Oh yes, and I'd like to return to an earlier theme expressed in this thread and state my astonishment that basically the two of us and a few interlopers have amassed over 100 posts.
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Introductions Thread!
Whoo-hoo! *high-fives*
And yes, I'm an obsessive forum checker. Like… not every minute, but maybe every 10-15. :x And so soon… it was only a half hour apart XD And I think this one will be like… 20 minutes apart :o I just always check here because I'm so dedicated! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!
EDIT: No, apparently these aren't 20 minutes apart… it said 5:51 am was when you posted and it's 6:15 right now… but apparently my timezone settings are wrong :| So bluh to that.
Yeah, what the fuck, I so did not post that last one at 5 a.m. But I can't be bothered to try and do anything about it. I'm used to confusion with time zones anyway.
So you posted that at 6… but your post time says 8? o___O wooooah, TIME WARP.
Hey, you played Mirror's Edge by any chance? I'm working on getting all my speed runs (ALL OF THEM) down into qualifying times. I don't know why, since I'd never like, connect to the internet and submit them. I'm just doing ittt. BECAUSE I LIKE FALLING TO MY DEATH OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Seriously, I'm so clumsy it's like melting over into the videogame world.
What is your opinion on skinny jeans?
Yeah. XD I guess the default option for timezones is… somewhere else. [/obvious]
I haven't played Mirror's Edge :( It looked awesome but I don't have anything that can handle such awesomeness.
And skinny jeans… ummmmm… on ladies, hell yeah. On guys… not so much… or at all. >.>;
I swear, Faith should be the archetype for video game heroines who can perform amazing physical feats. Forget all that busty, impossibly-curvaceous-without-a-roll of-fat fanservice! LEAN AND MUSCULAR WITH NO BOOBS IS WHERE IT'S AT.
oh god, I'm a zombieeeee. You know things are bad when you have to stay up working til one a.m. It wasnt even urgent work! I just needed to get it doneeee
What is your opinion on …. iphones.
That's an idea! Why don't we discuss at least one trendy topic a day (such as skinny jeans and iphones)? Then people will flooood in to the forum. "OMG THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT TRENDY ITEMSSS I MUST JOIN THE CONVERSATION"
I find absolutely nothing wrong with fanservice. :| Nothing. As long as it doesn't detract from the game or be the sole purpose for the game. Example: Street Fighter, Soulcalibur: awesome fighting games w/ fanservice. Dead or Alive: Awesome fanservice games with occasional fighting (Actually, I've never played DoA, but it looks like an excuse for REALLY JIGGLY WOMEN to fight each other, so nyeh.)
I totally know what you mean D: I was up 'til 1:00 today doing reading and finishing super easy math homework that I just decided to put off because I fail. Good times!
First off, I like this idea of trendy discussions very much, but it's not a discussion if you aren't talking about it too :| So what's YOUR opinion on iPhones and skinny jeans?!
But anyway, I think iPhones look hawt. Like super hawt. At the same time, I feel like if I owned one, I'd be a tool. Plus, the carrier over here (AT&T) is total garbage so I'd be stuck to them unless I jailbroke my iPhone, which… would be fun, but it's not for me. THAT and I hear the battery life is so bad that it can't go the whole day, so that's a pretty negative factor to me as well. THAT and they look so breakable! I just… shouldn't have an iPhone XD Plus I never call or text people anyway so it would be a very overpowerful tool for what I'd be getting out of it.
Anyway…. YOU. What do you think about iPhones and skinny jeans? Perhaps iPhones in skinny jeans?
If you're looking for ultimate fanservice, DoAX2 is where it's at. Even I want to play that game. The jiggling… it's MESMERISING.
(The great thing with me is you can never tell when I am joking and when I am not.)
Let's see, my opinion on iphones and skinny jeans. iPHONES ARE THE TOOLS OF STAN, AND A SELL-OUT TO THE MAN. The man, man. You know.. the man. Anwyay, my old headmaster had one. Thaaaat was kind of creepy, actually. "Hay kids, look at my iphone!" :\
Eee, I rhymed btw!
I bought a pair of skinny jeans the other day. Before I was always like "AHAHAHA _THOSE_ THINGS?! Why would I want to wear such a tool of Stan, not to mention blatant sell-out to the man?! …*caresses skinny jeans on rack*"
These jeans are the best most slimming amazing flattering things ever. I love them. =< BUT ONLY THIS PAIR. This pair are just so win, and a real ego boost.
