To the Author: If Toh had been born a Human in our world, would he be a dentist? ;)

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Character Personalities
To any experts on magic- How would magical items work in your world? (not completely the same but my Box-mecha defies the laws of physics on a regular basis by being much larger on the inside than out).
and to Toshubi, Advisor toh, Laminka and anyone who has to kill people on a regular basis- How would you react to someone who just wont die?
To the Author: If Toh had been born a Human in our world, would he be a dentist? ;)
Advisor Toh: This looks like a Hyooman I could hang out with!
To any experts on magic- How would magical items work in your world? (not completely the same but my Box-mecha defies the laws of physics on a regular basis by being much larger on the inside than out).
The author: There are only two magic users in the Blade of Toshubi story. (At least, those that will regularly show up that is.) Jullia, whom we've all just gotten introduced to, and Kazu.
Since Jullia is our current magical expert and is far more powerful than Kazu, she would be the most logical choice to answer you!
Jullia: Magical items in this world retain most of their magical properties here in the Blade of Toshubi world, but there is a catch. Magical items brought here from other comic worlds suffer a kind of "resistance" here for lack of a better word. I'm going to break the fourth wall here enable to describe this a little better.
The Blade of Toshubi world is filled with nanobots that cause some interferance to most types of magic. There are some magical items that work just as they were built, but those magic items were made here or made from materials from here. Your box that is larger inside that it is out side would still work, but it might lose some of it's space on the inside.
But wait! there's more!
If you took your box back to your comic world, it would regain it's original power level and gain back it's space that it lost in my world. However, once again there is a catch… If I were to follow you back to your world, I would find that my magical powers would have increased in poroprtion to your box regaining it's power.
So, lets say your box is 1 meter X 1 meter X 1 meter inside in your world. But in my world inside the box is only half that. In my world, I can throw a 100,000 volt lightning bolt 10 yards, so if I were to go to your world and throw the same lightning bolt, it would be a 200,000 volt lightning bolt arcing 20 yards! When the cast of Blade of Toshubi goes comic hopping, these rules will come into play.
(Toshubi will ask the owners of said comics before setting any of the casts feet into their comics.)
Hopefully this has answered some of your questions about magic items.
Author: Well thank you for that…
Jullia: I wasn't finished!
Another thing on magic here. If anyone comes to this comic world with some kind of external magical "Power source" there is a bit of a risk in doing that. You see, we mages can "feel" these connections to power, and we can do one of two things to it…
One: we can tap into it. Here in this world, magic is very rare, and then suddenly, there's this river of magic, or a reserve flowing through the air! As a mage I can tap into this power source. But there is a hidden danger to doing this. If too much power is drawn from this source or if too many mages tap into it, one of two things can happen.
One is that the source is overloaded and there is a magical "backlash" that hits all mages that are tapped into the overloaded source. The other effect is that the source "burns out" basicaly it shuts down and no one can use the source.
Two: The second danger when being tapped into an external source is that there is a combat spell here in my world that "taints" the magical source. A kind of magical "feed back" happens to any mage who is tapped into or tapps into the tainted source will suffer the effects of this "magical feed back".
Any external magical source can be tapped and/or tainted, regardless of what the physics, or type of magic it is. If the magic can't be tapped or tainted, then it can't manifest here. End of story! No negotiations. There is no "magic bullet" that give ANY character unlimited power in this world.
to Toshubi, Advisor toh, Laminka and anyone who has to kill people on a regular basis- How would you react to someone who just wont die?
The author: Funny you should mention that! Later in the story, toshubi has to deal with an enemy that he can't kill!
Toshubi: WHAT!?
The author: But you'll have to wait till that part of the stort to see how he copes with this problem!
What you mean is:
When the power source is a person, it gets cut down to half.
When the power source is a object, it can:
Be publicly available
- Therefore drain out.
- Cause a backlash for to many people on it.
- Be magically poisoned, causing a backlash for each person whom taps it.
That's what you mean, right?
'Cause I'm still kinda wanting to do a short story shoving Gin in Toshubi world, even if I haven't worked on it forever.
I can send you the notes I written in plot, and the pages I've sketched out, if you like. 'Cause I realized there is probably a lot more little details of Tosh's world I don't realize.
Check your PQ's
What you mean is:
When the power source is a person, it gets cut down to half.
When the power source is a object, it can:
Be publicly available
- Therefore drain out.
- Cause a backlash for to many people on it.
- Be magically poisoned, causing a backlash for each person whom taps it.
That's what you mean, right?
'Cause I'm still kinda wanting to do a short story shoving Gin in Toshubi world, even if I haven't worked on it forever.
I can send you the notes I written in plot, and the pages I've sketched out, if you like. 'Cause I realized there is probably a lot more little details of Tosh's world I don't realize.
For anyone who can speak on behalf of the citizens of oki: How would they react to interdimensional travelers appearing in the middle of town?
