Yeah, that's exactly it. Since forums always have groups, it doesn't make sense to think that way, but it doesn't mean the general feeling of awkwardness doesn't persist for a while even if a place is friendly. There must be other people like that who lurk, think about things to say, and never say anything.
I can't tell you how many times I type out a lengthy and carefully constructed post and as I go to hit "Send" I stop and decide to X out my browser instead. I still do that. It isn't just a newbie thing.
I can't tell you how many times I type out a lengthy and carefully constructed post and as I go to hit "Send" I stop and decide to X out my browser instead. I still do that. It isn't just a newbie thing.
Would you mind terribly if I called you "Postlethwaite?"
I can't tell you how many times I type out a lengthy and carefully constructed post and as I go to hit "Send" I stop and decide to X out my browser instead. I still do that. It isn't just a newbie thing.
But of course, it's necessary to get the right "feel" to the words. If it doesn't feel right, the prose style needs revision, which can go on for ages. After the necessary changes are made, the tab is ultimately closed regardless. If that's what you mean by "carefully constructed," at any rate, that's exactly how I operate.
Clearly, I'm the alterego your unknown second personality created to instill in you feelings of alarm and dismay. O_O
Ha! I don't discard thread replies for that reason. I just see that I write too much or see that it's needlessly negative so I decide ultimately that the forums are better off without those contributions of mine. :)
The economy thing is interesting. I wonder how many people are finding out that comics just don't pay?
That wasn't want I meant. I'm not doing my comic here for an income. My comic is a hobby and I don't have time or money for hobbies right now. I either need to be at my day job, or getting new skills for my next day job. I think more of us are in that predicament with less time for our art.
You may not be trying to get some income from your comics, but lots of other people do- through ads, donations, cafepress stuff, etc. With less disposable income I imagine 'support my favorite webcomics' becomes drastically less important than 'make sure I don't go hungry'. It would be interesting to see a graph of average ad cost on project wonderful over time, or something. I bet there's just not as much money in the system as there was a year ago.
Ha! I don't discard thread replies for that reason. I just see that I write too much or see that it's needlessly negative so I decide ultimately that the forums are better off without those contributions of mine. :)
I do that too. Other reasons I decide not to post: I wasn't really saying much or adding anything.
I made the forums my homepage months ago, it became routine and now i check through several times a day for new thread posts. So don't worry Hyena you'll never get as lame as me :) god help you if you are.
Plus i recently started setting up a site with wordpress, and even despite the hurdles learning it, it's clear to see why people leave free hosting forever. For one thing: 1. you don't have to scroll down that ugly DD top bar w/ ads to see the comic page's empowering to have your own site you can do anything you desire to 3.Widgets! 4. you feel more…'professional'
Cons: 1. you have to pay for it community like DD :(
I'll need to make at least 3$ a week off ads (once i update again) so i can pay for hosting and have some left over for advertising
I made the forums my homepage months ago, it became routine and now i check through several times a day for new thread posts. So don't worry Hyena you'll never get as lame as me :) god help you if you are.
Plus i recently started setting up a site with wordpress, and even despite the hurdles learning it, it's clear to see why people leave free hosting forever. For one thing: 1. you don't have to scroll down that ugly DD top bar w/ ads to see the comic page's empowering to have your own site you can do anything you desire to 3.Widgets! 4. you feel more…'professional'
Cons: 1. you have to pay for it community like DD :(
I'll need to make at least 3$ a week off ads (once i update again) so i can pay for hosting and have some left over for advertising
I just set 3$ as a weekly goal, I'm using dreamhost which i'll get charged around 120$ a year Which if i do get 3$ a week i'll have 36$ left for advertising.