Oh yeah, and my ipod touch (which I stole from my mother) has a terrible battery life too. My Classic can go for weeks without charging, but this one is like.. "WHAT THE EFF, YOU'RE DYING ALREADY? Lightweight!"
Yeah, my brother bought an iPod touch a few months ago and that's the only reason I really realize how bad the battery life is… I think I played Pocket Tanks for half an hour and then the damn thing needed to be charged :|
Ego boosts are good! I recently bought a few t-shirts online and at first I was kinda excited but also reluctant 'cause it was a bit of money… but then I got them and I feel awwwwwweesooome when I wear them. I mean, they don't actually make me look better (probably worse, since they're a bit form-fitting so my small gut is apparent, which I now feel motivated to fix), but they're just so… hip. Trendy, even! :O
WOOHOO! See, our plan is going well! One trendy discussion a day. The peons will be flocking in.
I lent the stolen iPod touch back to my mum in the car on the way to Cambridge. About half an hour later she handed it back and I was like "WTF DID YOU DO TO THE BATTERY?! IT WAS FULL." I have found that making sure to switch the screen off after selecting a song is the best way to keep it going as long as possible. As my mother has the technological capacity of a grapefruit she could barely turn the thing on, let alone perform such an advanced function as tapping the switch on the top.
Oh yeah, and y'know what I hate? When old people complain about the music of today. Wtf. She's always teliing me to download songs xx number of years old. And I'm like "UH, _MY_ STOLEN IPOD, _MY_ MUSIC!"
Plenty of old music rocks, I just don't like her complaining about mine. JOHNNEH B GOODE~
Hmmm. What else is trendy?
I can already hear your brain starting to boil. Or maybe that's just my own.
Hahah XD My mom had an mp3 player once… thought 256 MB was a lot of space. I think she lost it, though… and she could never figure out how to plug it in to add more songs on it. Goodness, I felt bad for her. I think, to this day, she also still doesn't understand how we get all of our music. Not like understanding how torrents work or anything, she's just usually like
"So how do you guys pay for all this music?"
"Oh, we don't."
"So you just download it?"
"Like… off of the internet? It's just somewhere on the internet?"
"So you use Google?"
And that's about as far as she understands… or wants to understand. And I almost wanna side with your mother… almost D: Although our mom does that too whenever my brother plays a song in the car and she's like "Did they just say the f word?!" and he just says "Naw, it was funk." The real irony is that she's the kind of person who just always shouts "SHIT!" when she's cut off or someone speeds past or whatever.
But yeah, I can't stand any new pop/rock music on the radio… it just usually sounds so washed up :| The only thing keeping me from saying she's totally right is that the '50s/'60s/'70s/'80s didn't have drum 'n' bass as a genre.
Twilight… *shakes head* Don't get me started. My brother's excited for the OST because of all the bands and the original music, but that's his cup of tea, not mine. I can't stand the entire series and from my understanding of it, it sounds hilariously bad and promotes sexism and domestic abuse, so MAYBE I'd read it for that aspect, but.. let's be honest, no I won't. I'm quite content with never touching the book, never looking at the book, and never having to hear about what super-dreamy/always-looks-like-a-dope-addict Robert Pattinson is doing with his newfound fame as THE SPARKLIEST VAMPIRE EVER. I'll be over here in my rocking chair, yelling about the good old days and telling people to get off my lawn, thank you very much :|
I'm honestly sensing a theme with the music at the top of the charts. "Sex on Fire" … "Birthday Sex" …. "Sexy Bitch" … "Get Sexy" … XD;
I really like the lyrics to Sexy Bitch. "I'm trying to find the words to describe this girl, without being disrespectful. DAMN GIRL, YOU'SE A SEXY BITCH!"
Lmao, why do all mothers have a multitude of mental health problems, none the least Tourettes?! My mother can be so nice, but then suddenly she can be like "HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH" D8 and we're like wtffffff, hormones much?
Y'know what I read about on the Gaia forums today? Apparently they've made a dildo that's vampire-pale, can be chilled in the fridge to become vampire-cold, and SPARKLES.
