that day. So there was a quick brainstorming session. I say quick cause once I said 'antipot patch' we took off. I became the sort of 'unofficial director' which was good cause I got to stay out of the camera shots. We taped a sheet of paper on some guy that said 'antipot patch' and we dressed another guy up as a toke or marijuana cigarette or whatever you call it. It was extra sadly hilarious cause he looked like a paper mache KKK guy. I swear it was unintentional. Still funny as hell. Anyways, we wrote some hammy dialog and a fake fight scene and tada! Speech class history was made that day.
I wish I had that video. It'd be great on youtube.
Be the only spectator for this inter-school gymnastics competition thing because I was too crap at sports and had terrible stage-fright.
And I couldn't even do THAT right. Broke and fractured a lot of bones in my wrist and hand and stayed off school the day it was on… Typical.
Regarding high school, just going there was insane enough… But if you want something more funny… Doing my work experience at the primary school my mum works at.
Cripes! I saw that one too! :POne time I had to watch some messed up movie about atoms which were all getting ready for a party. The main character(can atoms be characters?) which was fluorine or something, was trying to get a date for the party that she could borrow an electron from, so she took out an ad in the paper. At the party all the atoms were dancing and stuff, and many other things happened which I have fortunately blocked out of my memory, but it was pretty strange. And we had to learn from this movie and answer questions.
Oh and the noble gases wore crowns and lived in a castle.
Hey, I saw that.
Anyways. One of my teachers screamed really loudly in class once. And as soon as we turned around to see what has happened, she said "Ow! I bit my tongue!".
She's the type of teacher that rewards you for sitting at the back of the classroom doing nothing but playing on your Nintendo DS.
Also, seeing as this teacher was a substitute, she took my English class up to one of the computer rooms and instructed us to look up "Macbeth" on Google Images.
She has a terrible dress sense as well…
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