Kazuo: Well, to be perfectly honest, it would depend on how they arrived and what they looked like. If they some how managed to appear into town without raising a scene and looked like furries, there probably wouldn't be much of a reaction since the only thing that would be out of the norm is a few new faces in town. But if they showed up in a grand display of lights, explosions and fire and they looked nothing like furries, there would be quite a stampeed of villagers scampering away in fear!
Tatyanna: Why does he ask this of us commrade?
Kazuo: It is not our place to ask.
Tatyanna: Says you. I vant answers!
answers aeh? Well don't expect one from me (I can't draw for taffy) but oki seems like an ideal place for an interdimsional traveller to arrive-(aside: or a crossover to begin).For anyone who can speak on behalf of the citizens of oki: How would they react to interdimensional travelers appearing in the middle of town?
Kazuo: Well, to be perfectly honest, it would depend on how they arrived and what they looked like. If they some how managed to appear into town without raising a scene and looked like furries, there probably wouldn't be much of a reaction since the only thing that would be out of the norm is a few new faces in town. But if they showed up in a grand display of lights, explosions and fire and they looked nothing like furries, there would be quite a stampeed of villagers scampering away in fear!
Tatyanna: Why does he ask this of us commrade?
Kazuo: It is not our place to ask.
Tatyanna: Says you. I vant answers!
If it had been Jessica who had been killed instead of Betsy, would Betsy be traveling with Toshubi trying to learn ninja skills to avenge her daughter?
If yes, how would the story be different?
Author: Woah! I never though about that! Stopping to think about Betsy's personality I don't think Betsy would have gone with Toshubi. She would have been very upset and saddened, but her nature wouldn't be one to seek revenge. She would try to get justice through the proper channels. (These would have failed miserably.) After numerous tries to get justice, she would have returned to the Bovine Kingdom with her daughter's body so she could be buried in her home land.
Toshubi would have went his seperate way continuing his quest for revenge, but his hatred for the feline race would slowly consume him, tuning our anti-hero into a blood thirsty murderer of anyone of feline descent. The feline allies that he gets later on in the Jessica story line would become his enemies in the Betsy story line. Eventually he would encounter one or more of these feline advasaries and possibly be killed. Even Toshubi needs allies, (Whether he thinks he does or not.) Tak will be a key ally for Toshubi, without him, Toshubi will be in grave danger every time he gets hurt. As for Kazuo, his peasant magic will also play a crucial role in Toshubi's survival.
Ok, that's enough spoilers!
To Neko: Is it true you agreed to cameo in my comic because you wanted to appear somewhere in a story wearing clothes? ;-)
Neko: Well, to be fully honest with you… It was a chance to get some actual "screen time". Toshubi hasn't drawn me in any more pages than that ONE scene and the occasional character pic. Doesn't that jerk realize that I need to make a living just like any other web comic character!? Oh sure he keeps saying things like, "I have plans for you." and "Neko will have more appearances in the future." but that doesn't pay the bills now does it!? Hell! Juamba is STILL waiting for his que to come up, and when did Toshubi make him up? Sometime in 2006 if my memory serves me right!
It's not fair damnit! So since he's not casting me in the comic yet, I decided to take a part in the MOrgan beach scene. But for your question… would it pay more if I did show a little more fur? I-I'm just asking… that's all. >Blushes<
If there's any other web comic artists out there who need a black feline female to fill in or even do background work… I have copies of my resume! CALL ME!!!
Doesn't that jerk realize that I need to make a living just like any other web comic character!? Oh sure he keeps saying things like, "I have plans for you." and "Neko will have more appearances in the future." but that doesn't pay the bills now does it!? Hell! Juamba is STILL waiting for his que to come up, and when did Toshubi make him up? Sometime in 2006 if my memory serves me right!Ali: Oh, yeah! My lazy author created me & my two partners back in 2000. "I've got a great story for you gals!"
We did a couple of pinups, then he said there were story problems, but he would get back to it. Riiiiiiiiiight! Finally he gave me a small part in his current story. *rolls eyes*
Lazy artists! No consideration for us characters! We should zap 'em with cattle prods to make 'em draw faster!
Considering Toshubi's reaction to being told that Betsy fed him her own milk (I think the response was more or less "ICK! xP ") and that the livestock are bird and reptile based, where do the inhabitants in the comic get their milk from? Neither livestock bases produce milk and I think some of the favourite food responses to another question required milk.
Eve (at Kali): You finicky child….
Considering Toshubi's reaction to being told that Betsy fed him her own milk (I think the response was more or less "ICK! xP ") and that the livestock are bird and reptile based, where do the inhabitants in the comic get their milk from? Neither livestock bases produce milk and I think some of the favourite food responses to another question required milk.
Eve (at Kali): You finicky child….