Wtf? the OST sucks D= it's all Paramore and emo music, right? *looks it up on itunes* OH GOD MY EARS, MY EARS
I separated Paramore because a while ago these girls in like year seven were like "OMG YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS AWESOME BAND" and I looked then up and was like "Wtf is this shit." Their songs arent absolutely horrible, but they're so damn pretentious. D= If I don't like what someone stands for I will NOT listen to their music. Like Lily Allen… god damn it I could strangle that woman. She can't sing, and all she does is slag off other celebrities who can. nnhfgfhfhrrrrrrrr.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I refuse to partonise Lady Gaga too. When I bought Just Dance I didn't know what a superficial freak she is. Now I do. She scares me a little.
Hahaha… I hadn't really noticed that but you're totally right… oh, goodness. And those old folks say we ain't got no culture. Pssshhh.
Also, that dildo sounds… really creepy o_o That's like…….. creepy. Like if you've reached that stage… you need to maybe find a new book to read…
And yeah, IMO the OST isn't all that great, but my brother's a fan of that kind of emo/pop rock/whatever, so since a lot of those songs are also original compositions, he's like "They really went all out for this OST, it's crazy" so yeah, that's up his alley, not mine… Although he pointed out that it has OK Go, Thom Yorke, and Muse, so that's… kind of appealing. It'd be more appealing if it wasn't attached to a movie about sparkly vampires.
lol… Paramore… I really don't like them for no reason at all. Like, the music isn't bad, but sometimes they get really overhyped for whatever reason. It was kinda funny, though, when their new album came out, my brother says "So, like, 8 of the songs off of their album sound like it's about how they almost broke up and oh noes and QQ" but apparently most critics loved the album so who knows.
I can never remember who Lily Allen is… and I always mix her up with Katy Perry. No idea why.
And Lady Gaga…. lol. I thought Poker Face was okay, even if the "deep meaning" behind the lyrics was shallow as hell. But… after watching random live performances on YouTube and at the VMAs and hearing the rest of her songs… what a piece of trash. I kinda wonder if it's a stage persona because there's no way anyone… I dunno. It baffles me, and yet… she's got a huge following of people screaming "SHE BRINGS BACK THE ART OF PERFORMANCE AND SHE'S THE GREATEST SINGER SINCE ELVIS AND THE GREATEST BAND SINCE THE BEATLES" But, again, I dunno. It's just weird. All popular music is either bad, weird, or weirdly bad. [/curmudgeon]
Y'know WHY you always mix Lily Allen and Katy Perry up? Because they're both overhyped, crazy bitches.
Arr, we are both haters of hype more than anything. There's nothing in particular WRONG with Paramore… but they're like "WE'RE AWESOME" and fans are like "YOU'RE AWESOME" and it's blegh because their "sound" is basically just typical whiny-toned poppish-rockish-emo noise (not to mention completely doped up vocals). At least, what I've heard of it.
Like I said in the tiny writing in my last post, Lady Gaga can be just plain scary. Give some kind of flamboyant alien who wants to blow your head open with music a vast following of fantards… it's a recipe for disaster! I don't suppose you watch any of Shane Dawson's videos on youtube? If not, look for the one about being raped by lady gaga. That is some funny poop right there.
"All pop music is weird, bad, or weirdly bad" is possibly one of the greatest quotes of the twenty first century. Congratulations, sir. (HOPE YOU DON'T MIND I TWEAKED IT SLIGHTLY FROM ITS ORIGINAL FORMAT)
hay, why arent you updating your Twitter anymore? … I still drop by to stalk people even though I don't post anything now.
*nods vigorously* HYPE SUCKS.
I just woke up from a four hour afternoon/evening nap so my brain's not in the mindset for long-winded posts XD Hurray for college! I'll watch the video later… Shane Dawson sounds familiar, but I just looked him up and he doesn't look familiar, so I guess I'm thinking of something else.
I, um… Well, my laptop's hard drive died a few months ago from severe stress or something, idk. I suspect it was faulty but I also wouldn't be surprised if user error played a big part, because I didn't know how to manage the power settings for the first few months of owning this and I kinda let the comp regularly run around 75-80C, I'd estimate… eh-heh…. But yeah! So my laptop was out of commission for a very long time and while it was getting repaired, I kinda just fell out of updating twitter, and then once I got the laptop back, I never got around to getting Tweetdeck back because I never made a sync account and re-making all of those columns sounded like a hassle. So… I just kinda… like… realized I didn't need it and it wasn't THAT important for getting breaking news. It's like how we got banned from FFXI and at first I was really upset and then a week later, I realized it didn't really matter all that much.
