Welcome! I don't see anything particularly wrong with your grammar. Besides, I think it's worse to have bad spelling than bad grammar in your comic. I can excuse bad grammar as part of the character's dialogue but not constant bad spelling (unless it's intentional). And this is coming from the worst speller ever. Thank god Mozilla has spellchecker. XD
Anyway, hope you make yourself comfortable here and make lots of friends. =DLOL sure. It'll take me a month before I post it here though. I'm still going to edit it and stuffs in Photoshop by using a freaking MOUSE. ;A; Oh how I wish I could own an intuos3 wacom right now. *sobs* My wrists are crying for mercy but I have to do it! :(
I know how your wrists feel. I use a mouse too. TT_TT
Have you thought of getting a gel mouse pad? They're pretty comfy.
I'm using one but my wrists still hurt ;__; But it's okay. I'll just have to put up with it till I get my intuos. Ah woe is me. -goes emo-
Lol joke.
So yes. Thanks for the advice. I do take some breaks and stretches once or thrice when I sit in front of the pc so I guess… I could still relieve the pressure on my wrists like that even if it's just a little bit? ^^