Philosophical Survey (For School):
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE (or at least try (you can also add explanation if you want)).
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
A.)Banana B.) Apple C.) Pear D.) Not Enough Information
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual B.) Audio C.) Culinary D.) None
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
Just answer by doing:
3.) ect…
Also if you could include some initials (can be fake), I would appreciate, it!
Thank you very much, everybody!! (Don't feel pressured to take this.)

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DD Comics!
Who wants to take a philosophical survey, and then be loved by me because of it? You? Cool.
lol kay
Philosophical Survey (For School):
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
C.) I Don't Know
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No and if it did why would it care about us ants on the little dust spec called earth. Selfish to think that.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No C.) I Don't Know
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes and B.) No
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart<all
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
B.) Apple
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes duh
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes C.) I Don't Know
lol kay:D
(I made your initials SK, and I rounded your results away from IDK, just for the sake of simplicity, although I understand your dilemma in just saying YES I _____.)
Also, I can't accept "6.)Would you say you follow you A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart<all" I'm sorry!
The question is more, which do you FAVOR most.
If you can edit your answer, I would appreciate it, if not, whatever, I don't care!
Philosophical Survey (For School):
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE (or at least try (you can also add explanation if you want)).
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
A.)Banana B.) Apple C.) Pear D.) Not Enough Information
(I kind of wanted to say pear, though)
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual B.) Audio C.) Culinary D.) None
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
Just answer by doing:
3.) ect…
Also if you could include some initials (can be fake), I would appreciate, it!
Thank you very much, everybody!! (Don't feel pressured to take this.)
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
I think there will always be *something* that defies definition and is beyond understanding. Sure, we may solve what we consider beyond our understanding NOW, but there's always something past that, too.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know D.) No Truth
Truth, yes, if you pay attention. Ultimate truth, no.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
My brain says I'm being an idiot, but something keeps me from dismissing the idea entirely. I guess that's faith?
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
I guess I lean more towards the yes on this category, but I think it's another one of those "beyond understanding" currently. I'm content to wait and see.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
Absolutely not. Right and Wrong are completely relative, and as morals differ from one society to the next, there's not really a universal benchmark for right/wrong.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart
But, in my defense, my gut and mind bitch constantly about that.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
A.)Banana B.) Apple C.) Pear D.) Not Enough Information
Ugggh, sucks to pick that, too. I hate apples.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual B.) Audio C.) Culinary D.) None
I think I'd miss so much in my life if I didn't have the sense of sight…which is really sad because that's my weakest sense by far.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
I didn't even think about stuff like this until I was roommates with an art student in college. You can't grade art. It isn't fair - there's no…rules. The prof either likes it or not and grades accordingly. Everyone is going to interpret and process art differently. So maybe to one person, a piece of art is preferable to another, but I don't think one piece can be BETTER than another piece.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
On one hand, it's slightly comforting to think that "if it's meant to be, it'll happen," but in reality, I think it's just a way to justify inaction or inappropriate action. Fate's just a scapegoat so you can sleep at night. I believe in making my own choices and carving my own path, destiny be damned.
Also if you could include some initials (can be fake), I would appreciate, it!\
Philosophical Survey (For School):
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE (or at least try (you can also add explanation if you want)).
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
B.) No
I'll only find the truth in the afterlife.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
Absatively. I'm a Christian, so saying "no" just wouldn't cut it.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
Killing/raping = Wrong Giving to charity = Right!
6.)Would you say you follow you…
C.) Gut
Your heart just pumps blood, your mind just thinks. Your gut, now that's what truly understands things on a completely basic, primal level, without any human conscience to get in the way.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
D.) Not Enough Information
We can't know for sure if apple comes next. Like life, events can seem to have a pattern at one moment, then drastically change. There's no predicting.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
B.) Audio
I like my music.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
B.) No
I can think it's better, but that won't necessarily make it better. Whether art is "good" or not is up to our personal tastes.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
I don't think anything is truly predetermined other than death and taxes.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
6.)Would you say you follow you…
B.) Gut) Even though I always fuck up when I do.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
E.) Squirrel
8.)Which art is more important to you…
E.) All of them
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
C. I tend to believe that there's always truth in everything. Ever notice how even Myths themselves were half-truths inspired by events that people witnessed and then retold the real story as being more dramatic than it really was? like how an simple Shepherd defending his flock of sheep from a pack of wolves would suddenly turn into Bamlung, the legendary slayer of giant animals or something. Technically, this Shepherd did probably save the livelihoods of farmers and villages by getting rid of the wolves and in turn did become an "slayer of animals". just because the story got exaggerated into epic portions, does that mean that the said person who inspired it all never existed? So to me, the truth is subjective.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
C.) I Don't Know, what sort of 'truth' would I be looking for?