Besides, my brother still uses his Twitter so if anything important/awesome happens, he's here to let me know XD
With me I just get fascinated with new gadgets (i.e Twitter) and then a week later can't be bothered with them. XD; I HAVE TROUBLE WITH PERSEVERENCE, which is silly because I can be VERY persistent when I want to (which is pretty much whenever I dont NEED to be).
I hate napping. It makes my brain fall apart.
I just got up like 2 hours ago. (It's now four p.m here) D; HURRAY FOR PRIVATE TUTORING
Yeah, computer + high heat = not good. Luis' computer is like old and stuff, and he constantly has to keep a fan on and turn off unnecessary processes to stop it from overworking itself and dying. BTW HE TURNED 21 YESTERDAY hurrayyyy~ How's Lauren?
I totally know what you mean. I always get ideas and start projects and then abandon them in the long run. 1) "I should learn Python!" *two hours later* "Python sucks!" 2) "I should try to make a simple bot in Java that can type a-to-z so I can look awesome on Facebook quizzes!" *two days later* "Learning real uses of Java as opposed to simple println statements sucks!" etc. etc.
Napping is awesome. D:
I had to get up at 6:00 :( Well I always get up at 6:00… it just isn't fun. I'm so jealous of you D:
Oh wow, so I'm sitting here and the guy next to me sees I'm using Ubuntu, and he gets all excited and offers to teach me bash shell scripting XD Apparently he's like a lab admin for the Engineering college and he has to download satellite images from around the world for his job… the pay sounded pretty awesome too :o It's amazing who you can meet by just randomly using different OSes XD
And Lauren's good! You know, for the most part :x We kinda broke up for a little bit around the end of spring and reconciled (again) in July. So it's good atm XD We saw each other twice over the summer and it was fun, but every relationship has its ups and downs… she seems to think we've run out of things to talk about after three years since we haven't had much time to talk the last couple of weeks (related: SCHOOL IS KILLING ME). I mean, I still try to talk about things happening, like when I get giddy about my approach to a program for homework or how we should totally get Super Street Fighter IV when it comes out, and she's… not as excited as I am about these things >.>; So she's just like "I'm sure that's fun but that's not really my thing ^^;" and then it feels a little pointless to try talking about my day when that IS my day and it's not interesting to her… If you were serious about how, err… excited you get when Luis talks about programs, it's safe to say I'm very jealous of Luis :| lol
Also, 21? Holy cow, I didn't realize he was that much older than you O.o
He is 3.5 years older and actually that is damn ideal if you look at our Chinese astrology. And yeah, I was serious. XDD; He doesnt program any more now, though. Now he just CONFUSES ME WITH MATHEMATICAL JARGON since he's studying.
I'm sorry to hear about your troublesss D; but ar, all relationships have troublesss. I hope you're still happy in the relationship, that's all =<
And I guess it can feel like you run out of things to say after a while XD; I just did the maths the other day and me and Mr L are approaching 5 years in eachother's company. We still talk constantly, but I mentioned it to him the other day and he was like "Nah, we don't talk any more, we just ramble" but I'm like huh? because if this is rambling I cant remember what talking is like XD; LMAO I hope you can make sense of this post so far since I'm just like bluhhh. Anyway, we started playing neverwinter nights yesterday and we spent pretty much the whole day installing all these patches and overrides and then making our characters. WOW now I can see how _this_ would be rambling, but it's not like this when we talk. XD SO I DUNNO
I cant remember if there was anything else I had to say so I'll leave it here and see what happens. Wow, brain is foggy.