Jessica: Well… in the Bovine Kingdom milk is harvested from ourselves. (The adult females anyway.) Of course we cows don't have any adversion to this source of food. Now outside of the B.K. the other races tend to have mixed emotions on the subject. Most that live "across the pond" from the B.K. tend to not have access to milk. (It simply spoils and sours before the ships can get it there.) But… some milk based foods can make the journey and do get traded. Cheese is a big export to the Rodent Dynasties, so why did Toshubi have such a suprised reaction to discovering that my mother feed him from the "tap"? Care to explain yourself Toshubi?
Toshubi: You just had to bring this up didn't you? Well, as you already know, I used to be a farmer. There are some furries who never stop to think about where their food comes from. To get meat you have to kill one of your road roosters, bleed it, pluck it's feathers, gut it, then either cook it or smoke it into jerky. Some furries don't see the "unpleasantness" that goes into making that jerky or meat that they buy in the village market. The same went for me. I love cheese, but I just don't stop to think of where it has to come from enable to make it. And besides, (Cupping his hands over Jessica's ears.) I was mostly shocked to discover that I had suckled Betsy's large and supple breasts. Too bad I was out cold for the experience.
Jessica: (Wiggeling free from Toshubi's hands.) What was that all about?
Toshubi: Nothing.
There are some furries who never stop to think about where their food comes from. To get meat you have to kill one of your road roosters, bleed it, pluck it's feathers, gut it, then either cook it
Eve: What's a 'Road Rooster'?
Toshubi: Road roosters are closely related to hyooman chicken roosters. Since the Great Cataclysm, many animals were changed and mutated. Road Roosters are flightless and have no teeth or big claws for protection from predators so they've developed powerful running legs to escape. Some cultures have road roosters on their farms as a source of food or trade. You should come by for a barbeque some time.
I have yet again, another question! n.n
How much training does the feline army go through?
Masato freaks out about killing pretty easily, so I figured that it's just training against wooden targets, and they don't actually do anything to prepare mentally.
Masato: I think you have me misunderstood Mutation. It's not that I'm a pacifist, it's that I'm against the slaughter and of noncombatants and rape. Tiger samurai training is eight weeks of physical and mental training to fight an enemy who is armed and willing to kill you as ordered. Our training never taught me to kill furries who were begging for their lives or how to rape females as they lie crying out for help!
The rodent farmer that I accidently killed in the Koho raid had no training what so ever. I could have killed him easily. (I even told him so.) But the way I saw it, I was trained to defend my country from enemy soldiers and ninjas, not kill helpless villagers.
I felt sick to my stomach after I saw my commanding officer stompping a toddler to death because she was crying too loud as she sat next to her dead parents. If you find me "weak" for having such feelings as a soldier, then I would question you own moral compass! >Glares!<
And what of the situation with Eri? Would you see me as "unfit for combat" because I didn't use and abuse her like the rest of my fellow soldiers? >Spits at the ground< I don't even think those criminals DESERVE the title of "soldier"!
There's killing for defense, and then there's mindless slaughter! I am a soldier and I will follow orders. But if those orders appear to be unethical beyond any shadow of a doubt, it is also my duty as a soldier to question those orders. How the feline army acts is a reflection of what the rest of the world views the Feline race to be. I desire a positive view… Strong yet disciplined.
General Kai: Masato is a good soldier, and not all of the Feline army is savage like Major Kohi's Kiryn company. Much to my dismay, there are orders coming down from higher up that I do not agree with as of late. And I must admit, I'm starting to have my doubts if these orders are coming from the Emperor or if they are coming from the Advisor. Currently, I have no proof. But as for Masato's training, he is a combat ready soldier. But just because he's a soldier, dosen't mean he's been stripped of his common sense.
(If Masato can manage to get back to me and report the war crimes he has seen I WILL have Kiryn Company and Major Kohi court martialed!)
Okay, okay, calm down, I get it. I'd probably do a lot of similar things in Masato's boots. I just wanted to know what the training program was like. *Shrugs.*
In any case, I brought up depressing thoughts for you, my honorable tiger soldier, and for that I apologize. *Bow.*
I was wondering, what does Jessica plan to do after all of this is over?
And does she have any plans on what to do if Toshubi dies?
Jessica: Well… I'm starting to see Toshubi like the dad I never had. He seems to care about me and appears concerned for my well being. I guess I'm hoping that he'll acept me as his daughter and we could form a new family from the wreckage of our destroyed ones. But if that doesn't work out, I guess I will return to the Bovine Kingdom and see if my grandparents would be willing to take me in.
As for Toshubi dying… He's not going to die. I won't let him! Don't even say that! (Gets a sad and fearful look.) I-I'd be lost without him. (Folds her hands over her face.) He better not die, I'll be so mad at him. >Snff!< (Wipes her eyes.) Why would you even say such a thing? :(
Reiko: Well… Toshubi does tend to be in harms way from time to time.
Jessia: So are you, but Chaychan didn't mention you dying!
Reiko: I think you're reading a little too much into this.
Jessica: Why would she ask that question? Does she know something I don't?
Reiko: (Ushering Jessica away.) She's kinda emotional right now.
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