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
C.) I Don't Know. I leave the possibly open for it to exist, but there's times when I'm not too sure. I do like actual proof that you can see, feel and hold on to psychically and also something that others can do the same to. If it's something that only I can see and feel, then I'd have to worry about the possibility that I'm being delusional.There'd need there to be documented cases of the same exact experience being felt/seen by others in the same exact way that I did.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes. There's been documented cases and the like. It's been recorded with scientific items, etc… along with being experienced by more than a dozen people out there. Now, those ghosts might end up being something else entirely. but you have to admit that at the moment, if it looks like an ghost and acts like one…then therefore it's a ghost for now.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes. Of course,everyone has variations of what they think is right and wrong… but for the most part everyone will usually agree on the basics–it's wrong to kill others expect in certain situations, it's wrong to steal, etc.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
D. All of the above. Why should I follow only one? ever heard the saying "it's better to have an second opinion". So if my heart, for instance, tells me to do something… but both my mind and gut is saying: "Hell no! don't do it, you're just going to get burned in the most painful way.." then I'd not do it. Majority votes, I guess.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
B.) Apple
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
C.) I Don't Know. Well, you know what they say… "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No.
I'm assuming you mean some kind of big supernatural truth that explains everything about life, the universe, etc …
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth.
Again, I'm assuming this ties in with 1.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
C.) Pear.
Hey, if we're supposed to eat five a day, it won't take long to get bored with apples and bananas!
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes.
But only to people prepared to use their common sense; not to academics who feel compelled by the art establishment to argue the merits of, say, one of Tracy Emin's works of lunacy or Carl Andre's bricks.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No.
Initials: DAJB
(surprise, huh?)
Sorry, I can't answer these all in a simple way. If that makes my answers useless to you, then so bet it.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
B: No.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know D.) No Truth
B: No
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
A.)Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
B: I know I don't believe one exists.
C: I can't know for sure that one doesn't.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
B: No.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
B: No there isn't, if you think it's external and objective.
A: Yes there is moral right and wrong in that it exists within the functioning cultural matrix of a society as part of the core principals of such a society, of which most people are part.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind B.) Gut C.) Heart
A, B, and C: Being a complex person, like most people, I alternate between all those modes.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
A.)Banana B.) Apple C.) Pear D.) Not Enough Information
C: because a series like that needs to be broken up.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual B.) Audio C.) Culinary D.) None
In what context?
Can't answer that one.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
A: Yes, from the point of view of the layperson who has little understanding of art, or the investor who sees it in a different way, or even the critic who evaluates to a pseudo-objective subjective standard.
B: No, if you think that all art ever made will appear the best ever to someone.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
B: No, not from my personal perspective as a thinking creature in this universe.
A: Yes in terms of the larger perspective of the universe, where it had a beginning and will eventually have an end, and all things in between could possibly be calculated from the beginning if you know the exact set of conditions at that initial moment, and had an understanding of all the the complex interactions of the exotic matter or whatever that we don't have workable theories, laws, and rules for yet.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
C.) I Don't Know
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
C.) I Don't Know
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
B.) No
6.)Would you say you follow you…
B.) Gut
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
C.) Pear
8.)Which art is more important to you…
D.) None
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
Nah, life can't just be explained away by a single answer to, well, everything! It's much too big for that. :)
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
Ties in with my reasons for #1. I can find truths, but not The Truth!
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
Yes, I believe I do. It's hard to say why exactly, especially considering I haven't been to church since I was 8 or 9 years old, but it's just something that I feel is there, without needing an explanation.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes
I want to believe! And I actually do. It probably doesn't help that I've read about every single ghost and ghost story in my home state. :P
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
Sure, in the very basic form. Oh not the complicated little things that are neither right nor wrong, like sexuality, but the big things, like murder.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
B.) Gut
Actually, a little of my gut mixed with my heart. I certainly don't use my brain! :P
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
C.) Pear
'Cause I like 'em! And I like breaking patterns.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
D.) None
I can't decide. I love them all in their own way, and since they are so disparate, I can't choose between them.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
B.) No
Oh hell no. Since I don't believe in "true" art anyway, it's absolutely impossible to be "better" than any other. I mean, c'mon, it's all opinion and personality. Nothing more.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
If I did that, wouldn't that be excusing me from trying to do anything at all? I think we all make choices, and are responsible for those choices.
Initials: JRN.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
A.)Yes, but outside of my experience
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes, for me but not objectively
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
A.) Yes
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes, but may vary depending on the situation
6.)Would you say you follow your…
A.) Mind
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
c.) Pear
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
B.) no
10.)Do you believe in fate?
for the survey A.) yes
but in reality
A and B.) yes and No; somethings are predetermined and somethings are not
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
What does that even mean? There are many facts in the world.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
Again, I have no idea what people are talking about. I guess it's what philosophers conjure up when they are high.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
I'm saying "A" for the survey, but morality is relative. Is there a moral right and wrong for me? Yes. It is different for other people – both personally and based on societal norms.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind
Those other organs have no right making decisions and should be followed only when you are very hungry or having a heart attack.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
B.) Apple
This is a MENSA question. Lol.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
I'm just not a music person.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
Again, I see this as a personal question. One piece of art is better to me. I think all have some personal worth and significance (at least to the artist), but no person views all artworks as equal. We have our favorites.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
A.) Yes
Sometimes, but I see it as God's plan. Sometimes things just work out – or don't. But if you do nothing, then nothing gets done.