Yeah, I am…. I am when we're together, really. I remembered that after we broke up and she was so insistent on still coming down here, which… sounded a little obsessive, but I guess it worked, so… lol. Of course the more time we spend together the harder the online stuff seems to be since we're so used to being with each other in person… or at least that's what it feels like. So I dunno. It's just frustrating times… we try to play games together but she just always ends up going back to FFXI and then it's like… wtf are we supposed to do… idk. All relationships have troubles like you said… I try not to complain about it because it's just the online part of it which I'm hoping will end soon… but yeah… lol. I dunno x.x
And yeah I can make sense of the post. XD Also Neverwinter Nights?! Jeaaaalooous… I saw it was on sale last week at Direct2Drive and part of me really really wanted to get it and to get Lauren to try it but I figured it wouldn't be her thing and she'd probably just go back to FFXI anyway… so yeh. The relationship worked well when we both played FFXI but now that I've stopped, it seems really hard to find anything to do with her… Bah, I'm complaining again… nvm me XD
But yeah, your post made sense :P And thanks for the well wishes XD
NWN is awesome. We just spent the last two days playing it non stop. *IGNORES PILE OF HOMEWORK* It's one of those games that's terrible for nooooobs because it's quite in-depth and confusing… but on your second or third playthrough it'd be like pie. Reminds me of VTMB, in that way. Oh yeah, and combat is way trickier than you'd think. And the death penalties are just.. harsh @_@ But we're having loads of fun anyway =)
I guess Lauren isn't much of a gamer, then… D; that's a pity. It's one of the best ways you can spend time together in an online relationship. And the in-jokes that can arise from gaming experiences are just awesome. I can't remember any right now since it's nearly 1 a.m…. save for "WHOREHOUSE!!!"
Wtf, I can't even remember why that's an in-joke.
I somehow managed to get the Platinum edition for £5. Like wtf. I didnt even realise it was the platinum edition when I bought it. So that was just awesome.
Raaagh, ar, it must be really hard not being able to see eachother after being able to see eachother. D; I swear when Luis comes to visit I'll just cry so hard when he tries to leave that he'll be forced to stay and live as an illegal immigrant. PROBLEM SOLVED!
Yeah, it sounded awesome like that… I don't even know if my laptop could run it but I should've picked it up anyway ><
And that's the thing… she is, but like… I dunno. We started on FFXI and that was okay until I got sick of the grind and we got banned anyway so I was content with just letting it go… then I suggested she try Guild Wars with me and she did but she got sick of it really fast and she's like "It's so goddamn simple" which I found hilarious considering the combat system in FFXI is "stand around, wait to swing sword, use one ability every five minutes." And she never even bothered trying PvP, and when she did PvE she seemed to think it was required to do EVERY FARKIN' QUEST available, and then when she started a new character and did it again, she would complain about how long she'd be stuck in the beginning areas when SHE would be the one keeping herself there.
Then we tried some free-to-play MMO made in China and that one was pretty cool, but she just stopped suggesting playing it and it was another situation of "let's do every quest available"… although that was a bit different because it was pretty much the only way to get your first 20 levels… not like the quests were very hard either. More like "Talk to this dude 5 feet away!" "You mean the guy next to you?" "YOU DID IT!!! 20000 EXP!"
So, yeah, she's a gamer and she's playing stuff all the time on her Xbox… she just… idk, personally I think she's addicted to FFXI. She'll buy new games all the time and I got her a fuckton of games once and she plays them like once and never touches them again. I still don't think she's even touched Dead Rising and I got that for her back in May. She played Gears of War and gave up because she couldn't finish the tutorial because she wasn't even listening to the directions… it's just like… goddamn. And then all the time she's like "You should come back and play FFXI with me D:" or she'll talk about how she's quitting FFXI and then she spends a week without it and turns her accounts back on because "she had nothing to do" and it's like "wtf, you have all of these freakin' games you could be trying"
So maybe she's not a gamer… maybe she just really only wants to play FFXI (and Oblivion sometimes). I dunno. It's frustrating and if I bring it up to her she just gets all defensive and she probably should be because it's not really any of my business what she plays or spends her money on, but it's just irritating because she's always playing that and we never seem to do anything together because that's all she wants to do. Christ.
Sooooo… yeah. It gets really hard, but I think you and Luis will be better off because you guys always seem to be able to mix it up and try new things. Like, yeah, you guys will miss each other a ton and yeah expect plenty of crying when you guys gotta see each other off… but I don't think it'll totally kill your online relationship either. Like, IMO, our problems are a bit different from "We saw each other and now it's difficult to be apart," now that I'm reflecting on this… it's just that our online stuff collapsed after I stopped playing FFXI and we can't find anything else in common anymore, I guess… idk…
Sorry for the rant… it's just been a very bad weekend… heh.
But yeah, I think the illegal immigrant approach is a fantastic idea. Go for it.
I actually really like the beginning areas in GW. XD; ESPECIALLY old Ascalon! (is it Ascalon? cant remember now) I remember the first time I played it I was like "wooooow, this place is soooo pretty~" and then BAM, cutscene. And I was like "…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I WILL PUNISH WHOEVER DID THIS TO MY BEAUTIFUL FIELDSSS."