Initials: VB
Here goes.
1. C) I dont know
2) B.) No
3) A) Yes. I can't understand how someone could deny that. One just needs to look around and see how incredible life is. To just pass off everything as "coincidence" is ludicrous. I dont believe in creationism or a "God" but SOMETHING. A force, or something great.
4. C) I dont know, but I somewhat doubt it.
5) A) Yes
6) All of the above.
7) B.) Apple
8) D) None
9) A) Yes - without a doubt
10) C) No idea, really, but some things have happened that make me wonder.
Whee, that was fun.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
C.) I Don't Know
I guess I wouldn't know it till I found it and its probably the sort of thing that you'd never find if you were looking.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
C.) I Don't Know
If there is one then I'm as likely as any other person to find it.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
C.) I Don't Know
If there is something like that I doubt any human could understand it so why should I waste my time trying to fathom the unfathomable?
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
C.) I Don't Know
I like to hope extraordinary things exist and that the world isn't as straight cut as it sometimes appears to be.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
Its complex but I think if you're not knowingly causing another human harm then you're on the right path.
6.)Would you say you follow your…
B.) Gut
When I've ignored my gut and just gone by my mind things have gone very, very wrong. And following your heart is a guaranteed way to end up hurt or in deep trouble.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
C.) Pear
Because when things look perfectly in order like that they always go pear shaped.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
It speaks without having to use words.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
It can be technically better or be better at bring out certain emotion in its viewer so yes.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
I think in a way everyone creates their own fate but some things will always be off limits for certain people. For instance no matter how interesting I find physics I'll never have a career in it because I'm rubbish at maths. I'll always find more luck in the things I'm better at and when I find the thing I'm best at my personality / genetics etc will have in a way fated me for it.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No I see no reason to believe such things.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes Some things are just wrong.
6.)Would you say you follow your…
D.) Nose It always knows.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual Usually. Sometimes it isn't.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes B.) No C.) I Don't Know
Poorly defined. Do you mean, to me? In some objective sense? As an ice cream topping?
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No I dislike the whole concept of fate. If there is true fate, existence is pointless, and nobody's decisions matter. Who would want that?
oh… well, as long as it's for school.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
B.) No
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
6.)Would you say you follow your…
A.) Mind
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
D.) Not Enough Information
this could be some sort of convoluted produce based fibonacci sequence for all i know….
8.)Which art is more important to you…
B.) Audio
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
Philosophical Survey (For School):
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE (or at least try (you can also add explanation if you want)).
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
C.) I Don't Know
I really really hope so, because frankly it's driving me a little mad not knowing. But I don't know whether we actually get to be enlightened before we die.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
C.) I Don't Know
In a sense I do. I'm not an atheist anymore, but my idea of "god" doesn't really fit the traditional definition. Basically I believe in The Universe, which is a spititual sum total of all there is, including us.
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
I think so, but I'm not sure that it's absolute.
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
B.) Apple
8.)Which art is more important to you…
B.) Audio
They're all important of course, but music affects me on a daily basis in a way the others don't.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
At first I said no, because while a piece can have importance to an individual, that doesn't mean it's absolutely a better piece. But then I realized that there is such a thing as bad art.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
C.) I Don't Know
Some days I do, some days I don't; that's all I can say on that one.
Philsophy is supposed to be people pontificating and sounding so much "smarter than thou" when all their debate boils down to angels on the heads of pins. Just be. Keep it short and simple.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
Just be and nothing is to be taken seriously except that nothing is to be taken seriously. Too many loose sight of that and think that the answers are far more complex than they really are.
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
A.) Yes
Everyone has their truth. Whether they have the insight to find it or realize they've found it is their probelm.
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
B.) No
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
C.) I Don't Know
In other words it is a possiblity that I would not rule out, though the evidence is inclusive.
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
A.) Yes
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind
I want to say mind, but there are too many times when the gut is best and the situation is not solvable by logical debate and human instinct has gotten our species this far so it must be good for something.
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
B.) Apple
Any other answer will send you into the Pit of Eternal Peril.
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
I'm a visual thinker with exteremely high verbal language skills.
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
A.) Yes
Technically (skill set in chosen media) But not aesthetically, that is subjective.
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
Life is choices. I make my own choices. I may be influenced by others, but in the end my choices remain mine. Keep it short and simple.
1.)Do you think that there is an ultimate truth?
B.) No
2.)Do you think, in this life, you can find the truth?
D.) No Truth
3.)Do you believe god, or a higher power, exists?
4.)Do you believe ghosts exist?
B.) No
5.)Is there a moral right and wrong?
B.) No
6.)Would you say you follow you…
A.) Mind
7.)Fill in the blank: Apple, banana, apple, banana, apple, banana, __________, banana…
C.) Pear
8.)Which art is more important to you…
A.) Visual
9.)Can one piece of art be better than another?
B.) No
10.)Do you believe in fate?
B.) No
Geez, I sound like a sceptic.
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