I can't get on the game now cos I cant remember my account details (on guildwars and on PlayNC XD; I'M PATHETIC) but I actually spend most of my time making random new characters and turning them into PRWNMASTER OF OLD ASCALONN. Yeaah. Cos I've never actually gotten to level twenty. XD; I'm like… *kills a monster, get a little experience* THIS IS BORING *does something else*
Lmaooo, actually last night we were doing some quests in the game and I was like "….I love how none of these people pay us for saving their necks." It's TRUE. If you ever ask anyone for payment they're like "WHAT THE EFF, YOU SHOULD BE HELPING ME FOR THE HONOUR OF DOING SO, NOT FOR CASH!" Yeah, I wonder how many gullible shmos they get to run errands for HONOUR'S sake.
Oooh. =< That's… really bad. But y'know… it's not really a case of having nothing in common… I guess you could always try MAKING yourself have something in common? And not just video games. Like, maybe you could take up the banjo? Every girl loves being serenaded by banjo in the candlelight!
And it's okay, you can complain all you want. It must be really hard to see something you've worked so hard at apparently crumbling. @_@
Maybe you both need to just bang your heads together and seriously try and work something out!
lol XD Helping for honor… yeah right! Also, DESTROYING THE WORLD?! YOU DEVILISH WOMENS :O
Yeah, I dunno. Like I said, it's just been a rough weekend XD It feels a bit better now after some time passed and after getting all of that out x.x I dunno… I just started trying DDO and it's interesting looking, but I suspect it won't be Lauren's kind of game again or it'll be too sluggish for her and she'll complain (personally, I always kind of suspect that she's setting everything to max or something, because her computer's newer and faster than mine and she seems to barely be able to run anything >_> …but she says that isn't the case)
And yeah, I'd love trying to do something else but it's like… what's there to do in a long distance relationship that's online besides games? Like that's a serious question, 'cause that's all I can think of :/ Games, Skype, and webcams… :o
What the hell, it was January a second ago T___T and soon it'll be January again, and do you KNOW what that MEANS?! EXAMS! EXAMS!! ONLY I'M NEVER GOING TO DO MY EXAMS IF I DONT WORK THROUGH THIS MOUNTAIN OF… WORK!!!! And it will all be for naught anyway if I don't apply to university and then submit work and then sit their admissions test and then get called to interview and then sit MORE exams in July after sifting through MORE mountains of work! It's not fair! NOONE TOLD ME I COULDNT EVEN HAVE WEEKENDS AT A LEVEL. And I havent exercised in forever cos I've been too tired so I feel like a FAT LAZY BLOB. rrrrrr
I'm sorry, what was that about your problems again? I seem to have momentarily lost all thought of what this post was supposed to be about in the face of personal crisis.
And uhhhh…. I guess I'll have to get back to you on the whole "things you can do over the internets" thing. Because uh, nothing's comin' to mind. XD; COULD BE BECAUSE I WENT TO BED AT 1 A.M THEN WOKE UP AT 7ISH AND NOW IT'S BASICALLY 11, SO YEAH TIME FOR ME TO GO, WHY AM I TALKING IN CAPS, SEEYA!
Drowning in a swamp of work?! That sounds horrible! D: AND GET YOUR APP IN. YOU CAN DO IT ASH!
Oh god exercise. I just started trying to do one of those "200 situps within six weeks" thing and it's been two weeks and I still look flabby. I'm probably doing all of the situps wrong or something because I'm doing like 30 every other night now and my gut is still a shapeless blob. I'm probably more of a blob then you are! And like actually a blob! Like you probably aren't a blob BUT I AM A BLOB D: BLOOOOB
And hell if I know what my problems were. I forgot… it's Monday and I'm trying to spend my day happy by not giving a fuck. I mean most of the problems were resolved anyway… I'm gonna try to get her to play DDO and see if she likes it. And you think your night's bad? I was up until 3:30 last morning for absolutely no reason, and then I woke up at 6:30 D: It's a nightmare and I'm soooooo tired… I don't know why I stay up when sleep is so nice. :(
I'd have until like January if I wasnt applying to Oxford @_@
rah D=
OH NOES, NOT A BLOOB! That was the first word I noticed when I looked at your post. XD I was like "Bloob?"
Bleech, I'd better try and get on with some of this work =< My day yesterday wasnt nearly as productive as I had hoped.
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